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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    Some of you manly men might wonder why My Little Pony has exploded onto the male-dominated Internet. Allow me to explain in relatable terms:
    Remember that episode of Arthur where everyone starts watching the Love Ducks? This is that.
    On that note:

    That is all.
    So I'm watching the newsfeed at the bottom of the TV broadcast when I see this headline about an Underwater Thief being caught. Which, really, is just about the coolest way to steal something.
    But then I looked again and it actually said Underwear Thief. Much less cool.
    So would that be a reverse Freudian Slip?
    That's right, folks, I've been hit with the classic sitcom conundrum of wanting to be two places at the same time. If anyone had a Time Turner or fast car they'd be willing to lend me, that'd be great.
    Just saw Zootopia today. Good movie. 6/6 Spirit Stars. Would recommend.
    I thought it was a pretty good sequel to Disney's Robin Hood, even if it makes no references to the original characters. I guess that can be forgiven since the movie takes place 800 years in the future. (Okay, it's not really a sequel, but there are a lot of similarities: the mayor's a lion, the heroes are a fox and a rabbit? It totally fits!)
    But yeah, there were so many Easter Eggs in that movie, it might be worth getting the DVD just for a chance to pause and catch them all.
    Wait a minute...
    A movie starring a rabbit full of Easter Eggs? You sly devils...
    The story was pretty great as well, albeit a bit predictable. I think I'm okay with that, though, because it was still a good story. Media has taught us to predict the unpredictable, but a good story is still a good story. The movie also had a really good message about tolerance, prejudice, and the plight of the white cishet male in the modern postcolonial world... or maybe it was just rehashing season 1 of The Legend of Korra. Who can say? (Cameo by J.K. Simmons, though -- it totally fits!)
    Also I saw the Australian version, so I was treated to David Koalabell instead of the glory that I'm sure was Peter Moosebridge. Really cool of them to make regional variants on that scene. The whole film was cool. $16 AUD well spent. I can't wait for Zootopia 2: The Rezoovenation.
    It's a bit strange that they would have a modern society, but keep animal-themed names for things. Judy Hopps? Zootopia? That'd be like having a human called Judy Walker or a human place called Manhattan. Oh...
    And all through out the movie, I had this weird feeling of deja vu. Futuristic city where the neighbourhoods are divided into different biomes... Now where have I seen that before?
    I'm a fairly tech savvy guy. My computer breaks, I can fix it. People seek me out when they can't figure something out. When it comes to Javascript, though, I'm pretty sure that's powered by black sorcery.
    Pope Gregory XIII was a doofus as was Julius Caesar. Did they not foresee the importance of a logical calendar in a technological society? Here are some changes I would make if given supreme dictatorial power over the Free World.
    1) New calendar starts the day after the winter solstice (i.e. the winter solstice is the last day of the year). The days start off short, get long, and once they're short again we start a new year. I could compromise by going with the summer solstice or one of the equinoxes, but the current system of "ehhh, I guess we'll start the new year like a week and a half after the solstice" is stupid and dumb and I hate it.
    2) 12 months, 30 days each. Months 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 all get an extra day. That adds up to 365.
    3) No leap years. The final day of the year will be 0.2422 days longer to help the rotation and the revolution counts catch up to each other.
    4) Better month names. September, October, November, and December are months 9, 10, 11, and 12 just so that we could fit in two holidays named after emperors who have been dead for like 2000 years? That's insane. Nope, scrap the whole system. Pick some new naming scheme. Name them after stars, rocks, trees, historical figures, elements, or dinosaurs. The current system has no cohesion or logic.
    5) Now that there's no shift in which day falls on which date, all holidays are static and better spaced out. Every month gets a holiday and they all happen either on a Monday or a Friday. None of this "oh, sometimes it lands on a Wednesday". That's not a lottery I'm interested in gambling at. Now I realize many religious and cultural celebrations may follow a lunar calendar or that certain groups may be attached to celebrations that are already tied to specific days. Well tough tamales! You should've thought of that before electing me supreme leader of the world.
    I think that's a pretty good start, and it's pretty easy to fit a 5 step plan into my manifesto. I could go into detail on my plans for a 3 day weekend, second Christmas, or regulations about which holidays warrant fireworks and which ones do not, but I think I can save that for the supreme world leader election circuit.
    Hello, world.
    My sources have recently informed me of a rash of atrocities performed by a man masquerading as "Black Six" (pictured here). Mr. Six has been quoted many times saying hateful things about the fruit of the Macadamia tetraphylla plant, more commonly referred to as the macadamia nut. The following is a quote which may or may not have been said by him and which may or may not have been about macadamia nuts.
    "I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM!"
    If you or someone you know is a macadamia nut, please make sure that your doors, windows, and cookie bags are locked tight and that your children are kept safe.
