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The Chilli God

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Blog Comments posted by The Chilli God

  1. List of Potential Responses:

    • Wait! Come back! You forgot your lucky rock!
    • Lief? Vat ees dis Lief you speek of?
    • Well, whoever she is, I'm sure you'll win her over eventually.
    • *DarthVaderVoice* NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
    • Excellent. Now that Phy is out of the way, stage 3 of my master plan can proceed.
    • *Glares angrily at Johnuva*
    • Great, now the response rate for TRAFOTT will be halved over the next month...
    • First CyberKN, and now Phy! Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
    • I'll miss you over the next month, Phy, but your life comes first. Get it sorted, and good luck.

    I think the last one is the best one.

  2. I can blog about that cool signature you just made. :)

    And then I'd really think that you're running out of things to blog about. XD


    How about, oh I dunno... A TO update? Or at least let everybody anticipating it know that you're procrastinating.

    Do what you did with the claw weapon piece thing a while back and thoroughly criticize another lego piece. Like the classic brick, maybe.

    Who would win in a battle to the death: [some toa] or [some badguy]?


    I could go on.

    (Well, not really. But you get the idea.)

  3. *Is pointed at* Aah!


    Mondays: Merciless. They're out to steal my life and drain me of all my enthusiasm for the week.

    Tuesdays: Reassuring. They like to say sorry to me for all the trouble Monday caused.

    Wednesdays: Unpredictable. Sometimes they strangle me, sometimes they hug me.

    Thursdays: Forgotten. These days are really eager to just get out of my way. Don't even look at them.

    Fridays: Rewarding. They take away my mornings, but they pay me back double in afternoons.

    Saturdays: Deceiving. Put your feet up and take a load off! Heh. Heh. Heh.

    Sundays: Punishing. These days whip you for all the nothing you did during Saturday.


    That's how my week feels. And I am so going to get whipped by Sunday tomorrow.

  4. ANZAC Day is basically our version of Memorial Day, remembering specifically the event in Gallipoli, Turkey, where over 11 thousand soldiers from Australia and New Zealand died (many more wounded) trying and failing to take over the peninsula during WW1 in what was pretty much a gigantic military screw-up.


    ANZAC biscuits are just one way of celebrating (Indeed, I haven't had some of those in years). Dawn services are also performed around Australia, NZ, Gallipoli itself, and even in London if I remember. And these dawn services are getting more popular each year.

    You got your Unity and your Duty all in one bundle there. Lets leave Destiny for tomorrow. =P

  5. Oh, blast. At least two others have already taken responsibility.

    But! The mystery deepens. For if you were reading (which, as indicated by the strikeout, you are clearly not), then it must be some sort of thing you can read! But, if you were mourning, and people only mourn for dead other people (and for recently-damaged valuable assets), it must have been a note telling you that a family member has died! And you already got what was in your part of the will, which came in the package. And the reason why it's wrapped in strange packaging is cuz the funeral service over there is a bunch of cheapskates!


    Am I right? =D

  6. Phy, trust me on this. Basing an estimated reaction to a 7-month-in-the-making project on a music video which I can only guess was hashed up in the space of at most several hours, is like judging the beauty of a flower by the size of a bud on a different tree.


    No offense, but I can very well imagine that more than a few people would rather not listen to someone else sing on a music video. Even if it is just a voiceover on top of Vezon and not you personally doing the whole Numa Numa thing (Mata Nui forbid!). It's very possible that they'd much rather watch their favorite titan sets duking it out in a glorious contest of strength and whatever other qualities olympics require, which is more likely a better use of their bandwidth.


    Besides, only half the satisfaction comes from the public reaction, if even that. The other half comes from the fun that you had while making it, and the relief felt after the final touch is made.


    I'll keep on poking you to knock the fellow off, even if you give up. I won't let you easily forget about it. :angry:

  7. A question! For the person who is, apparently, a master of the April Fool...

    Whether or not that's you or someone else. But it had better be you. Yes, you. Don't fool yourself. I know who you are. I'm pretty sure you know who you are, as well. Cuz if you don't know who you are, that'd be -- Wait, what?

    Oh, right, question.




    Should you ever reveal that, nah-ha, it was a prank all along? If so, when?

  8. *Can't resist*


    Well done, young one. You have taken the first step towards true enlightenment.

    ...And the second step as well.

    That would still leave an undetermined number of steps left. But two steps is pretty good, by any record.


    However. Slow steps are required. One must gradually accustom themselves to the sweet spiciness.



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