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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    How do ghosts' clothes work?
    I mean, you don't normally see naked ghosts. They usually wear what they were wearing when they died. Does this mean their clothes died too?
    When I wear a hole in something and throw it out, does that mean I kill it?
    Or does it specifically have to be worn by someone as they die?
    Could there be a postmortem industry of getting terminally ill patients to wear many layers of clothing to help boost the phantom economy by ghostifying a whole bunch of clothing at once?
    Is there the slightest chance I'm overthinking this?
    Here's something all you fans of the Toa Hagah PSA (may the topic rest in peace): I'm currently working on a sequalish thing to it in the spare time I have not doing TotA because Dr. Bionicle's computer is not working. I won't reveal too much, but I can tell you that Cee-estee will be in it (as a voice actor) and that it won't have a long music scene like the last one. Now that I'm more competant in Flash, I'm going to try to get the characters to move a little more, but so far, it's only making them look really Italian.
    Lay is to lie as raise is to rise.
    You can lie down or rise up.
    You can lay a book down or you can raise a book up.
    So it is incorrect so say something like, "I'm going to lay down for a bit." That's like saying, "I'm going to raise out of bed in the morning."
    But wait, using "lay" when you mean "lie" helps to remove any ambiguity between reclining and recounting falsehoods. In any case, the meaning is still understood! Besides, certain conjugations of the verb "to lie" can use the word "lay". Wouldn't it be more efficient to condense them into a single verb?
    Aha, yes, but we all know the true purpose of grammar is rarely to dispel ambiguity or promote efficiency, rather it is a useful marker of social class... You filthy peasant.
    I didn't get very much done today because I thought someone was coming over in the morning, but they came at 1:00 PM so I ended up wasting several hours waiting for them. When they finally left, I barely had enough time to do anything so I just watched the end of Two Towers and plopped myself down on BZPower for the rest of the evening. Sigh... I hope I can get more done tomorrow.
    Today is a very special day for BZP. Not only is it the anniversary of my joining of the site, but it's also the anniversary of my many BZP twins (obviously), which include many well known members such as SylverWind, Skye Green, and Toa Tilius. What I did not know, however, is that we also share our anniversaries with Bionicle, which turned 2 years old the day we all joined.
    Happy anniversaries!
    Got bored. Got an idea. Wrote a story.
    It's supposed to fit within what's already been established for BZ-Nui. I dunno... I have mixed feelings about it since I don't think it's my best work. Check it out if you want, so that maybe you can get an idea of how to write a much better one yourself.
    After finally applying for the job mentioned in the previous entry (yay), I went with my family to go see Superman Returns. All in all, it was a very exciting movie- it's really impressive how far movie making has come since the days of the previous Superman ones. Some parts, though, didn't seem to make a lot of sense, especially concerning how strong Superman actually was since he seemed to treat everything, whether it was a plane or car, as being more or less the same weight. Maybe that's just how it works or something, I wouldn't know, but I still found it a bit weird. The end didn't really appeal to me because it didn't end on an exciting note or even on much of a cliffhanger. I don't want to give away too much else, but I will tell you that if you like explosions you should definitely watch this movie.
    The rest of my week has been pretty mediocre. I was almost in the BS01 chat with Greg, but I bailed when I wasn't going to be able to actually talk to him (little did I know that I only needed to wait another half hour ). Other than that, it's been a a nice and relaxing summer.
    Has anyone else beaten Xi on Playstation Home yet (or even heard about it, for that matter )? I did this morning and managed to secure myself three shiny trophies.
    But I will admit it, I had copious amounts of help from online walkthroughs.
    The Jazziest JtO Spoof
    Yep, I said to myself. "SPIRIT, m'boy, it's high time you write this thing. Bionicle may be dead, but the people need you one last time!"
    Then I got very busy in real life.
    Then I caught a cold.
    So uh... chapter 2 is half done and will be released... soon... ish... *blows nose and downs more cold medication*
    Here's an excerpt:
    (Flashback to 2014...)
    President Lego: So that's the plan. We're bringing back Bionicle next year. Are you in?
    Pohatu: I am so totally in! What would Bionicle be without the bestselling Toa of all time?
    President Lego: Bestselling Toa? Oh wow, you're actually serious. Yikes.
    President Lego: Look, just drop off your bio on Merlin's desk and wait for us to send you the script.
    Pohatu: Aw man, I've gotta spice up my bio. Now what's cool, tough, and exciting? Hmm... I've got it. Australian Batman. I am a genius. No one will be upset by this at all.