    Now over to Jack Sampson with the weather. Jack?
    "Were you listening to me Harry, or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?"
    A mash-up of this scene from The Matrix and this scene from Deathly Hallows will occur -- I guarantee it.
    I have done it. 100 000 years of events cobbled together into a coherent series of events. The BIONICLE Reference Centre's timeline is fully up to date! Have a look, let me know what you think, and please let me know if there are any mistakes.
    And now, I embark on a new, top secret project for the Reference Team. All very hush-hush for now, but I'm pretty sure you'll like the end product. To my knowledge, nothing of this sort has been done before and I think it's about high time it has been.
    That's all I say for now, but stay tuned for some very fancy Reference Keeping.
  10. SPIRIT
    I finally have all the lines.
    Anyway, I've got The Mudkip Man and Shadow Rahkshi hard at work on the sprites so hopefully they'll finish in time. If you think you could help, though, it would be much appreciated. I've got 9 days to finish this movie, so fingers crossed.
  11. SPIRIT
    Dooku wears black, Saruman wears white. Dooku has short hair, Saruman has long hair. Similarities
    Formerly good, turned evil Expert user of magical powers Played by Christopher Lee Carries around a magical stick Wears robes Really only a puppet controlled by the main bad guy who is having him create an unstoppable army Waaaaaaaaaaaait a minute.
  12. SPIRIT
    Got tickets for Star Wars for this coming Wednesday. Great seats (that row just in front of the aisle between the front section of seats and the rest, so extra leg room). In the meantime, I'm doing a full series rewatch with my family.
    So far I remain largely unspoiled, but Wednesday is very far away.
    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of spoilers, I shall fear no evil...
  13. SPIRIT
    1) Did you see Heroes last night? Well, I have the same headphones as Hiro.
    2) Have you ever seen Family First on the Canadian Family Channel? Well, I know the female host.
    That's right, those two random connections to television make me cooler than you. B)
  14. SPIRIT
    It's been nearly a month since my last blog update and I'd like to say that it was because I was busy, but quite frankly, I'm just lazy.
    Since I last updated, I was promoted to Reference Keeper, finished that sound project that I had been promising you, ripped off an idea from Exo, filmed my first staff set review, and wrote a new chapter for Wildfire (which no one has reviewed yet ). From there, I finished the script for my next PSA (a script that I started writing back around AC#12 and never finished ) and so I just need to give it to the cast members as soon as they sign on to AIM/MSN. For my PSAs, I've been doing a bit of thinking and depending on the quality of Rayg's 2.5 kit, I MIGHT turn them into an actual series, but I will need someone who is willing to draw human sprites for me as well (if you're interested, drop me a PM with a sample of your work). Other than that, I've done another 0.5 of a chapter for Wildfire, but it needs quite a bit of cleaning up.
    Lastly, I was fiddling around with Flash and came out with something that you Harry Potter fans might find very useful:

    In case you're wondering, it's only 11 KB and I would very much appreciate credit if you use it.
  15. SPIRIT
    A PS3.
    I also got LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga and Prince Caspian for it, but I'm hoping to get more games in the coming weeks, preferably ones that actually have Trophies enabled so that I can feel as though I've accomplished something while not actually having done anything at all. Any suggestions?
  16. SPIRIT
    I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 yesterday and I thought it was a really good movie. The special effects and costumes were amazing, especially Davy Jones and all his tentacles. The plot wasn't too bad, but it could have been cleaned up a bit. Also, the sword fights were really cool, it's surprising how athletic the special effects people can make the actors look. I'm pretty sad that many people didn't like the movie, but I guess I'm just like that since loads of people loved Napoleon Dynamite and I thought that it was the worst movie I had ever seen.
    P.S. Happy 5th Birthday BZP!
  17. SPIRIT
    So I wanted to be a master of Pokémon, but did I have the skills to be number one? I wanted to take the ultimate step and find the courage to be bold; to risk it all and not forget the lessons that I hold. I wanted go where no one's been, far beyond the crowd, learn the way to take command and use the power that was in my hand. You see, in a sense, we all live in a Pokémon world.
    Because everybody wants to be a master, everybody wants to show their skills, everybody wants to get there faster, make their way to the top of the hill. Each time you try, gonna get just a little bit better and each step you climb is one more step up the ladder.
    Deep down inside, I have always felt that my whole life has led to this, that it was time to test my skills. I knew I just couldn't miss, that I was going to show the world.
    And so when I finalized my team and entered the Battle Chateau, I knew that there was no time to question my moves. I had to stick to the path that I choose. My friends and I were going to do it right, and you would never see us run away from a fight. To be the master was my dream, and all I had to do was believe.
