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Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

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Posts posted by Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

  1. "HA! You wish! Skyward my manservant! Your Queen commands it!"JAGGED PATHKO-WAHI DRIFTSKO-WAHI, 1947 HRS"Okay, now they look cold. Buurrrr! It's chilly up here too." Lei said shivering slightly.-------The Raiders were clustered around a heatstone taking a rest break from marching."Oi'd fergutten 'ow culd iz wuz up 'ere." Yuni said trying to rub some warmth back into her arms."We still got what... another six or seven hour march to reach the base?" Maya asked."Six." Kalama said. "Provided we cut through the Forge Valley Pass. Eight if we take the path near Clairvoyance Rock. Dunno how comfortable he'll be." Kalama said pointing at Fragarach. "Those with the spiritual communication masks avoid that place like the plague.""So it is true what they say about the rock?" Maya asked."I'd say there's a strong case for it. The last Toa who went there wearing an Elda went mad." Kalama said shaking icicles lose from his head. "Claims she sensed too many minds all trying for her attention."

  2. Ga-Koro doesn't have guards, it has Marines.Probably the reason there's a high number of air Toa is the ability to create vacuums which supposedly incapacitate characters in a single go.

  3. "Yeah i noticed. They don't seem to like the cold." Lei said hopping down. A skip, jump, and a tumble later, the Corporal found herself at Kalama's feet."All clear into the Jagged Path Com!" She said."Keep your head up Lei. Bound to be something.""Aye aye!" She chirped before bounding back up to the bird and remounting the Gukko.

  4. "No actually, this is kind of facinating." She said as Kalama fluidly changed the cadence yet again. "They're singing to the beat of their own footsteps. If you listen you can hear the steady crunching of snow with each beat as they march. They're all in unison despite the Marines not really being in any of the marching formations I've seen around Ga-Koro."She gave Agarin a funny look. "I'm surprised you find it annoying considering your a musician. Some of these are kinda funny, no wonder the Marines are in good spirits.""Wut? Cadence?" Nala said yawning from Ara'kas's shoulders. "Oh, the Marines are singing." She said hearing the noise. "It's rather easy. You just repeat what the caller says, in this case the caller is Kalama."

  5. OOC: Kalama's Raiders in from Ta-Wahi.NORTH MARCHKO-WAHI/TA-WAHI BORDERKO-WAHI, 1916 HRSKalama shielded his eyes from the sudden gust of ice and wind."Brrrr... it's cold up here.""There must be some Raiders in the At.mos.phere!" The Marines choursed in sing-song responce before laughing.Kalama grinned. "Doing it that way are we?""What are we doing?" Tanuka asked curious."Apparantly the girls want some cadence." Kalama said still grinning."Yeah! Come on sir! Get us pumped up!" Hotu called back. "We need something to warm us up as we march onward!""If you say so Hotu." Kalama took a breath and sang out with the rhymic cruching of the snow under his feet."I said BRRRRR! It's COLD UP HERE!"The Marines joined in."There must be some Raiders in the AT. MOS.PHERE!"The entire group started singing at once as they marched."I said BRRRRR! It's COLD UP HERE! There must be some Raiders in the AT. MOS. PHERE!"SINGIN' Oie! oie! oie! ICE! ICE! ICE! Oie! oie! oie! ICE! ICE! ICE!"They kept this up repeating it twice before Kalama started something new."They say that in the my-REENS! The coffee's mighty fine!""They say that in the my-REENS! The coffee's mighty fine!" The Raider's chorused."It looks like muddy wah-DER! It TASTES LIKE TURPINTINE!""It looks like muddy wah-DER! It TASTES LIKE TURPINTINE!""Great spirits! I wanna go home!""Great spirits! I wanna go home!""But they! Won't let me goooho!""But they! Won't let me gooohoooOOOOooOOOoooOoOoOoOo! HEY!""They say that in the my-REENS! The chow is mighty fine!""They say that in the my-REENS! The chow is mighty fine!""Thehusijumped off the tabllle AND STARTED MARKING TIME!""Thehusijumped off the tabllle AND STARTED MARKING TIME!""Great spirits! I wanna go home!""Great spirits! I wanna go home!""But they! Won't let me goooho!""But they! Won't let me gooohoooOOOOooOOOoooOoOoOoOo! HEY!"They kept this up as they marched into the drifts.

