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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    Well, my first set of acts as Forum Leader of Sets was to pretty much burn the place down and rebuild from the ashes. Check out the new rules and new Official Topics and familiarize yourself with them.
    Or else.
    Is it just me or is sharing clothes about the grossest thing ever?
    I don't share my clothes with anyone. Rule of thumb: if it touches me, ain't no way I'm letting it touch you. This goes for shoes, socks, pants, shirts, underpants, jackets, coats, hats, bathing suits, earbuds, and anything else you can consider clothes.
    I'll often hear on TV or in person about girls borrowing things from one another. I just don't think I could bring myself to do that with someone else, male or female. It's not that I'm selfish or anything, I just really don't like people touching my stuff. Like, I'll share money or food just fine, just not something I intend to get back.
    Don't even get me started about people using my laptop.
    Why do shooting games always need to be so graphic? Why can't they make a shooting game where your enemies don't explode into a massive sea of blood, body parts flying haphazardly as they cry in sheer anguish for death's sweet embrace?
    I like killing imaginary video game characters as much as the next guy, but why do games have to try to inflict war veteran post-traumatic stress disorder upon me? I'm into things being realistic and all, but what happened to playing games for fun?
    Simple enough entry. Should I re-post my old content?
    Is that the done thing? Is this hip and with it? Is that what all the kids are doing?
    Obviously, I've got a few things that a probably best left in the mists of Internet obscurity, but I've got a fair bit of content that I'm still pretty proud of. Tell you what, if people request it, I'll re-post it.
    Incidentally, if anyone happens to have an archived copy of chapters 14 onwards of the spoof I did of The Legend Reborn, I would be eternally grateful if you could send that my way.
    tl;dr What old content (if any) should I re-post and does anyone have a copy of The Awesomest TLR Spoof?
    ... mais encore si loin...
    Well, a few weeks ago, I asked LEGO to send me the March-April issue of LEGO Magazine and today I got a large caramel envelope from Enfield, Connecticut. I opened it up and inside were the LEGO catalogue and the missing issue of LEGO Magazine. So I quickly skipped to the middle to get to the comic, only to find that I had not quite gotten what I had asked for. At the top of the front page were the words, "BIONICLE LA BATAILLE POUR LE POUVOIR".
    :annoyed2: LEGO had sent me the French version! Now, I can read French alright, but come on!
    It was kind of interesting, though, to learn the French terminology for certain BIONICLE things as well as strange translations that were made.

    The Brotherhood of Makuta is "La Confrèrie de Makuta". The Great Spirit is "Le Grand Esprit" (which is odd, since the French version of Legends of Metru Nui says "L'Esprit Divin"). The word they use for "rider" (in reference to the corrupted Matoran) translates to "jockey". Shadow Leach is "sangsue de l'ombre" (bloodsucker of shadow) A Tridax Pod is "une nacelle Tridax" A lightvine is "une vigne lumineuse". Chirox calls Vamprah his boyfriend. Skyboard is "planeur céleste". Understandably, because it's in French, some of the snappy dialogue doesn't really translate. Oddly enough, there's no Treespeak in French, who knew? However, Lewa still says "Héros Toa" without the hyphen, so I guess it was just a lack of understanding on the part of the translator, Jocelyne Vrzovski. 
    So maybe I'll ask for an English version of the magazine if I have time, but clearly someone over in Enfield needs to brush up on their Canadian geography.
    Did you ever hear the tragedy of King Sidorak the Wise?
    I thought not. It's not a story the Toa would tell you. It's a Brotherhood legend. Sidorak was a King of the Visorak Horde, so powerful and so wise he could use his Herding Blade to influence the Visorak to steal life... He had such a knowledge of the Visorak that he could even keep the ones he cared about from Keetongu...
    The Brotherhood of Makuta is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural...
    He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his queen everything he knew, then his queen killed him with Keetongu. Ironic, he could save others from Keetongu, but not himself.
    Just for kicks the other day, I decided to check out the Spanish and French audio on my TLR DVD just to hear how the characters sounded and to see how well I could follow (since I also speak French and Spanish). To give myself a hand, I turned on the subtitles only to find that some genius had decided to translate the subtitles and the actual audio separately! So while the same message comes across, the wording between the subtitles and the non-English dialogue is different!
