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Everything posted by _Keerakh_

  1. in your signature, change the dragon code's number to the one below(4 to 3 ETC)

  2. ah yes, the taunts to the punctuationally incoherent

    P.S. What is ROFL?

    P.P.S I know! Its reconstituted potato, cooked and shaped into a grid shape! Oh, wait. That's waffles.

  3. personal photo? what personal photo? I haven't got a personal photo!

  4. hooray! hooray! the forums are back online again!!!!!

  5. your rating is now 4!

  6. are you a true krika fan?

  7. gordieKat, it could have gotten through, but shown you the irritating message.it happens, sometimes.

  8. he goes and picks fights.

  9. im serious, but I can do sarcastic if you like...

  10. yeah.in your avatar,what's the writing?

  11. I agree with your personal statement completely.It's not to late tostop it.come to my topic, and post there.thus, we can converse.

  12. oooeeeeeeeooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooeeeeeeeoooooo

  13. Who?Who will Return?Oh do tell

  14. welcome to BZpower.enjoy your stay:-D

  15. and who are you to comment?YOUR banned

  16. oh, i'm getting bored now

  17. if thou shalt inflict thine wrath upon me for inflicting my wrath against you, I shall be very angry indeed

  18. nno wonder hes got no friends

  19. scared, probably.

    VENGANCE WILL BE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I know mainly from habit.or rather, gregs habits.the killing faves in nasty ways habit.(not the "pick it and flick it" one)

  21. I know mainly from habit.or rather, gregs habits.the killing faves in nasty ways habit.(not the "pick it and flick it" one)

  22. jest not, lest thou suffer mine wrath

  23. you like Gresh. Thats a shame.Ive heard gresh's gonna get massacred for gregf's amusemant

  24. dont laugh.its REALLY irritating

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