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Status Updates posted by .melancholiste

  1. Hellooooo! Have you been doing any doodlies lately? :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva



      I want to see it :(

      I really miss drawing (or not having to do it at 3:21am like now), and studying anatomy and all that stuff sounds cool :\

      Lonely? Why so? I thought there was more cooperation and group projects


      ...may I see some drawings? :D

    3. .melancholiste




      It's lonely because you only get to see the same people once a week. D:


    4. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva



      You meet other classmates only once a week? I thought there were different courses, and in each you could meet different people. Well, I think it would be better than my course anyway :\

      OH NOOEZ D:


  2. (inhuman screech)

    1. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      You do that too? high five bro!

    2. .melancholiste




      high fives

    3. Lemony Lepid
  3. Tabbing stuff. :D

    I'm getting better at finding out riffs and chords.

  4. Welcome to BZP!

    You like Exo-Force too~ :D

  5. x)

    I'm going to make Hikaru next! :DD

  6. Thank you very much. :D

    Keep in mind that i'm only human, and i still have many flaws. D:

  7. I don't know. I just got back from Québec and tomorrow, summer school starts. D:

    I was actually thinking of taking the CG Exo-Force video and turning it into something very silly.

  8. HIII! :'D

    you added me as a friend~ MY FIRST! (on BZpower)

    Thank you!

    I will add you too xD

  9. I love abstract! :D

    Especially pieces heavily painted on huge canvases with bold acrylic paint and all that interesting texture.

  10. Thank you! but i will never have the patience and talent to write an epic like yours.. D:

  11. Dude, you're good at drawing. :D

  12. HE BLINKS! And then he will wave! >:D

  13. I'm fine, and yes, I've heard of Asian Kung Fu Generation. :D

    I like their songs, but I don't follow them.

  14. XDD

    I'm so stupid. *donks head*

    It's spelled "sarcasm"

  15. ..I can't resist...


  16. ...And I have no idea who you are too. xD But oh well. :)

  17. Hehe, thank you. :DD

    I have more art up on Deviant Art (again, they're mostly Exo-Force)

  18. :D :DD


    You can draw manga? ME TOO!!

  19. o_o

    So you made it and forgot where it come from?

    and..THANK YOU!

  20. Hi! I see you've visited my page.

    I read your interests; I HAVE A WACOM TABLET TOO~ :D

    It's Bamboo Fun. xD

    Just curious, are you using photoshop? :D

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