  10. SPIRIT
    When I first heard that some people had gone ahead and made a full-length comedic musical based on the Harry Potter saga, I initially had incredibly low expectations for the project. Just a few days ago, though, I decided to sit down and check it out and gosh darn if it isn't one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I highly recommend watching it for Potter fans everywhere, but a word of warning, there is a bit of foul language in it. It's called A Very Potter Musical and it has a sequel A Very Potter Sequel, both of which are outstanding.
    But don't just take my word for it. Check it out at your local video hosting site! *Reading Rainbow transition sound*
  11. SPIRIT
    On Labour Day weekend-- the Canadian one-- (note the U in "labour"), I ordered Vezon & Fenrakk and the long awaited LEGO Star Wars II. The game was scheduled for release today and so I assumed that my order would come today too. Well, I was right, but not quite. You see, the delivery men came when I wasn't home so they left a notice saying that I had to pick it up later. I'll let you know how the situation progresses, but for now, this means that I'll lose about 3 hours of valuable playing time.
    Update1: :angry: I won't be able to claim my package until tomorrow (some silly postal thing) so just be glad you aren't my stress ball.
    Update2: It appears there was a misunderstanding. The e-mail my dad got from LEGO saying the package had shipped seems to have only referred to Vezon & Fenrakk which means I have to wait another day or two . Although it is a kick butt set, I still would like to have my game.
    Update3: I have it now- it's mine, my own, my precioussssss...
  12. SPIRIT
    Apparently these exist???
    I can't help but think that one day something went horribly wrong at the toothbrush factory, and some guy in marketing saw a golden opportunity.
  13. SPIRIT
    Thank Mata Nui it's Friday!
    For me, this first week back to school has been really long and tiring (despite the fact that it was only four days because of Labour Day). Maybe it's because I'm not used to sitting at an uncomfortable desk for over an hour, getting up, and then going to sit at another uncomfortable desk for over an hour, but the days just seemed to drag on. It probably doesn't help that I have Bionicle Legends #3 and possibly 4 to look forward to on the weekend, or Vezon & Fenrakk and LEGO Star Wars II for the 12th.
    My main issue is that I have so much less free time now. Back in the summer, I'd have several days to just fiddle around on BZPower or with other things (TotA, Wildfire, etc.), but now I'm lucky to even get in a few hours of that stuff. Well, I'll hopefully get used to all this again after a while, but even so...

  14. SPIRIT
    Today I'm going to complain about people who like olives, but not for the reason you might think.
    Personally, I love olives. Black, green. Can't get enough of them.
    My beef is with people who buy olives with the pits still in them.
    If you people are out there, why do you do this? We live in the information era. No longer must we be beholden to pits in our olives. For 3000 years the peoples of the Mediterranean struggled with this minor inconvenience, and now we have a factory machine that saves us the trouble. Anecdotally a random food blog I found on Google suggests that including the pit improves the presentation of the olive. Oh please, get over yourself. It's just going straight in your mouth anyway, and if you don't include the pit you can finish your meal even faster and get on with your miserable food blogging life. Now some of you may be thinking, "Hey, isn't it cheaper to buy the ones with pits in them? I'm on a budget, man!" Look, buddy. If you can afford olives, you can afford ones without pits in them. It's such a minor additional cost for a massive increase in quality of life. I dream of being about to pay an extra dollar to make my other minor inconveniences go away, and here you are spitting in the face of science.
    In conclusion, I'll probably never work as a food critic.
  15. SPIRIT
    Well, $140 later and my laptop works again. The guy said my laptop is unusably slow and I should get it replaced, but as far as I can tell it's back to normal.
    Anyway, my Pokémon...
    The day was April 8th, 2003. A young boy awoke excitedly on his birthday. On this very day, 3 years prior, he had received his first GameBoy and Pokémon game (Yellow) -- he had gotten his first Pokémon, a Pikachu on his tenth birthday. Truly this was the stuff legends are made of.
    But that was in the past. Pokémon Yellow was so last decade. Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire had just been released, along with the GameBoy Advance SP. It was a day for the history books when young SPIRIT popped his translucent red game cartridge into his new GBA SP and saw that opening cinematic before school that day. SPIRIT also received his starter that day, a Torchic, that would later become a Combusken and then a Blaziken.
    That Blaziken assisted SPIRIT faithfully through the Elite Four countless times, just managing to clench victory in the face of defeat. She rose to level 100 and followed SPIRIT for many years to come. She was transferred to Diamond Version, then Black Version, Black 2 Version, Y Version, and finally OmegaRuby. While the Pokemon in SPIRIT's pre-Gen III cartridges died as the batteries expired, Blaziken lived on.
