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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    So turns out I'm going to have a new neighbour spending the night in my building. Don't know if you've heard of him, goes by the name of Hu Jintao. He's apparently a pretty big deal, like the president of China or something.
    Yeah, that's right, Hu Jintao is my neighbour now. B) Granted, I'm in a part of the building that's completely locked off from him and there are police EVERYWHERE so I'll probably never see him, but that's a lot closer than most of you will probably ever get.
    Now that I think about it, Mr. Jintao and I have had a lot of close run-ins lately what with me being near both the G8 and the G20. Lot of freaky coincidences here...
    Whoa, that’s a full post. All the way.
    Double post, oh my god.
    It’s a double post all the way.
    Whoa, that’s so intense. Whoa, man. Wow. Whoa. Whoa.
    OHH MY AHHH aw my god, look at that! It’s starting to even look like a triple post!
    Oh my god it’s full on! Double post all the way across the forum.
    Oh my god, [sobs] oh my god, oh god…
    What does this mean?
    Oh my god, oh, oh god, it’s so bright, oh my god, it’s so bright and vivid. OHH! OHH! [sobs]….it’s so beautiful.
    Oh my god, oh my god.
    Oh my god [whispered]— it’s a double complete post, right in my forum.
    [sobs] Oh my god! Oh my god. what does it MEAN? Tell me. [sobs] TOO MUCH [sobbing] I don’t know what it means.
    Oh my god [whispers] it’s so intense. Oh. Ah. Oh. Oh. Oh my god.
    Billions of dollars every year are spent on marketing and advertising to manufacture desire and to tell people what they should want.
    This system has failed me.
    I don't know what I want for Christmas!
    The ultimate of first world problems, yet a problem I have nonetheless.
    Got any ideas? My family is already doing the "buy farm animals for people in third world countries" thing, and I could ask for gift cards, but that feels super lame.
    What are you guys asking for? Maybe something will pique my interest.
    Is it just me or is sharing clothes about the grossest thing ever?
    I don't share my clothes with anyone. Rule of thumb: if it touches me, ain't no way I'm letting it touch you. This goes for shoes, socks, pants, shirts, underpants, jackets, coats, hats, bathing suits, earbuds, and anything else you can consider clothes.
    I'll often hear on TV or in person about girls borrowing things from one another. I just don't think I could bring myself to do that with someone else, male or female. It's not that I'm selfish or anything, I just really don't like people touching my stuff. Like, I'll share money or food just fine, just not something I intend to get back.
    Don't even get me started about people using my laptop.
    Well, after the 25th, I pretty much dropped off the face of the map as I celebrated Christmas and took an extended break from BZP. As I understand, there were subsequent riots in the street due to this absence, but fear not citizens -- I am back!
    So here's what I've been up to lately...
    Being the careful planner that I am, I went Christmas shopping on the 23rd. The mall was packed and selection was limited, but I somehow managed to get exactly what I was looking for. I got in a lot of driving practice as well, ferrying my sister to her various orthodontist appointments and now that the strike of whatever union gives out driver's licences is over, I'm going to need all the practice I can get to get fully licensed (as you can imagine, totalling two vehicles did not help my confidence behind the wheel).
    On that note, I got another battery of x-rays and CAT scans to see how my chest was doing all these months after the accident. And I must say, a CAT scan is much different when you aren't still woozy from anaesthetic. And in other leg-related news, I'd say I'm up to 90% now. I'll be in peak physical condition again in no time.
    I got my marks back from last semester as well. Turns out if I had gotten 1 percent more in any one of my courses, I'd still be on the dean's list, so I'm going to see if I can talk to any of my professors about that because that's just annoying.
    Well, with that out of the way, onto Christmas.
    I ended up getting The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (FANTASTIC game, by the way), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for PS3 (although I like the fact that you can actually get Trophies in this game, it does seem a bit similar to Order of the Phoenix minus a few bells and whistles and unfortunately comes nowhere near the masterpieces that were games 2 and 3; good graphics, mind you), LittleBigPlanet (which I really haven't had time to properly dive into yet), and Scribblenauts (which is a fun little puzzle solver to pass the time).
    I also got my sister LEGO Batman and thanks to co-op mode, I ended up playing quite a bit of that as well.
    Now, if I might divert your attention for a moment for a mini review of Spirit Tracks.
    When I first heard they were making a game based around the steam engine, I was a little dubious, but Nintendo had yet to steer me wrong in the franchise so I decided to stick with them. This game was BRILLIANT. If Phantom Hourglass had a flaw, this corrected it. Great story, great characters, great side quests, great puzzles, great action, great gameplay, great everything! I also really enjoyed Zelda in this game and she is by far my favourite incarnation of the princess: high-fiving Link when they complete a level, wanting to beat up Byrne, freaking out about Malladus wanting to take over her body (and not really caring about him wanting to destroy mankind ), and taking control of invincible metal soldiers. For once, she deserves having the Legend being named after her.
