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Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

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Posts posted by Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

  1. "Suit yourself." Lei said. "You might get called out through."The Vinesman finally managed to pin the Ussalry and victory went to the Gukko Force. Widgets exchanged hands before two Footmen bounced into the ring."Guard attendance is low." Hotu noted."There is that scuffle that closed off the main gate." Kalama said. "They're probably dealing with it."

  2. OOC: XD And well executed at that.IC: Lei grinned brightly at Sisk. "Much. The only rule is no weapons unless both combatants agree to it. No killing ether. That's obvious. Wouldn't want the higher ups waking up to realizing they were missing a few soldiers.""Rank means squat here too." Hotu said. "You're in the building you're fair game. Kalama might be the highest ranking here but even the lowest privates can call him out to the ring.""A poor choice selecting me as an opponent but better than suddenly learning the folly of biting off more than you can chew when your life is at stake." Kalama replied."Spaken' o' stakes, yer gunna gut moi weegets ba'k lass." Yuni told Lei. "Wif eentarast!""Hey Hotu, can you pound someone's face in for me?""Nun ye don't lass. Yer gunna earn 'em ba'k yerself!""This does not bode well for our young adventuress..." Lei narrated.

  3. OOC: I aim to please! ^_^IC: "Hmmm... it will do for a start. I suppose we could always work... our... way.. up..." Lei said seductively walking her fingers up the side of Sisk's Kanohi."HOTU!!!" A Guardsman greeted the Marine. "We missed you at the last dance!""Bit occupied. Back now." She said."And you brought the whole gang with you! Brilliant! HEY GUYS! WE GOT MARINES TO REPRESENT!"The group found themselves in a massive warehouse. Matoran from just about every force from the Guard to the Footmen were in the building.In the middle of the building was a cleared out makeshift fighting ring. A Gukko Force Vinesman and an Ussalry member were going at it. The spectators were cheering the combatants on."Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a Military Dance." Kalama said introducing those not familiar to the concept. "Sometimes tensions just get too high so we blow off a little steam and settle things in a supervised manner." He paused to glance around. "Seems like we're the only Marines here. Get ready for an onslaught girls.""A lot of other Matoran like to fight Marines." Kali said. "They try to unseat us as the toughest force. We just like to beat on Guardsmen and Sanctum."

  4. "...You suck at gender identification don't you?" Kali accused Argentum. "First you're calling Kalama some weird gender mix when he's clearly male and now you're calling Macku a guy when she's a girl. Wow... just... wow... I have no words to even describe this.""You could always make some up." Lei offered helpfully."That wouldn't work." Kali said. "Because then I would have no idea what I'm saying.""You could make up a whole new language!" Lei said. "We could call it... Kalienthese!""...Cute Corporal but let's stick with standard Matoran."Hotu knocked on a door."Here we go..."

  5. "It's not so much we 'can't track him' than we 'can't catch him'." Maya said. "Tracking we can do. We've picked up his trail several times. Catching him is another matter entirely. Every time we think we get close enough we think we can see him the trail suddenly vanishes. Once he got far enough away the trail reappears."Lei leaned back against Sisk. "The position of my personal manservant and consort is still open." She batted her eyes at him.

  6. "Fairly dark." Kalama answered as Hotu started leading the group. "Also very noisy. The sound of industry and mining goes on there.""I thought we were going to the dance?" Hotu said."We are! That's why you're in front!" Kalama said.

  7. "Seeing as this was a bust we'll probably head up to Onu-Koro and see if... HOTU! GET BACK HERE AND STAY PUT!" Kalama snapped at the oversized Matoran."See if the other Toa and Tanuka had any luck with Taipu." He finished. "What is your problem Corporal?" Kalama turned to Hotu."Dance sir.""...Right after we go pound some Sanctum Guard's faces in."

  8. Lei shook her head. "Codfish=Commandant." She whispered back. "Commandants are one rank higher than Commander and are usually in charge of installations or liaisons. A lot of what both do are WAY above my pay grade."Kalama walked back out. He was alone. "Well that was more painless than I thought it would be.""She tore you apart huh?" Kali asked."I am honestly surprised I am still in one piece. Still I'm glad it wasn't the Chacodfish. I'd probably get dropped to Captain if I was lucky.""Oh?""Yeah. Otherwise they would have dropped me so far you'd be the new CO." Kalama joked."Pass.""Ah come on Kali. You'd make a great CO.""You drop. I drop. We're your unit Kalama.""Speak for yourself." Nuraka said. "I'd take it.""By the way Nuraka, you've been reassigned to your own unit.""WHAT?!?!" She screeched. "Like Karz I'm going!"Kalama laughed. "Gotcha."Nuraka glared at him. "If you're going to act like that I think I will accept that fake assignment.""Oh? And impersonate an officer?""I am an officer Kal. I just like it here."Kalama chuckled. "Of course you do." Kalama glanced around. "Corporal get back here..." He said to Hotu who was trying to slink off.

  9. OOC: XD Nice. Way to go from E2 Marine equivalent to E5 in one sweep.IC: Hotu and Lei looked at each other in shock."Did he just go from Private First Class to Seawoman?" Lei asked."I'm seeing it but I don't believe it.""Oh calm down you two!" Nuraka said. "That's not uncommon for someone who keeps rejecting promotions.""If you ladies are done chatterboxing would it be possible for you to behave yourselves for a few minutes while I check in with the liaison here? You're likely to get chewed out by the Codfish because you went rogue so let's not give her anymore ammunition then we have to." Kalama said.

