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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    Hey, folks. It's the time of year where kids from 1 to 92 are writing their letters to ol' Santa Claus and before you finish, allow someone who has experienced many Christmases to give you a piece of advice that he has learned from the ages.
    You might be asking yourself, "what platform should I get this game on? Nintendo DS or one of the consoles?" The answer to this is quite simple:
    99/100 times, it will result in disappointment. For some reason or other, despite the DS being a highly versatile and powerful system, developers put an incredibly much smaller amount of effort into making games for it that also have platform versions. Granted, there are exceptions to this, where the DS version is greater than or equal to the console game (BIONICLE Heroes, for instance), but unless your family has an orchard of money trees, it's not worth the risk.
    Instead, go for the DS-exclusive games. 100% of the developers' time and effort has gone into making it and it's pretty much guaranteed that they're better than the multi-platform ones.
    And that's my bit of Christmas advice for you.
    That's right, folks, I've been hit with the classic sitcom conundrum of wanting to be two places at the same time. If anyone had a Time Turner or fast car they'd be willing to lend me, that'd be great.
    Well, my first set of acts as Forum Leader of Sets was to pretty much burn the place down and rebuild from the ashes. Check out the new rules and new Official Topics and familiarize yourself with them.
    Or else.
    Words that mean nothing to SPIRIT, for he does not dream... and his power makes all things possible!
    Yes, Black Six has rearranged who works in which forum and so I have been moved out of Short Stories, the Voting Booth, and Comics and I have been moved into Software and Movies & Books. Not only that, but I have been made head Forum Leader of Sets and Software, which means that in those forums, I am unstoppable!
    For those who are having trouble keeping track, here are the forums SPIRIT works in right now:

    Sets Storyline & Theories Software Movies & Books BIONICLE Sector 01 The tanks march soon and all shall tremble in my wake. Pack an umbrella.
    So I'm doing a random online survey, and I get this question:
    A Hectic Morning:
    Your dog wakes you up at 8:00am because your alarm clock has failed to wake you up. Taking a look at your dog, you realize he desperately needs to be groomed, and let outside to do his business. You have a 2-hour exam at 8:30am and the last bus that will get you there on time leaves at 8:15am.You realize you should probably shower, and you feel a little sick and hungry due to lack of sleep from cramming for your exam.
    The phone begins to ring, and it's your landlord probably calling about the broken air conditioner. You receive a text from your best friend, and you catch another glimpse of the time: it is 8:03am. As you realize your limited amount of time, you think about the breakfast foods you have: cereal, chocolate bar, banana, and a frozen pizza pocket, because you can't write an exam on an empty stomach. Your mind races to the unpaid phone and Internet bills due by tomorrow and you can't risk anymore bad credit with all those student loans needing to be paid off. It's also your turn to clean the kitchen this week or your roommates will be very upset. You still need a pencil, eraser, and student ID for the exam, but that will take 2 minutes of searching though your very messy room. You scan your room and your eyes briefly rest on the job ads taped to your mirror, you need to find a job soon. It would probably be advisable to change out of those food-stained and very dirty clothes before being seen in public.
    It is 8:05am now, what do you do during this day? Make sure to get everything done, and be realistic about timing. It takes exactly one minute to get to the bus stop.
    So I thought for a bit, and came up with this response:
    Get on your skateboard and hang the frozen pizza pocket in front of the dog so that it will chase after it and pull you along. As you get the pizza pocket, snag a few ice cubes from the freezer and toss them around the kitchen -- by the time they melt and evaporate, everything will be washed away. As you shove the banana into your mouth, pick up the phone and answer the landlord with "mhmm" until he hangs up. Have your dog sniff out your school supplies and then set him lose into the street. As he pulls you along on your skateboard, lead him towards a puddle, whose splash will wash both you and your clothes. As you get on the bus, sell your dog to one of the passengers to pay for the bills and get your salesmen skills noticed by a pet store owner who's also on the bus. Keeping your banana peel with you, get to the exam hall a few minutes ahead of schedule. Slyly drop the banana peel so that your professor slips on it and drops a copy of the exam. Snap some pics with your camera phone and send them to your friend who's already taken the course. Use the stolen answers to ace the exam and you're done by 9:00. Enjoy the rest of your day.
    Hello LEGO fans of Texas. As you may or may not know, LEGO has released a promotional website for LEGO Universe called www.bradfordrant.org.
