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Ambiguous Trek

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Status Updates posted by Ambiguous Trek

  1. YUS

    *starts on bokumoc*

  2. Pweeeeeeeeeeeeaase~

  3. Yeah cool

    Now will you make me a full collection of Rozen Kittehs? I'll MoC Boku for you

  4. I dunno lol

    Hey Aho you are an pretteh kewl guy

    I wanna be ur friend *adds* YAY

  5. I knooooowww..... ;_;

    But I also watch bits 'n pieces of Code Geass, Naruto, and Bleach.

    Maybe some weekend I'll just have a RM marathon :D

  6. Rozen Maiden is AWRSUM.

    But I've only seen bits 'n pieces.

  7. Kraaaaaaaayyyzziikk

    Pooooosssstt in the Citadeeeeellllll

  8. WAIT....

    I april fool'd an april fool's prank?


  9. Happy birthday!

    I made you a topic :)

  10. Aww... Poor Gato You're out of PMship

  11. Yay! You're back! WOOO

  12. Grokky has a girlfriend! Grokky has a girlfriend!

    *checks for incoming zamor spheres*

  13. DESU






    [/best meme evah]

  14. Oui. Comment ça va?

  15. Why aren't I on your friends list? Huh? I sent you a request....

  16. i am awesome

    i am awesome

    i am awesome

    i found ur hidden sig lolz

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