    Now, before we start bashing LEGO and the people they work with, this is not the first time I've seen this on a DVD. In several DVDs I've rented/purchased/seen in school, if you put on non-English subtitles and audio, they don't always match up.
    I really have to wonder the logic behind this. They pay a guy to translate the script into French and Spanish so that they can hire new voice actors to dub the movie. Then they pay another guy to translate what the subtitles say rather than transcribe what the first guy actually wrote. Call me crazy, but this sounds like a ridiculous waste of time and money. I mean, how hard is it to put stuff into a movie THAT YOU'VE ALREADY WRITTEN?! Like is there some point down the line where they realize "oh wait, we totally already got a guy to translate the script." "Well, should we just fire the guy translating the subtitles?" "Nah, he's almost done anyway."
    I encourage any of you who own DVDs with this option to go check them out and see if things don't line up just right. It may sadden you to discover how prevalent this actually is...
    Lay is to lie as raise is to rise.
    You can lie down or rise up.
    You can lay a book down or you can raise a book up.
    So it is incorrect so say something like, "I'm going to lay down for a bit." That's like saying, "I'm going to raise out of bed in the morning."
    But wait, using "lay" when you mean "lie" helps to remove any ambiguity between reclining and recounting falsehoods. In any case, the meaning is still understood! Besides, certain conjugations of the verb "to lie" can use the word "lay". Wouldn't it be more efficient to condense them into a single verb?
    Aha, yes, but we all know the true purpose of grammar is rarely to dispel ambiguity or promote efficiency, rather it is a useful marker of social class... You filthy peasant.
    Six years prior, early on a Sunday morning, the young boy that would soon be known as SPIRIT logged onto his computer. He had visited the BIONICLE fansite known as BZPower a few times to look for BIONICLE-related news and he decided that it was high time that he joined himself. With that, he clicked the button marked "Become a Member" and tried registering for an account name that he thought he would like to have: SPIRIT. Having not seen any other SPIRITs on the forums, it came as little surprise when it worked. And with that, a new age was born...
    In the year 2043 A.D., under the new world order, SPIRIT arose to become Supreme Overlord of the World and June 1st became a national holiday, celebrating not only the anniversary of his membership on BZPower, but also the day that his ground forces destroyed the last settlement of the free world. Citizens wear images of blue Faxons on their sleeves to remember that on that day in the year 2009, SPIRIT was denied his Faxon due to a server glitch.
    Yeah, that was an excerpt from a history text book I got from the future.
  10. SPIRIT
    So I'm playing LEGO: Lord of the Rings (because there was a Steam sale a while back and because I am the Lord of Procrastination), when I notice something strange.
    I turned on the Red Brick for Boss Disguises (which adds silly things to the bosses in the games), and then I fought Sauron.
    Gameplay shot.
    He's totally Kulta the Skull Grinder! See? Not only do they have golden masks with long spikes coming out the top, but they both carry giant black and orange maces! And this isn't a new game, it came out in 2012. That was 3 years ago (incidentally, today is its third anniversary, Wikipedia tells me). That was during the heyday of Hero Factory.
    Do you realize what this means?!
    LEGO plagiarized... itself!
    I'll call the cops.
  11. SPIRIT
    They stole it from us... sneaky little Hobbitses! Wicked, tricksy, false!
    As you may or may not remember, I posted a joke in my blog for the heck of it, right after checking on Google that it hadn't already been made and that there were no variations on it.
    So I'm in the hospital with my broken leg, when my parents bring me the July 2009 issue of the Canadian Reader's Digest. What do I find on page 25, but a joke submitted by one Phillip Tilley:
    How come Sherlock Holmes never paid any income tax? Brilliant deductions.
    So either Phillip and I have a psychic connection or there is a thief in our midst!
  12. SPIRIT
    Huzzah! Once again, living in Canada has shown one of its many benefits. We get free education, clean drinking water, low crime rate, free health care (which we shall always boast about to the U.S.), and big fat snowstorms that end up closing schools. Because of that last one, I'm free to do whatever I want for the rest of the day! This is easily one of the best Valentine's Days yet.