    So yeah.
    On Boxing Day, we went to visit my mom's side of the family and we did a present exchange game. I wound up with a mountain full of candy, but for a moment I was in possession of a pair of highly-coveted Canadian Olympic mittens (if you live in Canada, you probably know what I'm talking about). Not that I normally wear mittens, but I would've liked the bragging rights.
    Then we spent a few days with my dad's side of the family before it was off to Florida for a week.
    Sadly, it was not one of the best Florida vacations we've gone on as the temperature barely ever went above 10 Celsius. Our house was nice, though; easily 20 foot ceilings and a private pool in the backyard (which was unusable as it had no heater). We still had fun as a family, though, doing much more mini-golf and bowling than going to the beach like we usually do.
    Well, fun's over and now it's back to the old grind.
    Hello LEGO fans of Texas. As you may or may not know, LEGO has released a promotional website for LEGO Universe called www.bradfordrant.org.
    On this site, the goal is to find LEGO pods that have been scattered around the globe and can be found with GPS coordinates. I have calculated the point of intersection between the current batch of coordinates and have determined that there is a pod at (32.845, -98.17), just west of Fort Worth, Texas. If I understand the game correctly, you can find your prize there. So if you or someone you know lives in the area, I suggest you type those into a map website and check it out.
    If it happens that I've sent you on a wild goose chase, I offer in advance my sincerest apologies.
    I just felt this bore saying.
    When forming your opinion on a controversial subject, or your world view in general for that matter, I would hope that you can remember the somewhat oxymoronic words of Obi-Wan Kenobi:
    "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"
    So yes, technically in saying that, he is calling himself a Sith, but it's an important message nonetheless. Nothing is black and white, might I stress NOTHING at all. What political party you support, what religion you observe, what forms of media entertain you, what people you like, what people you dislike, what scientific theories you subscribe to, your stance on certain laws and policies, what is good, what is evil, what is lawful, what is unlawful...
    There are two sides to anything and it is extremely dangerous and foolish to polarize yourself on an issue. Assuming that most people are not completely stupid, there is probably a reason why others are choosing a side that isn't the one you agree with.
    You should try to compromise. See things from their perspective. Why don't they agree? Are there things they might be perceiving incorrectly about you? Are there things you have been perceiving incorrectly about them?
    I've just been seeing a lot of polarized thinking floating lately and while it is likely that this is because it's only the people with very extreme views that feel the need to bash me about the head with them, I did pay good money for this blog and so I figured it couldn't hurt to remind those who form their opinions rashly that the world is more complex than they would make it to be.
    No one is out to get you.
    No one at all.
    Your life is boring and you are not the centre of some dastardly plot.
    Get over it.
    Actually, now that I think about it, there is someone out to get you:
    Me, if you don't stop harping on about your irrational fears! :angry:
    That is all.
    I seem to have been pranked. No longer is my avatar a floating rock with moss growing on it, but it has been in fact changed to a two dimensional spinning image a Chiara Zanni's head; bonus points if you know who she is.
    Also, the PSA's coming along swimmingly. So far Cee's the only person who's been able to give me satisfactory lines, but I'm in no rush.
  10. SPIRIT
    Hey guys, important PSA.
    The Internet is a pretty awful place. Tons of people yelling into the void, and I can't stop reading it all for some reason. So I'm asking all citizens of the Internet to do their part in making it a better place. It's not an easy task, but I think if we all take small steps, we can see some real change.
    Remember how as a society we decided not to do chain email forwarding? I mean, that did just morph into tagging people in the comments sections of random Facebook memes, but we managed to end the practice.
    What I'm asking everyone to do today is to stop perpetuating made up holidays.
    Apparently it's National Best Friends Day?
    That's not a thing. That's definitely not a thing. No one gets time off, they don't make greeting cards for it, it isn't to commemorate the martyrdom of St. Bestius Friendius. It's not a thing. Stop posting about it.
    Here's SPIRIT's patented guide to figuring out whether a holiday is real:
    National + X + Day = Not a holiday
    X may represent any term, and if it's surrounded by the words "national" and "day", it's not a holiday.
    Let us all band together as a society this day and vow never to acknowledge the existence of these made up holidays. Let us forever remember today as National Don't Share Made Up Holidays Day. Let us --
    Aw dangit...
  11. SPIRIT
    Does anyone have this or know people who do? Up until I was twelve, I thought I was the only one, but then I read about it in a book and I realized that other people think just like I do. I think I'm the only person in my family to have it, but my dad says he has it a little -- not to the extent that I do, though.
