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Status Updates posted by ~Leskows~

  1. love the 21 guns quote in sig

  2. Hey, you finally found out about that leak I caused!

  3. Dude, you're a Green Day fan?! I LOVE THEIR MUSIC!

  4. you want me to be jealous of you getting banned? :P

  5. OoH, VaHi, YOu LiKe MuSiC? Me MaKe MuSIc ToO!

  6. ...Wow. I'm Vahi786's favorite BZP member!

  7. Hey, didn't I make that spinnie in your avatar?


  9. Savage has started!

  10. I decided to skip thart last author. I forgot who the last author was, shoot.

  11. Savage will start as soon as I get the first comic done! NO MORE CO-AUTHORS!

  12. Savage, a multi-author series by me! I'll start as soon as I have six other authors!

  13. When will my GS comic be up?

  14. Kanin, you need that saga comic for my comics done in two days.

  15. The official date for work on the movie to start is:


  16. Once the Xenan-nui saga is finished, the REAL movie will be started!

  17. No devastator avatar anymore.

  18. I just noticed something, you are in the same tie zone as me!

  19. I need your chimoru omega spritesheet, becuase i'm changing my kit back to that.

  20. What is that avatar of?

  21. Hi! It's me leskows, you know, the guy from BS01?

  22. Hi five to Makuta Gorast!

  23. How many posts do you have to make to get to rank 2?

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