  13. SPIRIT
    Officially, it's not a REAL snowday, but this is the second day in a row that the school buses have been canceled and since I barely did anything yesterday (and am almost certain that I'd accomplish even less today) my parents have decided to let me stay home today. Thank you adverse weather conditions!
  14. SPIRIT
    A PS3.
    I also got LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga and Prince Caspian for it, but I'm hoping to get more games in the coming weeks, preferably ones that actually have Trophies enabled so that I can feel as though I've accomplished something while not actually having done anything at all. Any suggestions?
  15. SPIRIT
    The Jazziest JtO Spoof
    Yep, I said to myself. "SPIRIT, m'boy, it's high time you write this thing. Bionicle may be dead, but the people need you one last time!"
    Then I got very busy in real life.
    Then I caught a cold.
    So uh... chapter 2 is half done and will be released... soon... ish... *blows nose and downs more cold medication*
    Here's an excerpt:
    (Flashback to 2014...)
    President Lego: So that's the plan. We're bringing back Bionicle next year. Are you in?
    Pohatu: I am so totally in! What would Bionicle be without the bestselling Toa of all time?
    President Lego: Bestselling Toa? Oh wow, you're actually serious. Yikes.
    President Lego: Look, just drop off your bio on Merlin's desk and wait for us to send you the script.
    Pohatu: Aw man, I've gotta spice up my bio. Now what's cool, tough, and exciting? Hmm... I've got it. Australian Batman. I am a genius. No one will be upset by this at all.
  16. SPIRIT
    Third day on the job and after suffering several hardships at the hands of the other staff (like the loss of my Flash banner ), I finally have forums to call my own: Storyline & Theories and Short Stories. I didn't really mind too much about the SS position- I mean it's nice and all, but I'm ecstatic about S&T. Ever since I joined the site I had dreamed about one day working there. Finally getting a job there, although angering just about everyone who works on BS01, is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me on BZPower.

    Although, I can't quite use my powers yet because Black Six has yet to tell me how they work.

    EDIT: I'm fully certified!
  17. SPIRIT
    Got bored. Got an idea. Wrote a story.
    It's supposed to fit within what's already been established for BZ-Nui. I dunno... I have mixed feelings about it since I don't think it's my best work. Check it out if you want, so that maybe you can get an idea of how to write a much better one yourself.
  18. SPIRIT
    Alright, here are some parts of songs floating about my brain that should be made into real songs.
    1) This one is for when you're waiting at the airport for your flight, which never seems to come.
    Can we pretend that shooting stars
    In the night sky
    Are like aeroplanes?
    'Cause I could really use a flight right now (flight right now, flight right now)
    2) Here's the start of the opening musical number to BIONICLE: The Musical.
    [The scene opens just before the start of Quest for the Toa with Takua wandering through Ta-Koro just as the village comes alive in the morning.]
    Little town it's a quiet village.
    Everyday feels like it's so slow.
    Little town full of little people, waking up to say...
    There goes the farmer with his cart like always.
    The same lava that looks like goo-a.
    Every morning just the same since the morning that we came,
    To this small volcanic town.
    Hey Takua!
    Hello there.
    Where you off to?
    The wall of history...
    I just finished the most wonderful story,
    About a Rahi and a Toa and an...
    That's nice. Agni! The get the carts! Hurry up!
    Group of Ta-Matoran:
    Look there he goes that guy is strange no question.
    He's even weirder than Krakua
    Never part of any crowd.
    Cuz his heads up on some cloud.
    No denying he's a funny guy, that Takua.
    3. A Christmas carol (which has definitely been done a million times, but unlike previous iterations, my numbers and rhymes actually make sense ).
    On my twelfth naming day, my Turaga gave to me..
