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Status Updates posted by ~Leskows~

  1. ...Wow. I'm Vahi786's favorite BZP member!

  2. Awesome myself.

  3. best profile pic ever. JIMMY PAGE!

  4. but chili peppers are yum D:

  5. Dude, you're a Green Day fan?! I LOVE THEIR MUSIC!

  6. gonna start a multiple author comic series! see my sig for more info!

  7. hey cool, i got my vahi while i was gone.

  8. Hey, didn't I make that spinnie in your avatar?

  9. hey, howz it goez?

  10. Hey, you finally found out about that leak I caused!

  11. Hi five to Makuta Gorast!

  12. Hi! It's me leskows, you know, the guy from BS01?

  13. Holy, i've been gone a while. i just kind of forgot about this website.

  14. How long does it usually take for a moderator to approve a post?

  15. How many posts do you have to make to get to rank 2?

  16. I completely forgot about bzpower because of a huge pokemon phase. but now im back!

  17. I decided to skip thart last author. I forgot who the last author was, shoot.

  18. I just noticed something, you are in the same tie zone as me!

  19. I need your chimoru omega spritesheet, becuase i'm changing my kit back to that.

  20. I'm thinking of starting another MAS, and i don't plan on it failing like Searching did.

  21. I'ts Toa leskows from BS01! Want to be friend?

  22. I've been feeling lot's of nostalgia lately :(

  23. is the "neelh of suburbia" line in your sig from Jesus of Suburia by green day?

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