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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    So let me start my story like any old man with an anecdote that doesn't really go anywhere.
    I was trawling through my old blog entries trying to find out when I got Pokemon Diamond. I'm playing Brilliant Diamond and I wanted to see if I wrote down anything about my initial playthrough of the game. Turns out, 17 year old me did not see that as something worth recording.
    Instead I seemed to be a little full of myself. A lot of the blog entries from that time are about my own fame and power on BZP, which in the hindsight of old age looks a bit sad and pathetic. Yeah, I definitely played it up a bit for laughs, but I have to confess that there was a bit of truth behind that.
    It's hard when you're seventeen and you have all these hopes and aspirations. At school, you're just a regular person, but on the internet, hey, you just make some funny Flash videos and write some silly movie parodies and suddenly you're someone special. Of course it would go to your head, you're still a kid. What do you know about power or fame? How could you possibly use those things responsibly? I wasn't even that powerful or famous. Imagine if I were a real celebrity! Yowza...
    For the most part, I guess I was well-liked. Certainly if I go onto Bionicle Discord communities, people tell me they have fond memories of some of the things I've done. So maybe I'm overthinking it, maybe this is just the imposter syndrome that we all have to face in adulthood.
    And things could absolutely be worse. You hear all sorts of stories about people who use their power and  influence to abuse and control vulnerable people. I definitely never did anything like that. I just made some blog posts that aged poorly.
    I don't think I'm a bad person now or that I was a bad person before, I just think it's interesting how my values shifted as I got older. Right now I am 31. I run my own business where I give children speech therapy.  “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” That's my new aim in life: to help make other people feel good, not just myself. My power and influence speaks for itself, I don't have to brag about it on the internet, even as a joke.
    Thank you for reading this. I hope you managed to grow beyond the person you were at seventeen too.
    Well, my horrible week without TV has finally come to a close. I recently received a new one, which is much bigger than the old one and HD to boot. It's got a whole bunch of cool, new features and it even has a headphone port! The best part of this port is that I can now record music and other sounds off my TV (specifically ones from the BIONICLE movies, if you catch my drift ). My TV can also freeze a particular frame, adjust the screen quality, and even become sensitive to light (a feature which my dad thinks is the best thing since unsliced bread). All in all, it seems that five days without TV was more than enough of a sacrifice for the new one I have now.
    This is what people are doing in the blogs these days, right?
    My ideal squirrel would be an eastern grey squirrel with a black coat. It would have a thick, bushy tail, and it would be able to bring me snacks or grab things from across the room that I'm too lazy to get myself. He could live in the tree in my yard and attack trespassers with acorns.
    Then when people complain, I could just say:
    "Wow, a squirrel threw an acorn at you? That's nuts!"
    So in case you haven't seen it yet and for posterity's sake, here it is:
    I wish Greg would bump off Norik so I could say,
    "Alas, poor Norik! I knew him well..."
    Well, that's just too good a pun to waste, so I'm considering sending the following message to Greg to see what he can do about it.
    Dear Greg,
    It would really mean a lot to me if you were to have Norik killed in the storyline. Sure he's a popular character, but I think that my clever pun is far more important than his imaginary life or the happiness of the fans.
    Ever yours,
    SPIRIT Nuhrii the Metruan
    Think it'll work?
    Some of you manly men might wonder why My Little Pony has exploded onto the male-dominated Internet. Allow me to explain in relatable terms:
    Remember that episode of Arthur where everyone starts watching the Love Ducks? This is that.
    On that note:

    That is all.
    I think that a good sign for anyone working on anything that's intended to be funny is when you can look at your own work and laugh. This was the case with BIONICLE Under 2 Minutes and it is is the case with the project I started today.
    Why am I making this entry? To tease you and to maybe make some sort of virtual monument to force myself to stop procrastinating on this.
    Here are a few vague tidbits of information:

    It will be funny. It will be made in Flash. It's not a PSA. It's not another X in Y minutes. It has nothing to do with BIONICLE. Let the speculation/frustrated groaning commence!
    Hmm, I think I should buy some tea.
    What kind of tea should I buy?
    Maybe I'll buy a whole bunch of different teas to see which ones I prefer.
    A varie-TEA pack.
    What have I become?
    And unlike the emperor's, mine are visible... only to smart people, though.
    So yeah, I bit the bullet and went shopping for clothes: one of the few things that can't really be sped up by doing preliminary research online, sadly. All in all, I'm satisfied with what I got. The main goal of the mission was to replace the clothes that the paramedics cut off of me after my car crash last summer. What really sucks is that everything I was wearing was new too.
    But, what's done is done. Gotta put your behind in your past.
    I also got a new t-shirt. And since I refuse to buy funny t-shirts any more (since everyone wants to try to one-up me by making a stupid joke about it and just ends up failing miserably), I went for something a bit more low key. I went ahead and bought a shirt with my BZP name written on it, all in capital letters (of course), and in French.
    "... wait, isn't that just an ESPRIT shirt?"
    ... perhaps...
    So turns out I'm going to have a new neighbour spending the night in my building. Don't know if you've heard of him, goes by the name of Hu Jintao. He's apparently a pretty big deal, like the president of China or something.
    Yeah, that's right, Hu Jintao is my neighbour now. B) Granted, I'm in a part of the building that's completely locked off from him and there are police EVERYWHERE so I'll probably never see him, but that's a lot closer than most of you will probably ever get.
    Now that I think about it, Mr. Jintao and I have had a lot of close run-ins lately what with me being near both the G8 and the G20. Lot of freaky coincidences here...
  10. SPIRIT
    Well, it's been long overdue (considering how quick I revamped the Sets forum), but I've finally redone the Software rules. The forum's a bit more exclusive now, but on the other hand, there are less official topics to keep track of as well as less irrelevant topics to have to sift through.
    So come one, come all, let's rekindle some discussion about software... or something...
  11. SPIRIT
    Here's something all you fans of the Toa Hagah PSA (may the topic rest in peace): I'm currently working on a sequalish thing to it in the spare time I have not doing TotA because Dr. Bionicle's computer is not working. I won't reveal too much, but I can tell you that Cee-estee will be in it (as a voice actor) and that it won't have a long music scene like the last one. Now that I'm more competant in Flash, I'm going to try to get the characters to move a little more, but so far, it's only making them look really Italian.
  12. SPIRIT
    Words that mean nothing to SPIRIT, for he does not dream... and his power makes all things possible!
    Yes, Black Six has rearranged who works in which forum and so I have been moved out of Short Stories, the Voting Booth, and Comics and I have been moved into Software and Movies & Books. Not only that, but I have been made head Forum Leader of Sets and Software, which means that in those forums, I am unstoppable!
    For those who are having trouble keeping track, here are the forums SPIRIT works in right now:

    Sets Storyline & Theories Software Movies & Books BIONICLE Sector 01 The tanks march soon and all shall tremble in my wake. Pack an umbrella.
  13. SPIRIT
    The great SPIRIT Empire grows ever larger as another forum is added to my control. Quiver in fear as Bionicle Software gets a new moderator: me. I can only imagine the high-jinx that will ensue now that I'm working with Dr. Bionicle; races to see who can close a particular topic first and whatnot. Bets can be placed at any time, just send the money to me and I'll sort everything out.
    Basically, here's what happened: Black Six IMed me yesterday and asked me if I'd be willing to take on another forum. I obliged and he gave me a choice between M&B and Software. It was a pretty tough decision, but I decided that since Bionicle Heroes was coming out soon, Software would start to see quite a bit of action in the upcoming days.
    Well, let's hope this works out as well as my other forums. And just think, if Black Six keeps up his pattern, I'll be getting another forum in about two weeks from now.
  14. SPIRIT
    Hi, friends. Do you or someone you know have the mini CD that came with Nuhvok-Kal? Would you like to help your favourite Reference Keeper with the BIONICLE Reference Center's Pronunciation Guide?
    If you said "yes" to both of these then SPIRIT needs your help and would really appreciate you PMing him for more information.
    If you said "yes" to the first one and "no" to the second then you are a cruel and heartless human being.
    EDIT: I don't know what's on the Rahkshi CDs, but if they have the narrator guy say "Pakari" and "Onua" or even "Onu-Koro" they'll do just as well.
  15. SPIRIT
    Stop it! Stop it now! :angry:
    To quote The Hobbit:

    Not entirely what I'm getting at, but it's a good starting point at how vague our small talk is.
    What really grinds my gears is when people use qualifying adjectives (e.g. good, nice, beautiful, gorgeous, splendid, miserable, terrible, etc.) to objectively describe the weather. What I'm saying is, what the heck is "good" weather and who decides this?!
    Does it mean that the sun is shining, there are little or no clouds, there is no precipitation, the air temperature is greater than or equal to room temperature, and there is little or no wind? If so, then why not say that instead of acting as though your personal feelings about the weather are fact.
    For instance, if someone truthfully says, "my, isn't it sunny today?", you'd be insane to say, "I disagree, I think it's raining," when you can both plainly see that it is not. However, if someone were to say, "my, isn't it gorgeous out today?" in the same scenario, they do not expect you to disagree when it is clearly warm and sunny out by saying, "I disagree, I find this sort of weather unappealing."
    Who decided that bright sunshine, no wind, and warmth were "good" in terms of weather? Sure, I like being warm as much as the next guy, but I find overcast skies to be much more picturesque and nice to look at; I don't mind the wind, as long as it's not too cold outside -- it adds a real sense of power to nature, I find; as long as you don't have to shovel it, snow is fantastic to look at, the way it coats the countryside and how it looks when it's falling; and watching a lightning storm is just indescribable. So why is it that the sort of weather I like is considered not to be good?
    Basically, what I'm saying is, think before you speak. Some people might not feel the same about weather that you do. Rather than saying "isn't is splendid weather we're having old bean, wot, wot?" try saying, "I think the sunshine looks beautiful today"; or rather than "this weather is simply ghastly," try, "this weather is not to my liking as the rain is getting me wet and the wind has rendered my umbrella ineffective".
    That is all.
    Join us next time when SPIRIT gripes about people who say "supper" instead of "dinner".
  16. SPIRIT
    A terrible thing has happened today. My sister was watching TV a few hours ago and then she went upstairs during a commercial (I can't quite remember why, but it's not important). Anyway, when she came back, she asked me if I had turned off the TV. Having been at the computer the whole time, I told her that I hadn't and that she must have done so and forgotten. Shrugging her shoulders, she reached for the remote and pressed the On button but nothing happened. I was called in to investigate and found that no matter what I did, I couldn't turn it on. So then I called down my dad; still no luck. He and I then hoisted the TV onto its face, opened its back panel, and then looked around, but we found nothing and still couldn't get it to work. So in the end, my dad decided that it was toast and now plans to throw it out.

    It was a good TV. It played VHS, DVD, PS2, antennae, and satellite faithfully, but now it's time has come. Farewell old friend, I shall never forget you...
    BTW, did I mention I'm getting a new LCD television in the near future?
  17. SPIRIT
    Just after I post something in my blog to say that nothing of interest happens to me, something happens. Yesterday was the longest day I've had in some time. It started off around 7:00 AM where I woke up early so I could get ready and go on BZP before my final driving lesson. After 10 sessions, I'm kind of sad to be done with it, in a nostalgic sort of way, but it certainly gives me a lot more free time! That day was also the first time I was let onto the highway (which is legal as long as you have a certified driving instructor in the passenger seat). All in all, it was a very stressful experience that I think will only be served poetic justice if I show you what it was like using emoticons as visual aids.
    SPIRIT is happily cruising along at about 60 km/h:
    His driving instructor then tells him it's time to go on the highway:
    He descends the entry ramp at about 40 km/h, the highway coming ever closer:
    He reaches the merging lane and notices that at the rate he's going, if he doesn't bring up the speed fast enough, he's going to crash into the bull nose:
    Desperately, he floors the gas and goes from about 50 km/h to 100 km/h:
    Two minutes later, he pulls off of the highway and back to regular streets:
    So yeah, like I said before, pretty stressful.
    In the afternoon, I went to my church to help set up for the Christmas dinner. It really only involved me setting tables and passing things from one person to the other, but I had some exciting moments: like when I had to open juice cans with a broken can opener (ended up opening my hand instead :annoyed2:) and when I had to squeeze about 20 slices of cheese cake on plates into a fridge (not as easy as it sounds). After that, I pretty much acted as a waiter and a dish cleaner (once again, just passing dishes from one end of the kitchen to the other) until 9:30 when we were finally finished. To celebrate, some of the other youth helpers and I went to Deck the Halls and called it a night at about 12:30 AM. As far as Christmas movies go, Deck the Halls wasn't that bad. It had Danny DeVito and Matthew Broderick in it so that certainly helped the humour along.
    Anyway, after this long day, I slept about eight hours that night and then had another half hour nap today so hopefully I'll be awake enough to survive another week of school (only 2 weeks left!).
    Oh yeah, I also got 100 % in BIONICLE Heroes today.
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