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Status Updates posted by WriterofReapers

  1. What do you know... I was right. :P

  2. When are you going to submit your RPG entry?

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      As soon as the last small details are finished up. All I need are the staff profiles from Te3e, Onarax, and yourself (Optional... I don't really need them, but anyone who finishes before I enter will have it put into the entry as an example) And just waiting for Onarax to finish the Freerunner base information.

    2. Let's Henshin!

      Let's Henshin!

      Sorry, I'll hurry up.

  3. Whoah. I share a birthday with J.R.R. Tolkien. Mind=Blown.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. WriterofReapers


      Nah, that's fine. I haven't voted in any of the other categories for the same reason. The only other entry I've read besides your own is An Aftermath.

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      I've read mine and yours... none of the others. XD

    4. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      I've read mine and yours... none of the others. XD

  4. WOOHOO! I'm a-battling Makuta!

    Runs away from legions of "Woohoo!" haters...

  5. Wow, I had a lot of Friend Requests backed up. Somehow I never noticed them before now... >_

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      I've recently realized the same thing.XD

  6. Wow, you sure were busy editing the "BZPower Kills Bionicle" topic. Seems like every other post was edited by you. :)

  7. Wow... I feel absolutely miserable. I really hate being sick, and my allergies aren't helping at all. :/

  8. Wow... Over the course of two months, the eleven Koi Fish in our pond has been reduced to a measly two. :l

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WriterofReapers


      Yeah, that's putting it mildly. We lost eight in December (starting on the 24th, of all days), and another one this morning.

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      That's terrible, do you know what's killing them? Weather, age, something in the water?

    4. WriterofReapers


      Well, they're Koi, so it definitely isn't age. :P


      For the eight who died in December, we believe it was a virus. This time, the fish that died somehow ended up in the filter. Last week, the same fish jumped out of the pond. For that one, I'd just blame it on suicidal tendencies. :P

  9. Yay, another Californian who dislikes hot weather! Also, I'm super jealous of you taking Latin; I'm stuck with Spanish, which I don't find anwhere near as intersting as Latin.

    1. Velox


      Heh, yeah overall I'm glad I took Latin. Still, a part of me wishes I would have taken Spanish just because it's more practical for use as Latin is a dead language. Though of course French or Russian would've been my first choice, but my school only offers Latin/Spanish. Oh well.

  10. Yay! I'm almost done with my short story entry! Just two more scenes before I can wrap it up and return to canon! :D

    1. WriterofReapers


      My only regret is how little fighting there is is it. Oh well, I was aiming for more of an emotional feel anyway. :P


      Oh, and I owe it all to the Super Mario Galaxy 2 OST. My ears being filled with incredible music really helps me write. :D

    2. Palm


      Music stimulates your brain so that would be why. Orchestral is proven to work the best.

    3. WriterofReapers


      Yeah, but it isn't like I don't listen to stuff like this most of the time anyway. What really surprised me was how nearly the minute I switched to Mario Galaxy, my brain seemed to be fired up.


      It's GOT to be Mario. His name is magic! Magic I say!

  11. Yes! I resisted the tempation to vote for myself. Despair - Living with integrity, even if it is sometimes accidental, since 1996.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Yeah, he's probably just rather busy... or like me, lazy when it comes to reviewing things. XD

    3. WriterofReapers


      That's... not a good reason. XD

    4. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Yeah... but it's a pretty common one. XD

  12. You're back to McSmeag! Yay!

    Not that there was anything wrong about all the other names...

    But McSmeag is especially awesome.

  13. You're the best Barbie of them all!


    Is that supposed to be a compliment? :P

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