    On this site, the goal is to find LEGO pods that have been scattered around the globe and can be found with GPS coordinates. I have calculated the point of intersection between the current batch of coordinates and have determined that there is a pod at (32.845, -98.17), just west of Fort Worth, Texas. If I understand the game correctly, you can find your prize there. So if you or someone you know lives in the area, I suggest you type those into a map website and check it out.
    If it happens that I've sent you on a wild goose chase, I offer in advance my sincerest apologies.
    Hello, world.
    My sources have recently informed me of a rash of atrocities performed by a man masquerading as "Black Six" (pictured here). Mr. Six has been quoted many times saying hateful things about the fruit of the Macadamia tetraphylla plant, more commonly referred to as the macadamia nut. The following is a quote which may or may not have been said by him and which may or may not have been about macadamia nuts.
    "I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM!"
    If you or someone you know is a macadamia nut, please make sure that your doors, windows, and cookie bags are locked tight and that your children are kept safe.
    Now over to Jack Sampson with the weather. Jack?
    Just for kicks the other day, I decided to check out the Spanish and French audio on my TLR DVD just to hear how the characters sounded and to see how well I could follow (since I also speak French and Spanish). To give myself a hand, I turned on the subtitles only to find that some genius had decided to translate the subtitles and the actual audio separately! So while the same message comes across, the wording between the subtitles and the non-English dialogue is different!
    Now, before we start bashing LEGO and the people they work with, this is not the first time I've seen this on a DVD. In several DVDs I've rented/purchased/seen in school, if you put on non-English subtitles and audio, they don't always match up.
    I really have to wonder the logic behind this. They pay a guy to translate the script into French and Spanish so that they can hire new voice actors to dub the movie. Then they pay another guy to translate what the subtitles say rather than transcribe what the first guy actually wrote. Call me crazy, but this sounds like a ridiculous waste of time and money. I mean, how hard is it to put stuff into a movie THAT YOU'VE ALREADY WRITTEN?! Like is there some point down the line where they realize "oh wait, we totally already got a guy to translate the script." "Well, should we just fire the guy translating the subtitles?" "Nah, he's almost done anyway."
    I encourage any of you who own DVDs with this option to go check them out and see if things don't line up just right. It may sadden you to discover how prevalent this actually is...
    Well, it took some fiddling about, but I've finally managed to get my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector working again, which means that now I can start playing Nintendo DS games against people over the Internet once more. If you have any of the games listed in the content block marked Gaming Info, drop me a PM and hopefully we'll be able to face each other. I'm particularly keen on getting a game of Civilization Revolution going to see if beating the computer on Deity level is actually something to be proud of.
  10. SPIRIT
    In case you haven't seen already, here's some cool stuff I've recently released on BZP.
    1) Comedy Trailer: a trailer I made for my comedy just for fun. There are some TLR clips, so that's pretty cool.
    2) The Awesomest TLR Spoof: yep, it's another one of my famous movie spoofs, come check it out!
    3) One of Us Music Video: a music video I made, using clips from TLR, based on the song One of Us by Joan Osborne.
    4) One Last Hope Music Video: another music video made with TLR clips, this time to the song One Last Hope from Disney's Hercules.
  11. SPIRIT
    In the words of Hagrid, "A CAR CRASH!? A car crash kill Lily an' James Potter?! It's an outrage! It's a scandal!"
    As is such, I had a car crash and did not die. But I broke all three bones in my right leg. I tell you this now from my laptop on the hospital Wifi. Don't expect a lot of activity from me in the near future.
    I've already had surgery and they've taken my off the morphine. I'm doing well, considering.
    UPDATE ON July 15th: they've taken out all my staples and I'm home now.
  12. SPIRIT
    They stole it from us... sneaky little Hobbitses! Wicked, tricksy, false!
    As you may or may not remember, I posted a joke in my blog for the heck of it, right after checking on Google that it hadn't already been made and that there were no variations on it.
    So I'm in the hospital with my broken leg, when my parents bring me the July 2009 issue of the Canadian Reader's Digest. What do I find on page 25, but a joke submitted by one Phillip Tilley:
    How come Sherlock Holmes never paid any income tax? Brilliant deductions.
    So either Phillip and I have a psychic connection or there is a thief in our midst!
  13. SPIRIT
    Have you seen my entry for Epics Contest #8 yet? It chronicles a surprising twist on the events in Chapter 33 of Wildfire (i.e. the Jaller vs. Vakama chapter) and above all, it contains a huge explosion!
