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Everything posted by Nav3taX

  1. Nav3taX


    Yeah I just wanted show the offPHOTOSHOP >: Danyway.Bjoacx has made a comic!I'll link it here.
  2. I do hope it does speed up soon, but I love the pannels! detail!
  3. Nav3taX


    I have feelings.right now im swoon witha girl who lives 3 hours away from me.thats not cool though man.>_>well. nice comic anyway XD
  4. I need authors for my comic series! who's interested?!

  5. the last book i finished was...Flight of the Eisensteinby... I think it was ... gah I can't remember.well it was Horus Heresy. lol
  6. Nav3taX


    Cause Subtleties one of my traits lol.as my sprite so humbly refers.oh yeah new header! much more 'subtle'
  7. I wanna start watchind Dr. Who. where does one begin if i'm deffinetly not going from the start or watching it on tv ( I havent watched TV in 3 years)

  8. Nav3taX


    He's a brony in denial get it right lolHaha, I lol'd so hard. I almost lol'd my butt off, but I already swam it off at the swimming carnival today.I PROMISEI will get the last Proposal comic up SOONI PROMISEand then I'll work on doing Speech bubbles like Bio, cause I know how, I just CBB lol
  9. Nav3taX


  10. Nav3taX


    AND THEN SUDDENLYRAINBOW DASH[link]Man, im procrastinating on that last Proposal comic. lol
  11. Nav3taX


    I hate harry potter, I'll have a new comic up soon broski's and ... female broski's
  12. Nav3taX


    okay I shall, once i make the next comic, cause Valentines is busy for me sort of - i mean being the son of a florist and all. XD
  13. The girl I asked to be my valentine said yes. im so tingly right now :D

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. JiMing


      Good news! The pancake cushioned the impact, and I survived!


      Now I'm going to jump into a shark pool with a fork as my only defense.

    3. Nav3taX



    4. Dr. Giggles PhD
  14. The girl I asked to be my valentine said yes. im so tingly right now :D

  15. Nav3taX


    never heard of that song. I may just look it up.NOPE CHUCK TESTAMy dubstep says otherwise WUBWUBWUBWUBWUB.That was.. okay?I mean, the dude got smudgeld at the end- and I think the Hau and Hau Nuva are poor and too-common choices for Comic Maker and Comic character masks, but I can't help that, its been a large mask in the series and thats the reason people choose it, because it looks cool ( my hipsters coming out now, stab it if you want, its made of styrofoam [because normal foam is too mainstream] seriously)but all in all, - you don't see a well pull'ed off musical number in a visual form of media! well done! it was far more superior to my try during Randomonation - although - in my try I had instraments, you might wanna try that too XP
  16. Nav3taX


    yes they are offscreen. cause I wana keep the anticipation going, ill release another comic this weekend, I need some time to work on this one.and Didonchu - sorry, im trying to use more characters XP
  17. Nav3taX


    Bioniefight 4?Bro. I must say, I'm losing intrest a tad.. you may wanna keep inside jokes to a minumum, and things that some people wouldent get, if your gonna refence something, reference something that alot of people have seen! Like starwars or the Matrix, you know something popular, I didn't really get the last one because I've never played/seen/heardof Bionifight 4.But I did like the "maybe I can liven things up" in the last pannel.although again - I must stress. my short attention span when it comes to comics and how much I love - short-sweet-andtothepoint comics!but improving! :Dat least there is no random japanese spekin peeples who make no senses to me
  18. Nav3taX


    [linky]Im procrastinating now - school.
  19. Nav3taX


    darn.you got me there..Or do you?DUN DUN DUHHnew comic up soon!
  20. Nav3taX


    I did have a pannel liek that, but it looked really messy.
  21. Nav3taX


    I think they're lights. Like, the kind of wall lights that you see in the theator. I think. Knowing Nav, they might be chocolate rain despensers.*slaps Dragon*YOU FOOL! THATS AN IMPORTANT PLOT DEVICE!And they're lights bro haven't you seen lights like these before? Only mine are alittle differerererrerrereerererererererererererererent.And you pegasususususususususususususususususuususus are making it snow like CRAZY!
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