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Status Updates posted by Jayk

  1. Tchaikovsky...Nice. So few people I meet like classical. Good for you. :D

  2. Thank you very much, although that's probably only 'cause there's so few T-800 MOCs around. :P Your mecha Moc's fantastic, BTW.

  3. Jayk

    Thank you. :D

  4. Thanks for putting that in your sig. I completely agree that the issue shouldn't be addressed here.

  5. Thanks for the comment on my comics. I just wanted to say: that sandworm cat is HILARIOUS. :P

  6. Thanks, Bricks. :D

  7. Thanks, I sure hope so. Detroit's up 2 games to 0 now. This'll be a tough series, that's for sure.

  8. That is LITrally, the best profile pic you've ever had.

    1. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      holy frick i can't believe you're still alive i love youuuu


      do you have a skype? we should totally catch up sometime

    2. Jayk


      I am indeed, just haven't been around much.

    3. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      well if you have a skype that's largely what the old BS01 guys (who are still around) use instead of google talk nowadays.


      bzdurden add me up

  9. Jayk

    That they are, that they are. There's a movie called "Michael Clayton", with George Clooney, that was written by the scriptwriter of the Bourne trilogy. It's very good.

  10. That's for sure. If the Pens can win this one, there's a good chance they'll finish it back in Pittsburgh.

  11. The best Barbie name-sig combination, you have. My compliments.

  12. Then come kiss me, sweet-and-twenty! Youth's a stuff will not endure.

  13. Totally changing it. And I might be able to do a bit o' guitar this weekend.

  14. Unfortunately, no.

  15. Well, I like Myers, Kennedy, and Kaleta better, but yeah, I like 'em all. :P And why should Ovie have been suspended? That hit on Kaleta was just boarding.

  16. Well, that's only wimps who worship Linkin Park and Green Day and wish they had huge six-packs. :P No, I haven't seen the tour in person. Havn't been to any of their concerts. Someday, though.

  17. Wesołych Świąt!

  18. Whoa.

    2. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang







      I LOVE YOU



  19. Jayk

    why thank you good sir :D

  20. Yep, KotOR. :D Ever visit, um, that one modding site for it, with "files" in the name?

  21. Yep, pretty neat. Now it's the Sabres' turn. Hopefully. XD Blast our Buffalonian Luck! XD

  22. Jayk

    You like Coldplay. You have an amusing username. You win. Thank you. Goodbye.

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