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Everything posted by Nav3taX

  1. Nav3taX


    your very welcome friend!this way I dont have to buy you anything!
  2. Nav3taX


    *gets Brony Syrum*what theres nothing to be confused about, just put your head back and.... rest.....^.^new comic up soon
  3. Nav3taX


    I know the eyes in the SET are yellow, but I was going more for movie form XPand thanks for all the +'sI tihnk Tahu's nexty.and its all good Shadow
  4. Nav3taX


    We will!and your next to become a brony.its on my list :3I hope you've been enjoying the comics so far
  5. Nav3taX


    yeah, thats a given XPwell try thisgali Nuva
  6. Nav3taX


    Well, me and Dragon have resolved things..just have this for the mean time -HAPPY BIRTHDAY VATAKI!
  7. Nav3taX


    - was just about to say they would be the Nuva symbols xD
  8. Nav3taX


    Im a best man![link]IT GETS BETTERERERERERER
  9. "I know astartes have 2 hearts, but you know what I mean"- Euphrati Keeler The Saint.

  10. Nav3taX


    thankyou for not killing me.Yeah, I would of done white. but. the white hurted my eyes *my screen has a ###### load of Gamma* so I chose something alittle Duller.I would of polished the armour, But I had to finish and goto bed. ;-;I used Photoshop and my Tablet Thankyou for the compliment - and please. keep anti-anti brony comments to a personal flame war between you and shadowreaper through PM's. Thanks ZIkoI shall post the next one soon
  11. Nav3taX


    FINALLY SOMEONE POSTSGEEZI thought you guys where dead, I posted 3 comics with no comment what so ever! >: (and yes. Im in Year 9 now.DUN DUN DUHHHand I just got a hair cut.I dont like short hair. it looks agressive to me.I like my curly afro. ;-;
  12. Nav3taX


    well here we go. whish me luck...SCHOOL
  13. Nav3taX


    So far.. I've done...KOPAKA NUVA AS A PONYToa GaliToa TahuToa LewaToa PohatuToa OnuaToa Ponies -Rainbow DashMLP - Lauren FaustBionicle - LegoArt - meee me me mee mee mee mmee ( haha Stargate reference [silly urgo] )
  14. Nav3taX


    There comes a day in every mans life, when he must ;-;Go back to school.[link]and some concept art for the other project -[link]
  15. Nav3taX


    we must go the admins have our scent.well they must love the smell of good comic makers.No new comic for a while ey?
  16. Nav3taX


    Desktop Ponies? And the attention you are gaining is not bad. I think your color scheme is original and vibrant. We are not trying to hurt your feelings. We're sorry. Aren't we, JiMing?Ya'll better be or ima get out my cane and beat ya's*im sorry this is what most veteran comic makers sound like to me*
  17. Nav3taX


    yeah it was beast XDI use pony sprites from Desktop Ponies cause im lazy X3and What you mean bad attention young'n?
  18. Actuly my parents migrated here from Sri Lanka around 30 or so years ago XPIm Sinhalese - European - my Dads well, in Sri Lanka they're called Burgers which are Europeans who live in Sri Lanka.So theres a little french in my apparently XP
  19. Nav3taX


    new comic?you guys might wanna see the DA description for it if you have the time - your gonna have to find it yourself though - for obvious reasons XP[linky]and after tommorrows comic, i'll be taking alittle break to get into and do a project for something me and Auto are working on, the comics will probibly be just prolonged by a day. or so. Or not at all.. depnding on how I get this done :PI'll post little teasers and updates in this topic - its gonna be great.
  20. Nav3taX


    What do you mean about owing Proxy? Something about Applebloom? And don't complain to me about Navin's colors. Why don't you guys like my colours? :PI love my colours >_> it screams for attention. PXand further more!you better listen to me or I'll clip you young'ns around the ears I will.I liked that comic - alot- probibly the best debut I have had - mainly because of "please take him" lolI cracked up there PXand I hope your computer doesent die on you !
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