    Gape in awe as minor characters are given DEPTH.
    Be amazed at the introduction of a NEW WEAPON.
    And like I said before, there's a HUGE EXPLOSION.
    Read it TODAY.
    This blog entry was sponsored by the Boost SPIRIT's Ego Corporation™
  14. SPIRIT
    I just did the math and I missed it by a few days! :annoyed2:
    Oh, not the 7000th year since my birth, but rather the 7000th day. If my calculations are correct, I experienced my 7000th sunrise on June 6th, 2009 (it looked just like all the other ones, mind you). From now on I guess I'll have to go back to expressing my age in days like a newborn child. Today, for instance, I turned 7005 days old.
  15. SPIRIT
    Has anyone else beaten Xi on Playstation Home yet (or even heard about it, for that matter )? I did this morning and managed to secure myself three shiny trophies.
    But I will admit it, I had copious amounts of help from online walkthroughs.
  16. SPIRIT
    Hi, friends. Do you or someone you know have the mini CD that came with Nuhvok-Kal? Would you like to help your favourite Reference Keeper with the BIONICLE Reference Center's Pronunciation Guide?
    If you said "yes" to both of these then SPIRIT needs your help and would really appreciate you PMing him for more information.
    If you said "yes" to the first one and "no" to the second then you are a cruel and heartless human being.
    EDIT: I don't know what's on the Rahkshi CDs, but if they have the narrator guy say "Pakari" and "Onua" or even "Onu-Koro" they'll do just as well.
  17. SPIRIT
    Six years prior, early on a Sunday morning, the young boy that would soon be known as SPIRIT logged onto his computer. He had visited the BIONICLE fansite known as BZPower a few times to look for BIONICLE-related news and he decided that it was high time that he joined himself. With that, he clicked the button marked "Become a Member" and tried registering for an account name that he thought he would like to have: SPIRIT. Having not seen any other SPIRITs on the forums, it came as little surprise when it worked. And with that, a new age was born...
    In the year 2043 A.D., under the new world order, SPIRIT arose to become Supreme Overlord of the World and June 1st became a national holiday, celebrating not only the anniversary of his membership on BZPower, but also the day that his ground forces destroyed the last settlement of the free world. Citizens wear images of blue Faxons on their sleeves to remember that on that day in the year 2009, SPIRIT was denied his Faxon due to a server glitch.
    Yeah, that was an excerpt from a history text book I got from the future.
  18. SPIRIT
    "Helloooooooo! Hola, velcomen, bienvenue, konichiwa, aloha, how you doin'?, yo, and in any language, welcome to LEGO Island!"
    *nostalgic sniffle*
    Ah, the good old days...
    So I just figured out how to get the game working on my computer and oh the memories. It's actually a little startling how far graphics have come along since the 90s and laughable at how cutting edge this game once was. All the same, it's still loads of fun. Granted, I've lost some of my manoeuvring talent over the past decade, but I still managed to get a red or a blue in every race (and I remember when my whole score cube was red...).
    I also got some of the jokes that just whipped over my head as a kid. Like Dr. Clickitt's comment about being on the golf course while I drive the ambulance and then wondering where the golf course actually is.
    I saved the island from the Brickster too for like the billionth time. You'd think they'd have figured out pizza-resistant locks by now. I only lost a few buildings on that one and did considerably better than my early attempts way back in the day when stopping him was just beyond my arrow key pressing dexterity.
    Now I have all the game music stuck in my head. Not that that's a bad thing, but it sure does bring back the memories...
  19. SPIRIT
    Not too much activity on the last follow up, but oh well. I'll just leave post-counts and proto alone for now unless someone gets some really good ideas. Now, however, onto the fun part.
    So we've seen the map, we have a general idea of how things work, now let's get a better picture of each of the individual forums. To recap, the forums have been given their elements for the following reasons:
    Fire: Bionicle Collectibles -- Ta-Matoran make masks.
    Fire: LEGO Bionicle Sets -- Ta-Matoran make the parts for things like Vahki, etc.
    Water: New Member Q&A -- Ga-Matoran are teachers.
    Water: General Discussion -- Ga-Matoran talk a lot? (Kind of grasping at straws here. )
    Stone: Buy/Sell/Trade -- Po-Koro had a thriving marketplace in MNOLG1
    Stone: Marketplace Banter -- (See above.)
