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Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

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Status Updates posted by Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

  1. I haven't gotten profile comments in so long, I forget to check to approve them. :P Well, as I'm discontinuing AM for a while, it'll be quite some time. But, if you want, you can be my first GS in Prototyping!

  2. I like your name! I'm an ASOUE fan, too, and a Monk fan, for that matter. :P I also like your personal picture! :)

  3. I love the third paragraph in your signature. :P I did the same thing once.

  4. I love your avatar and signature. :D C&H is the best.

  5. I love your signature! Did you make it yourself? Take it from MNOLG, I mean.

  6. I never thought it was. I'll sure miss it. But all things must end sometime. Time to join a new RPG, I guess.

  7. I noticed that you, like me, have been hoping for the return of the WA. While that occurence is doubtful, you might be interested in a recent post over on Cherixon's blog. ;)

  8. I noticed that you, like me, have been hoping for the return of the WA. While that occurence is doubtful, you might be interested in a recent post over on Cherixon's blog. ;)

  9. I see I'm a day late, but happy belated birthday! =D Hope you had a good one.

  10. I see. Well, I hope you find time to write it, because I'd definately love to read it! :)

  11. I'm appalled. Your awesome drawing of Vieta, short story, and wonderful epic are devoid of replies! That's terrible! Humph. Well, I shall, but of course not solely for that reason, review your epic. :) Hopefully your SS, too, soon.

  12. I'm curious about what you dug up about LU, too. I'm a tester and I moderate my comments, so could you tell me there?

  13. I'm not sure where you got that info, but this is from the Pictures Topic:

    "Unless the avatar is one of the default ones, it must be within these limits: 64 x 64 for non-Staff"

    And it IS a default avatar. Thank you, though. (:

  14. I'm ready to write chapter 11, but I more info about you. :P Not much to work with now.

  15. Indeed, it's quite possible that cows are minions of the Flamingos. Our enemies sorround us! You must keep on your toes! ;D

  16. Is your avatar what I think it is--a cat from the Warriors manga?

  17. It sounds like you've written a lot more than I can see in the 'Topics' section of your profile. :P

  18. Life is short. Read long books.

    1. Underscore


      Especially if they're calvin and hobbes books.

  19. LOL .... that I will not deny.

  20. Love your avatar and sig. Calvin and Hobbes are the best! :D

  21. Love your signature. Calvin and Hobbes is the best!

  22. Nice signature, but it got caught by the filter. :P Maybe you should use a less offensive, unfiltered word.

  23. No worries, IO. There's no beating the classics. I, for one, will stick to the RR RPG, whether or not I join PM, too. :)

  24. O.O My topics. My posts. AWWW DURN. *headdesk* *headdesk*

  25. Of you're going to be technical, Tricky the Clown, it would be BIONICLE characters/sets/etc.

    And, Ohehlo, while your MOCs are beautiful, most of the images are way too big. In the BBC Forum, they should be 640x640 maximum.

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