    But everything changed when the computer glitch attacked...
    SPIRIT tried to transfer his OmegaRuby save (for he only had the digital version), to a bigger SD card, but the transfer failed. Now Blaziken, along with every main story team and competitive team SPIRIT had bred in the last 13 years had become trapped in cyberspace.
    If anyone knows how to restore corrupted 3DS save files, I will literally do anything for you.
    My babies are gone... There are children who can walk and talk that have not lived as long as some of the Pokémon I lost. I am in mourning.
    A song:
    Goodbye Blaziken
    Though I caught you in ball
    You used the move Sky Uppercut
    While those around you crawled
    They crawled out into battle
    And they tried to cause you pain
    With Psychic, Flying, Ground, and Water
    Though steadfast you remain
    In memory of Blaziken (April 8 2003 - July 17 2016)
    " -Blaziken 
    Okay, forget all that nonsense. I am a gosh darned genius. I took my corrupted file, put it on my computer, then I took a blank SD card, downloaded Omega Ruby again, then I pasted it onto the corrupted file, and it works! It works! My Pokémon are safe and sound!!
    BLAZIKEN IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. SPIRIT
    So I'm going through some old files and I find this. You might've already seen something similar to it in a previous blog entry, but here's a longer/alternate version I wrote for some unknown reason and rather than let it rot on my hard drive, I thought I'd post it here.
    Little town
    It's a quiet village
    Ev'ry day
    Feels like it's so slow
    Little town
    Full of little people
    Waking up to say:
    Hello! Hello! Hello!
    There goes the farmer with his cart, like always
    Full of lava just like goo-ah!
    Ev'ry morning just the same
    Since the morning that we came
    To this small volcanic town
    Good Morning, Takua!
    'Morning, Tiribomba.
    How’s the song coming along?
    Not bad. Due to the Maori phonetics of my name I have to be pretty creative with some of the rhymes, but-
    That's nice. Agni! The briquettes! Hurry up!
    Look there he goes that guy is strange, no question
    Even weirder than Krakua
    Does not fit in at all
    Always carving on some wall
    No denying he's an odd guy, Takua
    Ta-Matoran 1:
    Ta-Matoran 2:
    Good day
    Ta-Matoran 1:
    How is your Rahi?
    Ta-Matoran 3:
    Ta-Matoran 4:
    Good day
    Ta-Matoran 3:
    How is your scythe?
    Ta-Matoran 5:
    I need squid eggs
    Ta-Matoran 6:
    That's too expensive
    There must be more than this volcanic life
    Look there he goes that guy is so peculiar
    I hope that Disney doesn’t sue-ah
    Trav’ling all around
    Even going underground
    What a puzzle to us all is Takua
  17. SPIRIT
    So for fun, I thought I'd go through the different forums to find out which is the highest voted topic by Reputation Points. And then hand out pretend Internet Medals to the ones with the best score.
    Obviously Reputation Points are totally unbiased and a completely accurate metric for the quality of a post.
    ... Actually, I don't think anyone really looks at them. BUT I DID. FOR SCIENCE.
    The following is a list of the top 10 Comedies on BZPower based on the Reputation Points held by its first post... at the date and time that this blog entry was posted. Obviously there's nothing to stop people from going around and adding more points to their favourite Comedies, but I'll know that you did it. And I'll do the "shame on you hand gesture".
    Uh... so yeah, the list:
    10. ~♥~ Kokoro no Ice ~♥~ by GSR with 13 Points
    9. Staring Contest Continues by Onuki with 16 Points
    8. WHAT IS THE POTOO?! 2 by Voltex with 17 Points
    7. The Adventures of Sumiki's Dad - by Sumiki's Dad's Son with 20 Points
    6. Wedding Announced by Onuki with 23 Points
    4. (Tie) WHAT IS THE POTOO?! by Voltex with 26 Points
    4. (Tie) Hakuna Vakama by Onuki with 26 Points
    3. Poor Kongu... by SPIRIT with 28 Points
    2. Game, Set, Match by Eyru with 30 Points
    1. The Kaita and the Storyteller by GSR with 35 points
    Congratulations to GSR for getting the gold, Eyru for getting silver, and me for getting bronze. Special mention to Voltex and Onuki, the only people not in the top 3, but still in the top 10 multiple times. Ordinarily, I'd make the winners wonderful medals in Microsoft Paint, but as we all know, Microsoft Paint is being discontinued, and that's totally the reason not because I'm lazy.
    So what forum should I do next?