    Twelve kinds of Bohrok
    Eleven Toa Mangai
    Ten First year Rahi
    Nine kinds of Vahki
    Eight types of Krana
    Seven Agori tribes
    Six Great Kanoka
    Five Toa Mahri
    Four movies
    Three Virtues
    Two Bahrag Queens
    And a Great Spirit called Mata Nui
    4. And if Ron Weasley had any class or tact, here's a song he'd probably write about his wife.
    First time we met
    You told me you were Hermione Granger
    You could be good for me
    I've had the taste for danger
    You were smart, but I'd run away
    I was a kid, that's what they say
    Heaven forbid
    I'll take my chance on you, Hermione Granger
    Da-da-da-dum da-dum da-dum da da da-da dum
    Hermione Granger
    Da-da-da-dum da-dum da-dum da da da-da dum
    Hermione Granger
  19. SPIRIT
    Well, $140 later and my laptop works again. The guy said my laptop is unusably slow and I should get it replaced, but as far as I can tell it's back to normal.
    Anyway, my Pokémon...
    The day was April 8th, 2003. A young boy awoke excitedly on his birthday. On this very day, 3 years prior, he had received his first GameBoy and Pokémon game (Yellow) -- he had gotten his first Pokémon, a Pikachu on his tenth birthday. Truly this was the stuff legends are made of.
    But that was in the past. Pokémon Yellow was so last decade. Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire had just been released, along with the GameBoy Advance SP. It was a day for the history books when young SPIRIT popped his translucent red game cartridge into his new GBA SP and saw that opening cinematic before school that day. SPIRIT also received his starter that day, a Torchic, that would later become a Combusken and then a Blaziken.
    That Blaziken assisted SPIRIT faithfully through the Elite Four countless times, just managing to clench victory in the face of defeat. She rose to level 100 and followed SPIRIT for many years to come. She was transferred to Diamond Version, then Black Version, Black 2 Version, Y Version, and finally OmegaRuby. While the Pokemon in SPIRIT's pre-Gen III cartridges died as the batteries expired, Blaziken lived on.
    But everything changed when the computer glitch attacked...
    SPIRIT tried to transfer his OmegaRuby save (for he only had the digital version), to a bigger SD card, but the transfer failed. Now Blaziken, along with every main story team and competitive team SPIRIT had bred in the last 13 years had become trapped in cyberspace.
    If anyone knows how to restore corrupted 3DS save files, I will literally do anything for you.
    My babies are gone... There are children who can walk and talk that have not lived as long as some of the Pokémon I lost. I am in mourning.
    A song:
    Goodbye Blaziken
    Though I caught you in ball
    You used the move Sky Uppercut
    While those around you crawled
    They crawled out into battle
    And they tried to cause you pain
    With Psychic, Flying, Ground, and Water
    Though steadfast you remain
    In memory of Blaziken (April 8 2003 - July 17 2016)
    " -Blaziken 
    Okay, forget all that nonsense. I am a gosh darned genius. I took my corrupted file, put it on my computer, then I took a blank SD card, downloaded Omega Ruby again, then I pasted it onto the corrupted file, and it works! It works! My Pokémon are safe and sound!!
    BLAZIKEN IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. SPIRIT
    Now before I begin, I should state that I am not trained as a psychologist. However I have taken like 3.5 courses in psychology, and I am an incredibly judgmental person, so I think that's just as good.
    The science behind this super accurate and totally legitimate personality test is that I judge people based on their favourite colour. So think of what your favourite colour is and look at the list below to see what your results are!



    Blue: You weak and watery milquetoast of a sheep! Your favourite colour is blue? Like the most popular favourite colour in the world? Yawn! Boring! How's that 9-5 accounting job going for you? Did you just assume that yawning is a sign of people listening to you? Because it isn't, you're just that boring. The human eye can detect 10 million different colours and you went and chose the most boring one.
    Red: Hey buddy! Now we're talking! This is the colour of champions! Of movers and shakers. Red is a symbol of power! Red gets things done! Gryffindor? They were red. Luke Skywalker? Red Five. James from Thomas the Tank Engine? Son, you'd better believe he was red too. They even did a study that showed that red tends to win more often than blue. It's just science!
    Orange: Aw, come on. Don't be like that. You're just a red-liker who can't quite handle the intensity and wonder that is red. I get it. It's a lot to live up to. Orange is a pretty good second. Tahu's orange arms and legs complimented his red everything else rather nicely. You need to believe in yourself, son. You've got that passion within, you just need to set it free.