    In particular, I have Ordinal linguistic personification and Grapheme–color synesthesia.
    I recommend you read (or skim) the Wikipedia articles I've linked and then we can discuss this psychological oddity we share. If you'd like, tell me what colour or personality certain letters, numbers, days, names, months, or music notes have and then I can tell you how wrong you are.
  12. SPIRIT
    Something weird I just found out today. I am exactly one day older than Kristen Stewart, famous star of the Twilight movies...
    What happened to my acting career?
  13. SPIRIT
    Okay, so the general consensus seems to be that Project BZ Nui is a good idea. So here are a few preliminary questions concerning what's been established so far (try to be as helpful as possible in your answers).
    1) Is having the BIONICLE logo as the map with each forum section being an island a good idea? If not, what would be better?
    2) Do you agree with the island names? If not, what are some better ones you can think of?
    3) Do you agree with the elemental designations of the forums? If not, what do you suggest? (If need be, I can explain my justifications for each).
    3) Where should blogs go?
    a - Underwater (like Mahri Nui).
    b - Their own island.
    c - On boats.
    d - In people's homes/on their property.
    e - Other (please specify).
    4) How do homes work?
    a - People choose a forum-village and live there.
    b - People live on boats that travel from forum to forum.
    c - Other (please specify).
  14. SPIRIT
    The value of the Internet is that we all equally have a voice

    But remember that not all voices should be equally valued

    Meditate on this and your jimmies shall never be rustled again

  15. SPIRIT
    Huzzah! Once again, living in Canada has shown one of its many benefits. We get free education, clean drinking water, low crime rate, free health care (which we shall always boast about to the U.S.), and big fat snowstorms that end up closing schools. Because of that last one, I'm free to do whatever I want for the rest of the day! This is easily one of the best Valentine's Days yet.
  16. SPIRIT
    Another forum has fallen before my might. That's right, the BZP Voting Booth now belongs to me and there's nothing you can do to stop me!
    Yes, I know it's an easy forum, but at least I have 3 forums like everyone else now. And who knows? Maybe this is a temporary solution and I will be eventually shunted to your favourite forum. *lame spooky finger gestures*
    I don't mind, though. I'll help out wherever I can. Sometimes the forums have up moments and others they don't. Currently, things are moving pretty slowly in all three of my forums, but they'll pick up eventually. For instance, in my first week, I was able to close about ten topics in a row in S&T, but now I can barely get one. Oh well, hopefully it's just a dry spell and it will clear up soon.
    In summary, beware my spreading of peanut butter terror! *more lame spooky finger gestures*
  17. SPIRIT
    I just got back from staff training when I found one of the best emails I've ever received in my in-box from a certain Michael Petranek. Who's that, you ask? Well, wait and see. The message was entitled Bionicle Video Contest Entry and it read as follows:
    Dear [sPIRIT],
    We here at Papercutz really enjoyed your video that you sent in for submission. From the Yakov Smirnoff bit to the Family Guy style cutaways, it was very funny. Our only problem was that the video is a bit long. Could you edit it down to say, five minutes? We especially liked the bits with info from the comics. Please write me back when you get a chance. I'd love to discuss the video with you in greater detail.
    As you may or may not remember, I entered the Mantax Facts PSA into the Papercutz video contest. So this email is EXTREMELY promising, as you can probably tell. The thing is, I'm not really sure what needs to stay in this movie as I trim it down. The songs will probably be the first things to go, but is there anything I should specifically save? I'd really appreciate your input.
  18. SPIRIT
    How do you suppose the people of 1111 AD felt when they realized that it would be another 8889 years until the date could be written in binary again?
  19. SPIRIT
    Well, my first set of acts as Forum Leader of Sets was to pretty much burn the place down and rebuild from the ashes. Check out the new rules and new Official Topics and familiarize yourself with them.
    Or else.
  20. SPIRIT
    So my body has decided that it likes to play jokes on me and it has formed a cluster of acne on my forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt. Doesn't even have the decency to supply me with magic powers to compensate.
  21. SPIRIT
    Now before I begin, I should state that I am not trained as a psychologist. However I have taken like 3.5 courses in psychology, and I am an incredibly judgmental person, so I think that's just as good.
    The science behind this super accurate and totally legitimate personality test is that I judge people based on their favourite colour. So think of what your favourite colour is and look at the list below to see what your results are!



    Blue: You weak and watery milquetoast of a sheep! Your favourite colour is blue? Like the most popular favourite colour in the world? Yawn! Boring! How's that 9-5 accounting job going for you? Did you just assume that yawning is a sign of people listening to you? Because it isn't, you're just that boring. The human eye can detect 10 million different colours and you went and chose the most boring one.