    Ice: Bionicle Storyline & Theories -- Ko-Matoran ponder the future.
    Ice: Voting Booth -- Ko-Matoran use information they collect to extrapolate the future (also a bit of a stretch).
    Air: Comedies -- Le-Matoran joke around.
    Air: Bionicle Artwork III: Bionicle Comics -- (See above).
    Earth: Bionicle Reference Center -- Onu-Matoran archive things and study the past.
    Earth: Bionicle Movies & Books -- The tales told in the movies and books are about the past, which interests the Onu-Matoran.
    Light: BZP Reference Desk -- Nothing more bright and painful to the eyes than a bunch of rules (also, it's like the "ultimate" element).
    Light: BZPower.com News Discussion -- Shines a light into the darkness of ignorance (once again, mostly because it'd be unfair to give another forum Light).
    Plasma: Completely Off Topic -- Plasma is full of energy and all over the place, just like COT.
    Plasma: Bionicle Games & Trivia -- Once again, full of energy
    Magnetism: Bionicle Software -- Information is often stored magnetically.
    Magnetism: Fan-Made Games -- (See above.)
    Plant Life: Bionicle Artwork I: General Art -- Plant Life is serene, graceful, and beautiful, just like artwork.
    Plant Life: Bionicle Promotions -- Plants also try to spread themselves everywhere, which is what Promotions are for.
    Gravity: LEGO General Discussion -- Gravity is things being held together, like LEGO sets.
    Gravity: Bionicle Artwork II: Shops & Kits -- The various sprites and banners are also things that are being held together.
    Iron: Bionicle Based Creations -- BIONICLE creatures are metallic and Fe-Matoran are industrious, building many things.
    Iron: BBC Contest Voting -- (See above.)
    Sonics: Epics -- De-Matoran like the quiet, making it easier for them to read.
    Sonics: Short Stories -- (See above.)
    Lightning: Bionicle RPG -- Nikila, the only Toa of Lightning we've seen, was a strategist and Tahnok-Kal was said to be the fiercest of the Bohrok-Kal. Sounds like an RPG player to me.
    Lightning: RPG Contest Voting -- (See above).
    Also, here is the map so you can see where each forum is roughly.
    What I want from you is a small bio on each of the forums. Maybe a paragraph or so detailing scenery, lifestyle, and maybe a brief history if you want. You can submit as many as you want and we'll vote on the best in the next entry.
    I'll get you started with the island of Hapori Nui.
    BZP Reference Desk: Built on the remains of the ancient village of BZ-Koro, where the earliest colonists once lived, this region has since become the capitol of the BZ Nui archipelago. After the denizens branched out to the surrounding islands, the island was used as a central hub for maintaining order between the early settlements. Now a shining golden fortress stands there in whose many rooms the staff spend their leisure time, conduct official business, and where proclamations are made to the people of BZ Nui.
    New Member Q&A: An entire coastline filled with schools to educate newer (and sometimes older) members on the workings of the site. Situated near to the official list of rules, it isn't difficult for students to quickly learn everything they need to know about membership. It is often frequented by experienced members and staff, especially Forum Mentors, to pass on their knowledge of the site.
  20. SPIRIT
    I have done it. 100 000 years of events cobbled together into a coherent series of events. The BIONICLE Reference Centre's timeline is fully up to date! Have a look, let me know what you think, and please let me know if there are any mistakes.
    And now, I embark on a new, top secret project for the Reference Team. All very hush-hush for now, but I'm pretty sure you'll like the end product. To my knowledge, nothing of this sort has been done before and I think it's about high time it has been.
    That's all I say for now, but stay tuned for some very fancy Reference Keeping.
  21. SPIRIT
    So, I had been under the impression that LEGO cancelled my Club Magazine subscription as I haven't gotten a magazine in over a year. Turns out my dad has been throwing them away because he mixed up the Club Magazine with the LEGO Catalogue. :annoyed2:
  22. SPIRIT
    Some of you may have seen my BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn countdown and others might remember the one I made in anticipation of the release of Deathly Hallows. Well, now that I've got a template in place, I decided to make some for the new Harry Potter movie coming out July 17.


    Also, some credit would be nice.
    P.S. In terms of file size, the first one is 18.8 KB and the second one is 20.0 KB.
    EDIT: They've pushed the release date forward two days, so the banners have been updated accordingly.
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