  18. SPIRIT
    So after the party on the 26th, I pretty much just spent time with my family at home (although we did go bowling once and I won ) until Saturday, where we all went to the airport for the second leg of our vacation. We spent a night in Buffalo and then we drove to the airport and caught a plane to Baltimore. From there, we hopped another plane and reached Tampa Airport in the late afternoon. The rest of the week was just spent visiting Busch Gardens, going to the beach, swimming in the pool, and lazing about the condo we had rented on Anna Maria Island (on the far west side of the state, about half of the way down). I had a fantastic time, and I beat Maze of Shadows (overall, a pretty neat game). Saturday rolled around and we went back the same route we had come and arrived back home at around midnight.
    Now it's back to school for me.
  19. SPIRIT
    Well, I just found out why no one was posting in my blog. I forgot to approve the posts. :annoyed2: Well, I believe I've fixed it now, and if I haven't, I know how to check for unapproved posts now.
  20. SPIRIT
    Some are born great
    some achieve greatness
    and others have greatness thrust upon them.
    And then there's Bionicle, where everything is Great This and Great That.
    More like a Great Lack of Adjectives, am I right?
  21. SPIRIT
    A little something I thought of today with regards to being unique: there's a difference between standing out and sticking out. I have great respect for the former and great disdain for the latter.
    This has been philosophy with SPIRIT. Tune in next time to see an explanation of why everyone in the world is incredibly stupid, especially SPIRIT.
  22. SPIRIT
    Have you seen my entry for Epics Contest #8 yet? It chronicles a surprising twist on the events in Chapter 33 of Wildfire (i.e. the Jaller vs. Vakama chapter) and above all, it contains a huge explosion!
    Gape in awe as minor characters are given DEPTH.
    Be amazed at the introduction of a NEW WEAPON.
    And like I said before, there's a HUGE EXPLOSION.
    Read it TODAY.
    This blog entry was sponsored by the Boost SPIRIT's Ego Corporation™
  23. SPIRIT
    I didn't ask for this... I didn't ask for any of this...
    I didn't want to go back to school, to be a student again.
    Writing papers...
    Cramming for tests...
    Using public transport with a heavy backpack...
    I wanted
    To be
    A lumberjack.
    Leaping from tree to tree, as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia. The Giant Redwood. The Larch. The Fir! The mighty Scots Pine! The smell of fresh-cut timber!
    The crash of mighty trees!
    With my best girlie by my side!
    We'd sing! Sing! Sing!
  24. SPIRIT
    As always, I seem to choose the worst time to go on hiatus, but at least I get to stick around for BZP's anniversary... for the first time ever... Anyway, I got the prestigious award of blog of the week while I was away and it had ironically been four days since I had added anything to my blog. It made me feel special, but I wasn't really expecting to win that particular prize (see below). Either way, I still have a snazzy banner and you don't.
    I was also a little sad to have missed the bulk of the Inika promo, but since us BZPers pretty much know all the ins and outs of the Inika already, it wasn't too much of a loss. The thing that I mentioned above that I was planning on winning was the S&T Contest, but as I agonised about it all week and practically tore out my hair with worry, little did I know that it the polls wouldn't start for another 2 weeks. :annoyed2:
    Well, enough about BZP and more about me. On the 29th, my family and I went up to Muskoka to visit my grandparents' house and to celebrate my little sister's 12th birthday (on the 30th) as well as Canada Day. The birthday went without a hitch and my sister had a lot of fun (and cake). July 1st rolls around and so does a thunderstorm (thus, no fireworks). Instead, we had to watch Lilo and Stitch on ABC (most of the other channels being out due to the storm). The next day, my parents left to go back to work and the weather cleared up, allowing my grandparents, sister, and I to finally see the fireworks; perhaps not the best ever, but still pretty cool (as are most explosions).
    The rest of the week was fairly uneventful as I spent it in the quiet of semi-rural Ontario. It rained a bit, I went swimming in the river and lake, got to help take down a dead tree, and played 13 games of Sorry (unfortunately, my grandpa pwned us all with 7 wins). In addition to that, I made excellent headway in my Age of Empires game, but I just ended up moving to a new degree of being stuck. I checked an FAQ site and it said the place where I'm stuck is the hardest point in the whole game, go figure.
    Coming home was fun, my mom made a huge lunch and dinner for us all and I ate pretty much all that I could short of explosion. The week pretty much ended with an experiment on my dad's part which involved Mentos, Diet Pepsi, and me getting splashed in the face with lukewarm soft drink (if anyone wants the video, please send me a check for $300 dollars... in fact, just send me one anyway, it will help the economy.)
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