    Red: Hey buddy! Now we're talking! This is the colour of champions! Of movers and shakers. Red is a symbol of power! Red gets things done! Gryffindor? They were red. Luke Skywalker? Red Five. James from Thomas the Tank Engine? Son, you'd better believe he was red too. They even did a study that showed that red tends to win more often than blue. It's just science!
    Orange: Aw, come on. Don't be like that. You're just a red-liker who can't quite handle the intensity and wonder that is red. I get it. It's a lot to live up to. Orange is a pretty good second. Tahu's orange arms and legs complimented his red everything else rather nicely. You need to believe in yourself, son. You've got that passion within, you just need to set it free.
    Yellow: Ugh, get out of here with that. Yellow? I bet you're a morning person too. Oh and on behalf of everyone you interact with on a daily basis, you talk way too loud. Most of us don't want to handle you in the morning, let alone any other time of the day with your constant sunshine demeanour. Luckily for you, the laws of this land prohibit murdering people whose favourite colour is yellow... I think. Let me look this one up and get back to you.
    Green: Well, at least you didn't say blue. I'll give you that. Green isn't that much better, though. Earth is a blue and green planet. You know what we have way too much of? Blue and green! Let me guess. You're probably at the bottom tier of your class, the lower end of the bell curve. You're the sort of person who picks Bulbasaur when Charmander and Squirtle are standing right in front of me. Enjoy being a disappointment to the species.
    Azure: Shut up, this is still blue. I don't care that Italian considers it a different colour. It's still blue. What's worse, it's even a worse version of blue. It's such a bad version of blue that the default colour palate on this board doesn't list it. Why don't you take a good hard look at your life and try to be a better person?
    Pink: This is a bit more complicated. If you're a girl, woopdeedoo. Way to fight all stereotypes and millennia of oppression. Yes, every marketing department your entire life has told you this is what you want, but maybe try growing a backbone for a change! You can't all like pink. Where's your sense of individuality and desire to break from from the shackles of society? And if you're a guy, come on. This is a very serious personality test. Just say red or lightish red. You aren't fooling anyone.
    Purple: Once again, this one is twofold. If you're a girl, let's get real. You just picked this one because pink was too girly. Well tough tamales, this one is almost just as bad. This is like trying to put out a fire with a squirtgun, not that you'd know anything about that, trapped in your minimum wage pink-collar job. And if you're a guy... okay, look. Purple does have red in it, but you're not fooling anyone. You're just trying to be subversive. "Oh look at me, I like purple. I'm so random and fun!" Well, you're neither. Purple was only cool if you were the emperor of Rome and those leaves in your hair definitely aren't laurels, they're just a product of you only bathing once a month.
    Black: Ooooh, I'm sooooo scared. You must be a deep and dreary old soul. "Oh look at me, I like black. I'm only slightly more annoying than the people that point out that black isn't a real colour." Maybe you are or were a goth or maybe you're a giant hipster, but I won't abide this at all. Your favourite colour is black? A.k.a. the absence of light. Shut up, no it isn't. Why don't you do some soul searching and come up with a favourite colour that doesn't make you look like a pretentious doofus.
    Grey: What? Was black too hardcore for you? You're like a black-liker and an azure-liker had a baby and then only read it the financial section of the New York times growing up.
    Brown: No, your favourite colour isn't brown. I don't care what you say or how many times you invoke the mighty name of Pohatu, your favourite colour isn't brown. Brown is nasty colour you get when you mix all the paints together. Maybe you misread your heart and didn't realize that Wikipedia defines brown as a shade of orange. In which case, scroll up because there's hope for you yet. Brown... Honestly, the only other explanation is that you were the kid who ate dirt, which is probably all you'll be able to afford once your boss finds out how much of a waste of space you are.
    White: Are you kidding me? White? No, get out. I'm not even going to discuss this one. You are literally the worst person to ever walk this planet. I think Genghis Khan mentioned that his favourite colour was white after he finished beheading his 10 millionth peasant. So why don't you pack up all your possessions and move to Mongolia? At least then we won't have to deal with you over here.
    Anything Else: Look, if your favourite colour isn't on this list and you don't work in a paint store, you don't actually have any friends. You've got a lot of people who will spend time in close proximity to you out of pity or who are perhaps planning your murder because you're such an obnoxious person. In fact, it might be a good idea right now to print out your Facebook friend list and send that to the police with a brief explanation. That isn't to say that the police won't murder you too, but at least the rest of us won't have to put up with you any more. Like especially if your favourite colour is a town in Kanto, that's a dead giveaway that it's only a matter of time until everyone standing around your open casket remarking, "you know, I'm okay with this."


    So yeah. Post your results in the comments! This may surprise some of you, but my favourite colour was red! I know, crazy, right? This test is soooooo accurate!
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