  10. "You should really think about ranking up Ril." Hotu said. "They didn't even consider me for Ghekula until I made Lance Corporal which is STILL one rank higher than you are in the Guard. Seriously.""It's a sign your superiors think you can handle the responsibility that comes with the rank." Juno said. "No soldier ever gets promoted without her superiors thinking she can handle the responsibility. Yuni's a Gunnery Sergent because they believe she can handle running lower enlisted. I'm a Chief Petty Officer because they believe I can oversee the overseers like Yuni in addition to lower enlisted like Lei and Hotu. Kali's an officer because she's proven she can be responsible and level headed enough to oversee entire units and keep our more excitable lower enlisted in line. Kalama's our CO because the Codfish know he has what it takes to lead our unit into battle and bring everyone home alive at the end of the day.""No pressure by the way." Maya said to Kalama."You belief and faith in me in astounding ladies." Kalama said."He's just being sarcastic because it helps him cope." Maya said to Ril. "But Juno is right. You should be honored that they want to give you that promotion. They think you're ready or they wouldn't be offering it."

  11. "We gave up on Kapura. He can't be found right now." Kalama turned to the Guard."I'm sorry sir but there's a bit of a-"Kalama held up a hand. Something in the middle of his palm obscured by his hand made the guard quit speaking as he started at it for a minute."...You may pass Commander. Are these people with you?""Yes.""Alright. You look like a capable bunch. Good luck in there and watch out for Utu!"TA-KOROTA-WAHI, 1734 HRS"Do you think we'll get to see Dren?" Lei asked."Probably not. He get's kept fairly busy. He IS to the Guard what we are to the Marines after all." Hotu said.

  12. OOC: Kalama shivered."What's wrong?" Ta asked as the Rahkshi ate some cheesy crackers."My fanboy senses are tingling. Satterthwhite must be up to something."XDIC: "We're coming Xiber!" Tanuka laughed at the Matoran's enthusiasm. She looked at Thama. "You okay? You sounded kind of disappointed. What's going on?"

  13. The 4th Irregulars swung back over the tiny village having found out the Rama nest was indeed already marked and were watching the spectacle from high up.They watched amused as a couple of Toa made a break from an angry mob chasing them from the village."Who knew Toa made such great entertainment?" Mawl asked.

  14. "What? NO!" Tanuka gave JL a disgusted look. "Ugh, Mata-Nui that's just wrong. He's a male. He just grew up in Ga-Koro. We tend to use female pronouns more than male ones since were were until recently considered an all female breed. It probably rubbed off on him growing up hearing it all the time." She shook her head. "Gross... maybe only YOU can't understand girls because you say things like that. Kalama's male, we just don't know what breed of Matoran he is so everyone considers him a Ga-Koroan because that's where he grew up."

  15. OOC: Hmmm... I may have to start increasing opponents or make them smarter...Or start making antagonists...Decisions, decisions...IC: The Marines relaxed as whatever Rahi were left fled."...Lamest... Fight... EVAR!" Declared Lei."Come on. Let's go back to Ta-Koro and see if they'll let us in then." Kalama said walking back up the path toward the fire village.

  16. OOC: We're under attack. It happens often.IC: "They do realize that they are creating a most problematic situation by dropping both fireballs and Rahi on top of us right?" Nuraka asked grunting as her disc deflected a water blast from a Tarakava. "It's making it rather hard to counterattack when we're cooped up defending ourselves.""Yes Nuraka we get it. But we've been in worse situations before." Kali said."Opening! Drop the top!" Lei announced. The Marines rearranged themselves so that the dome was now a circle. Lei's chain snaked out upwards as she threw it. Snagging a passing falling Rama's leg she nodded to Hotu and Maya who both grabbed onto the chain and heaved.The Rama was sent careening into one of the Tarakava. Both went under the water."Head's up!" The dome went back up at Hotu's warning as a fireball smashed directly into the protected blockade. Another quick movement and the Marines were lined up. Hotu, Juno, and Kalama facing down the Tarakava while Kali organized the firing line for the Nui-Rama who were getting back up from the ground attempting to hover, containing Maya, Nuraka, Yuni, Lei, and Nala.

  17. Nala burst from the water. "AGUPHTH! COMMANDER THE SHIP IS SINKING! BAIL OUT! BAIL OUT!"The Matoran finally stabilized her tread and looked about seeing the Marines laughing at her."Oh very mature ladies. Very mature indeed." She seethed.The Ghekula, now looking very much more like proper Ga-Koroan Marines and less like jungle beasts trooped out of the salty water. Lei immediately went over to Sisk. "See anything you like?" She asked twirling about for him."Whi' ya quweet flertan' wif the lad lass an' get yer 'ead oon strat?" Yuni barked. "Yeh gut a job ter do!"Lei stuck her tongue out at Yuni."Corporal..." Kali said warningly."Well now that we're all a bit more presentable. I suggest we go back to Ta-Koro and see if they'll let us in." Kalama said.The Marines were all looking past him to the water."...There's a Tarakava right behind me about to try and eat me isn't there?" Kalama said."Try, four." Hotu said cracking her knuckles before looking at Kalama. "There's a swarm of Nui-Rama behind us about to swoop in isn't there?""On three?" Maya asked."Better make it two. They look hungry." Kali replied."Right then. On two. One.... TWO!"The Marines all suddenly converged on one spot creating a protective dome of discs and shields as the Tarakava and the Rama led the attack with water and acid blasts littering the area with attacks.

  18. "You can just dump Nala in the water. She'll be fine." Kalama called back to Onuzek as he held Kali in a headlock and proceeded to dunk her. It didn't take long for the Helm Major to slip free and wrestle Kalama under the water.

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