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Status Updates posted by .melancholiste

  1. Yes~

    I got tired of my old one. It makes me sound so big-headed! ):

  2. D:::

    Didn't you at least take a picture before you painted over it? ):

    I started drawing people when I was 6 years old. I'm self-taught~, are you? :)

  3. *gaassppp*

    I really have to fix it soon, then. xD

  4. I'm just curious, when did you start drawing? xD

  5. Heehee, thank you. :)

    But I have to fix Hikaru's "wiggling eyebrows" D:

  6. Thanks~

    I love how you drew the bionicles in coats. xD

  7. OH NOES! I'm sorry!

    I posted on the wrong profile.

    Please ignore that previous post. ):

  8. Heehee, thank you. :)

    But I have to fix Hikaru's "wiggling eyebrows" D:

  9. (Super late reply D:)

    Hello~! :)

  10. Dude, you're good at drawing. :D

  11. It was a terrible idea. D':

  12. Aw, man. >_

    Yes, I have DA. Do you? :D

  13. *SCREAMS*



    Link me, please!

  14. D:!

    I never knew it stood for that.

  15. They don't. That's why they're all dead. DX

  16. All the other Exo-Force forums were dead. xD

  17. D:


    I haven't really caught up to Bionicle yet.

  18. I'm kinda busy to watch it though >_>

    Will have to finish it in summer. xD

  19. BFFTEIM.

    Best friends for...? xD

    I'm not good at these things.

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