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Phoenixian Wraith

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Posts posted by Phoenixian Wraith

  1. Chapter One: A New Life is RevealedIn this world, there are many types of people, but there are only a few that most take note of - those that follow their destiny, whatever that may be, and those that grip their destiny and write it themselves. However, the person of interest in this story is part of a third group, one where they help those that create their own, no matter the cost. We look now at the beginning of that child's life, in a hospital on Shade-Isle...Fluorescent lights lined the hallway, bringing the muted, light grey walls to a peculiar shine that made everything almost dreamlike, especially in the abandoned ward. A lone man sat hunched, his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped, in the end seat of a row of chairs, the only sign of life being the steady rise and fall of his back as he breathed, waiting. Waiting.Suddenly, a hoarse, agonising scream rent the quiet of the hospital, seeming to echo for an eternity down the vacant hall. The man's head snapped up, his eyes bursting with frustration and concern as he stared intently at the door in front of him, willing himself to stay seated and allow the doctor to do her work. A muscle jumped in his neck as though he were physically fighting himself not to barge in like a Kikanalo. Then the sound he had been waiting, straining to hear, came.The crying of a newborn.The man relaxed with a sigh of relief, rolling his shoulders to work out the kink in his neck that had been there for what felt like an hour. Then he stood up, breathed deeply, strode to the door and, without knocking, let himself in. In the first bed on the right, surrounded by the doctor and two nurses, was without a doubt the most beautiful woman he had ever known. Ielarae Ahkotsku, her deep azure hair haloing her head and neck in a stringy, knotted mess, her hazelnut brown skin glistening with sweat that reflected the cold, hard fluorescent light into almost an aurora around her, her half lidded eyelids failing to hide her rich amber eyes, usually full of excitement and mischief, now empty with effort but yet lit with love and compassion as she stared down.Within her arms lay a bundle of cloth almost like a pillow, the babe nestled inside no longer crying but sleeping contentedly, occasionally waving a tiny hand in front like it was trying to catch a dream. His skin was a healthy pinkish-peach, and his hair was a veritable mess of black. Neiphelm Ahkotsku looked down at his wife and newborn son with love and fatherly tenderness. As he stared down onto his son, oblivious to the congratulations that were lavished upon him by the staff, the boy opened his eyes and stared back at him, his eyes the colour of the clouds of a fine day, flecks of golden-amber spread haphazardly within the blank stare that rapidly grew into what could only be described as warmth and love.As Neiphelm and Ielarae stared with wonder, the young Ahkotsku's little mouth broke into a wide, open smile as he gurgled happily before returning to his slumber."Neiph?" Her voice, husky though it was from the exertion, still held the melodious tone that had captivated him so long ago."Yes, Iela?" His voice, though rough from disuse for such a long time, carried with it the strength and confidence that had won her heart."What shall we name him?""How about... Phaenyx." Almost as though he had heard them, the babe stirred and stared sleepily up at his parents before dozing off again. Neiphelm and Ielarae smiled as they saw his reaction, and without needing to consult any further, decided upon the name.Sitting carefully on the side of the bed so as to not disturb the peaceful scene, Neiphelm wrapped an arm around his beloveds shoulders and gently pulled her close, placing his other hand on top of his wife's where it held together the blankets around his naked son, as they bent their heads in unison and whispered gently,"Welcome to the world, Phaenyx Ahkotsku."As the new parents embraced each other and their newborn baby, the hospital fades as time blurs and shifts forwards...Review topic

  2. Another great chapter. Genakex sure showed Titan eh? Smart aleck warmonger...Hey it you want more Psionic (or any Element really) Spirits you should just ask! We, your loyal readers, will be only too happy to help out... Or at least I will XD

  3. Hmm I don't know whether to comment on Tahra's behaviour or not, seeing as how Keizah has gone rather in depth about it... Mind you, he/she has superbly picked up that the Ikhav brothers are well designed and that they both have different reactions that fit in perfectly with their characteristics.I can understand Xyla's reaction now, so please beg my pardon for revealing - she feels that by choosing Air over Stone, therefore alienating her immediate family from the rest simply accepting it, she has no choice but to see it through to the end. However, I feel that at some point later in the story, she will begin using Stone moves, even if only rarely. If I've spoiled the plot, I'm sorry :*(. I can always edit though.

  4. Wow... I designed Phaenyx and sometimes I want to smack him upside the head.. Voyagers lookin to be my fave King at this point. All in all, another sweet chapter. Can't wait to find out Xyla's problem against Stone types, though...

  5. From what I remember of DBZ, you inserted Buu perfectly. I'd say his human 'host' is either insane, brainwashed or unconscious... Though I'd be happy to be proven otherwise.Might I say, you seem to have a bit of fun bringing Phaenyx into the group. Titan didn't seem to mind much either save for Phaenyx saving Tahra. Overall, another awesome chapter!

  6. Erh I think that may be from people wanting to add their input to the story/game =P.And I meant by what we expect is the quality of your work - still loved the little throw in of Phaenyx's persistence!

  7. Hmm... I can see something of a plotline in the story, but I won't spill it in case I'm wrong... plus I don't wanta call it out yet. Gambler seems overconfident, I reckon he'll be taken down a notch some point in the story (probably later) because of it... All in all, exactly what we expect =D

  8. Throw in being a bit of a pain in the backside and it's now almost too good to be true!! And take all the liberties you want within reason dude - your story after all, and I'm lovin the personality! Especially the 'straightforward' attitude to battle!

  9. Nevermore, we'll find out Tahra's story later on, for now however I think it'd be something that happened sometime during her father's illness...Exo, you have taken Phaenyx to a level beyond what I expected - fast talking, persistant AND a bit of humor? You rule.

  10. Byahahahahahaha!!! Dude, you've got Phaenyx (my GS for those who don't know) down to the frickin' CORE! m/ (^_^) m/And I love the Avatar reference with the Shadow Ball!

  11. Sweet chapter - Kytan seems fond of double-fusing for that extra power boost. And Titan seems to overlook the fact that it WAS his fault.Also, what're you gonna do with VR/HS? Repost it?

  12. Yeah, I didn't notice too many characters with THAT much spirit and drive (outside the Ikhav's of course)... If she was in One Piece, would she have Haoshoku Haki??

  13. Eooohh.... so Equip is Watershocks ability? Cool.I don't like EP - sexist baka... though I like his story and his part in this epic.Can't wait for the next chapter!!

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