    Yellow: Ugh, get out of here with that. Yellow? I bet you're a morning person too. Oh and on behalf of everyone you interact with on a daily basis, you talk way too loud. Most of us don't want to handle you in the morning, let alone any other time of the day with your constant sunshine demeanour. Luckily for you, the laws of this land prohibit murdering people whose favourite colour is yellow... I think. Let me look this one up and get back to you.
    Green: Well, at least you didn't say blue. I'll give you that. Green isn't that much better, though. Earth is a blue and green planet. You know what we have way too much of? Blue and green! Let me guess. You're probably at the bottom tier of your class, the lower end of the bell curve. You're the sort of person who picks Bulbasaur when Charmander and Squirtle are standing right in front of me. Enjoy being a disappointment to the species.
    Azure: Shut up, this is still blue. I don't care that Italian considers it a different colour. It's still blue. What's worse, it's even a worse version of blue. It's such a bad version of blue that the default colour palate on this board doesn't list it. Why don't you take a good hard look at your life and try to be a better person?
    Pink: This is a bit more complicated. If you're a girl, woopdeedoo. Way to fight all stereotypes and millennia of oppression. Yes, every marketing department your entire life has told you this is what you want, but maybe try growing a backbone for a change! You can't all like pink. Where's your sense of individuality and desire to break from from the shackles of society? And if you're a guy, come on. This is a very serious personality test. Just say red or lightish red. You aren't fooling anyone.
    Purple: Once again, this one is twofold. If you're a girl, let's get real. You just picked this one because pink was too girly. Well tough tamales, this one is almost just as bad. This is like trying to put out a fire with a squirtgun, not that you'd know anything about that, trapped in your minimum wage pink-collar job. And if you're a guy... okay, look. Purple does have red in it, but you're not fooling anyone. You're just trying to be subversive. "Oh look at me, I like purple. I'm so random and fun!" Well, you're neither. Purple was only cool if you were the emperor of Rome and those leaves in your hair definitely aren't laurels, they're just a product of you only bathing once a month.
    Black: Ooooh, I'm sooooo scared. You must be a deep and dreary old soul. "Oh look at me, I like black. I'm only slightly more annoying than the people that point out that black isn't a real colour." Maybe you are or were a goth or maybe you're a giant hipster, but I won't abide this at all. Your favourite colour is black? A.k.a. the absence of light. Shut up, no it isn't. Why don't you do some soul searching and come up with a favourite colour that doesn't make you look like a pretentious doofus.
    Grey: What? Was black too hardcore for you? You're like a black-liker and an azure-liker had a baby and then only read it the financial section of the New York times growing up.
    Brown: No, your favourite colour isn't brown. I don't care what you say or how many times you invoke the mighty name of Pohatu, your favourite colour isn't brown. Brown is nasty colour you get when you mix all the paints together. Maybe you misread your heart and didn't realize that Wikipedia defines brown as a shade of orange. In which case, scroll up because there's hope for you yet. Brown... Honestly, the only other explanation is that you were the kid who ate dirt, which is probably all you'll be able to afford once your boss finds out how much of a waste of space you are.
    White: Are you kidding me? White? No, get out. I'm not even going to discuss this one. You are literally the worst person to ever walk this planet. I think Genghis Khan mentioned that his favourite colour was white after he finished beheading his 10 millionth peasant. So why don't you pack up all your possessions and move to Mongolia? At least then we won't have to deal with you over here.
    Anything Else: Look, if your favourite colour isn't on this list and you don't work in a paint store, you don't actually have any friends. You've got a lot of people who will spend time in close proximity to you out of pity or who are perhaps planning your murder because you're such an obnoxious person. In fact, it might be a good idea right now to print out your Facebook friend list and send that to the police with a brief explanation. That isn't to say that the police won't murder you too, but at least the rest of us won't have to put up with you any more. Like especially if your favourite colour is a town in Kanto, that's a dead giveaway that it's only a matter of time until everyone standing around your open casket remarking, "you know, I'm okay with this."


    So yeah. Post your results in the comments! This may surprise some of you, but my favourite colour was red! I know, crazy, right? This test is soooooo accurate!
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