    When I got Pokémon Yellow for my 10th birthday, I was just a kid from Pallet Town with a brand new world to see. I didn't know what was ahead, but it wouldn't get the best of me. There was so much to learn and battles to be won. I've advanced so far but still there's always more to come.
    Now, every trainer has a choice to listen to that voice inside. I knew the battle might be long, winners may have come and gone, but
    I was going to carry on!
    Facing so many NPC trainers made it feel like I was walking down this endless highway, with nothing but my friends beside me. But we would never give in, we would never rest. These battles were the ultimate test.
    And as they say, it's a battle, win or lose. It's the friends you make, it's the road you choose. I had the right stuff, and I made my mind up to find the courage inside myself.
    And really, Pokémon is it's all about the challenges. Each time it's a brand new game and a brand new world, with new rivals as you fight for survival.
    I was on a road, far from home, but I didn't have to feel alone.
    And uh
    Okay, I didn't really watch the show past this point.
    But yeah.
    I defeated Nita, Evelyn, Dana, and Morgan in 50 consecutive battles. They have built statues in my honour and I am the Hoenn Region's undisputed Pokémon Champion.
    The Triple Battle was by far the most difficult for me, but in the end I managed to push through with an unstoppable wall of Rhyperior, Eelektross, and Electivre, supported by Dragonite, Mega Aggron, and Vaporeon. The secret to these things is just to fill your team with tanks and take each and every hit on the chin.
    Now, beating Dana is nice and all, but the game was not willing to give up the victory without a fight.
    If you've done any of the Battle Tower, etc. style battles, you'll know that randomly you can get trainers near the end who use legendary Pokémon. It's totally random, though. Sometimes you don't get any. Sometimes you only get one.
    But I still came out on top.
    It feels so incredibly good.
    And now to wait patiently for Sun and Moon so I can do it all again.
  18. SPIRIT
    Okay, this was a doozy. Here's what I've come up with, let me know your thoughts and whether you're strictly opposed to anything that's been decided here:
    1) What are members?
    Most people liked my suggestion, but not so much the Makuta thing. To justify, what I meant was that they get the 42 Kraata powers and are charged with making sure the universe runs smoothly. If you still don't like it, then how about admins get to have Exo-Toa suits?
    2) How does BIONICLESector01 work?
    Looks like it's a separate island on a different map. That was the original plan, but just wanted to see what people thought first.
    3) How does BIONICLE.com work?
    Okay, this one was rather on the edge and most people wanted to leave it out. Going with TtW's idea somewhat, how about we just get news or such delivered from there, though we never visit it?
    4) Is there anything else that you can think of that has not been mentioned?
    Just proto and post count needs to be explained, it seems. Um... any suggestions?
  19. SPIRIT
    So I was at a party a few weeks back and someone brought some cheese. I was excited because it looked very much like the Camembert cheese I had enjoyed when I spent a year in France, but when I tried some, it didn't taste quite right -- sort of dull and flavourless.
    Some Internet research later revealed that the cheese served at the party was Brie cheese. Brie, as it turns out, is virtually indistinguishable from Camembert, with the exception that Camembert has more flavour.
    That's when it hit me.
    I have become a cheese snob.
    I have become THAT guy.
    Edit: Yes, the server burped when I posted this. We've all been there before, guys.
  20. SPIRIT
    Well, it's been long overdue (considering how quick I revamped the Sets forum), but I've finally redone the Software rules. The forum's a bit more exclusive now, but on the other hand, there are less official topics to keep track of as well as less irrelevant topics to have to sift through.
    So come one, come all, let's rekindle some discussion about software... or something...
  21. SPIRIT
    So today marks 365 days of me living in Australia (in addition to it being Canada Day) and it's certainly been an interesting year for me. In this entry, I will talk about my average interaction when meeting an Australian for the first time.
    When Australians hear me speak, it doesn't take long for them to realize that something is awry. The more tentative Australians will ask where I'm from, but the bolder ones will flat out guess, which I always find much more interesting. To some Australians, I apparently sound either Irish or English, but those with better hearing can easily detect my North Americanness.
    And when they do, you can see the internal struggle on their face as they try to guess whether I'm American or Canadian. Ultimately, it's a fruitless exercise since urban middle class Americans (for the most part) sound just like urban middle class Canadians. Anyway, once they've gotten this far down the conversation, the Australian must make a choice: is he Canadian or American? It normally goes like this.
    "Are you American?"
    "No, I'm Canadian."
    "Oh no, I'm so sorry."
    "Are you Canadian?"
    "Oh, thank goodness. I wanted to say American, but I didn't want to offend you."
    So yeah. Australians love Canadians and think calling us Americans is the worst insult ever. Clearly they are not aware of our reputation for politeness and easygoingness.

    Oh good, they have both of these emoticons.
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