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Status Updates posted by WriterofReapers

  1. Haven't been able to RP lately because I've been so busy... I really hate school, especially when it gets in the way of my past times. :(

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      I think everyone hates school.

    2. WriterofReapers


      I wish that was the case, but there will always be that one person in the class who actually enjoys it.

  2. Heading out for my first job this season. I'm making money by doing this, so why am I filled with this intense desire to NOT umpire?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WriterofReapers


      That's as good a reason as any. However, it's probably more a result of my incredibly laziness. :P


      But seriously, I'm really tired of having a job where I constantly have to worry about a ball and its location relative to either my skull or crotch. It's tough to guard both at the same time whilst still looking professional.

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Yeah, laziness does often do that to people...


      I've had bad experiences with baseball myself... And both of those you listed are incredibly unpleasant.

    4. WriterofReapers
  3. Hello and welcome to BZPower!

  4. Hey there! Welcome to BZPower!

  5. Hey, it was a great description. I've actually been trying to find something Salamander-related for my sig, and that was too perfect to pass up. :)

  6. Hey, remember Reapers? Of course you do! I never stop talking about it, after all. Anyway, it can be read here: http://ckmcaspiringauthor.deviantart.com/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WriterofReapers


      I don't believe you.

    3. Let's Henshin!

      Let's Henshin!

      Uh huh, I guess you're never got my message about Filler Chapters and other pieces of critique. Ah well, wonder how good the novel is then.

    4. WriterofReapers
  7. Hey, Salamander is back in action... Or at least, he isn't still sleeping. I'm waiting for a reply from you before I leave Po-Koro, since I figured Venator would want to keep an eye on him. Still, if you don't want to... :P

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Oh yeah, sorry... I've not been on BZpower all that much lately, been horribly sick.

    2. WriterofReapers


      Don't worry, it's fine. I had no idea you were sick, so now I feel a bit bad about bugging you about it... :P

  8. Hmm... About halfway done with Chapter Seven of Reapers. Kinda stuck with my short story contest, however. :(

  9. I always find it funny when websites are showcasing Cussoo projects and have to explain what it is. They constantly seem to say the exact same things...

  10. I am now Despair! Is that a good thing? No idea.

    1. 25K Now!

      25K Now!

      I think that should be a good thing.

  11. I finally found the song that works as Salamander's theme. It's called Endless Despair (it's from from BlazBlue). :D

  12. I have written over 21,000 words while RPing as Salamander during the latest reboot. I figured it would be a lot, but that number still took me by surprise.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Yeah... I decided not to try it.


      Going to post now.

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Posted once again. And I must say, I'm rather proud of this newest one.

    4. WriterofReapers


      Better than my latest one. Although I do like his answer...

  13. I just remembered that I have almost $20 worth of store credit for Toys R Us. Guess I know where I'm going next time I get an email saying there's a BOGO. :D

  14. I keep seeing EW's rank image and thinking "that would be cool to build". I just remembered that I happen to own both components to Takutanuva. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find a pool of EP.

  15. I know this is probably a goofy question, but what program did you use to make your sig? It looks really nice!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sumiki


      Yeah, goofy for me too, but a good kind of goofy.


      The images in my signature were created with a Paint program for Mac called Paintbrush, using some downloaded fonts. I know that the font for Between Two Eternities is called "Bleeding Cowboys", but I can't recall the one used in the contest banner. If you want it, I can find it again ...

    3. WriterofReapers


      Ah, that's alright. If they are just fonts (although saying that doesn't do them justice; they are VERY cool fonts), I should be able to do the same thing. I was really just worried you had made the text yourself by painting it, in which case it would have been nearly impossible for me.

    4. Sumiki


      Oh, no. I'm not that graphically talented. :P

  16. I need to finish all of my homework in a half hour, so naturally I'm busy writing Reapers.

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Sounds like a reasonable trade-off to me. XD

  17. I posted in the Ga-Wahi topic again. You might find it rather amusing. :P

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Ok, I'll get there as soon as I can.

  18. I said it in-game, but I just wanted to remind you.




  19. I seriously can't wait until I no longer have to spend time every week doing Spanish homework... So close!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. The Dark Chronicler
    3. WriterofReapers




      Sorry, that was a post number. I think. Page 228. :P

    4. The Dark Chronicler
  20. I think I might take a break (that is, an "official" one) from the BZPRPG for a while...

  21. I was working on my Short Story entry when I wrote the main character's name (no, I'm not telling who it really is) as Salamander by mistake. Must be force of habit.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      And I have trouble with ever writing anything that I myself is actually any good. All of my writing turns out terribly, and I'm the only person who thinks so.

    3. WriterofReapers


      Nothing wrong with that; it just means you don't have natural ego problems.


      If you are writing for other people and they think it's good, even if you disagree, just accept their opinion and move on to the next chapter.


      If you are writing for yourself... I dunno. I don't, so I can't provide any advice for this one. :P

    4. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Oh, I have Natural Ego problems, just not about my writing. About my knowledge of useless information that is superior to everyone else's. XD


      Which is what I struggle the most with. My mind tell me that if I don't like it, no one else will like it, which is really problematic when writing comedies most of all, because I keep thinking every single joke stinks.


      I don't really write for myself, it's just that myself doesn't like the writing.

  22. I'm a Fluidic Master Nuva! :D

  23. I'm considering a name change, so consider this both a warning and a request for suggestions. :P

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Yeah, I thought of Death too, but wasn't too fond of it. It is indeed... I had thought about going with Darkheart, which sounded awesome until I found out it was a Carebear villain... yeah...


      I actually wanted to learn Spanish, but it's learning it is a challenge and a half.

    3. WriterofReapers


      That would have been very awkward... However, the staff would have loved you for it (probably). :P


      It isn't so much the learning Spanish itself that I have a problem with, just that I'm never going to use it. Japanese, on the other hand, would get a lot of use.

    4. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Indeed it would have... indeed it would have. XD


      Yeah, I'll probably never need to know another language, ever... but, I'd still like to learn one... not exactly easy at all.

  24. I'm hoping your new name is merely an attempt to embarass B6 next time you are on the podcast. :P

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