  6. The Marines looked at each other before looking at JL."Are you like... repressed or something?" Nuraka asked."Seriously." Maya said. "Most of us are happily single. Karz Juno is probably old enough to be your great many times over grandmother. She probably hasn't felt the need to date since we were brought to this island by Mata-Nui."Juno just blinked.Lei shrugged. "I flirt for personal reasons.""Bored." Nala said sleepily now located on Cyrax's shoulders."Besides..." Nuraka started."There's no such thing as consentual love in prision." The entire group of Raiders chorused."That is just asking for trouble." Hotu said."SKY TRIP!" Without waiting for Kalama's word, Lei hopped straight into the Gukko's saddle. "Let's fly!"As the scout went ahead the rest of the Raiders made their way onward.OOC: Kalama's Raiders to Ko-Wahi.

  7. "You got RUKI OILED." Lei said."Noted." Hotu said."Raiders! Let's move out!" Kalama said as the bridge was raised opening the main gate of Ta-Koro to the rest of the island once again."Weeeeee're OFF TO SEE THE-... What are we off to see again?" Lei asked as she stopped mid-prance out on the bridge."We're off to Rock Frost to see how the VIPs are doing.""Right!" Lei said before continuing her skip across the bridge. "WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE MATORAN! SO WE CAN LEARN HOW TO KILL MAKUTA!" She sang skipping the rest of the way across the bridge and out of sight while the rest of the Marines moved at a much more leisurely pace."You're not worried about her?" Tanuka asked."Lei's my scout and she's very good at it." Kalama said. "She'll be fine."TA-KORO CABLE CARTA-WAHI/KO-WAHI BORDERTA-WAHI, 1902 HRS"What too you so long slowpokes?" Lei asked as the group arrived."We were waiting on a scouting report that never came." Kalama responded.TA-KORO PRISIONTA-KOROTA-WAHI, 1902 HRS"Get in there Utu!" Dren encouraged the Toa. "You keep dallying and the Turaga won't get to you until tomorrow."

  8. "Nope." Nuraka said. "She's going to make him EAT IT..."Maya deposed the spoonful into the unconscious Toa's mouth and tilted his head back prompting him to swallow it. "There." She said. "Now I'm done."A shudder went through the Marines as they lowered their guard again the Head Chief Midshipwoman. "Guuuuh..." Hotu said. "Maya may be the best field surgeon in the Marines but that Ruki Oil is a strong reason to not get yourself wounded. I'd rather limp around with thirty holes in me before I eat any of THAT stuff!"

  9. "Maya's got the Ruki Oil out!" Nuraka said. "That's NEVER good when she pulls that out! It's disgusting!""Oh hush!" Maya said. "It's perfectly healthy for you and heals all!""It tasted like week old rations mixed with day old Ruki that's been sitting in the sun for too long.""Ah TOLD ye, yeh shudna' taken' dat bet!" Yuni said explaining how Nuraka knew what it tasted like. "An' oi wuz roight wern' oi? 'Dunna' tooch et' ah told ya! An' ye wen an' ate da whoooool THANG!"

  10. Kalama shook his head. "Kali when did we get so popular?""We're the only ones actually fighting sir." Kali grinned. "Instead of sitting around like a bunch of fat Husi just waiting for the skinner.""And that's why they made you a Helm Major. Keep thinking like that and you'll make Captain soon enough.""With all due respect sir, they can shove the Captain rank. My place is right here as your XO.""Cause you LOOOOOVVEE him so much!" Lei teased in a sing-song manner.Kali flushed. "I do not!""Do too!""Do NOT!""Do too! You do you do you do!""SHUT UP!""Lei quit antagonizing the XO. Kali quit lying to yourself." Kalama said.The Marines laughed at the interesting color the Marine Officer turned as she tried to hide her face.Kalama looked up from the note with a widened eye at Sisk. "If you think you can hang." He skritched out a short message under Sisk's.TO: KONGU, SKY MARSHALGUKKO FORCE HIGH COMMANDFROM: KALAMA, COMMANDERKALAMA'S RAIDERSSUBJECT: TEMPORARY TRANSFER OF STAFF SERGENT SISKStaff Sergent Sisk of the Tamers has requested that he join the above unit, KALAMA'S, RAIDERS on a temporary basis.While I am wary of taking a non-special forces asset into a Ghekula Raiders group, he has requested this voluntarily. Personally I believe it might be of some use to him for experience and if he preforms satisfactory, would give my recommendation for his candidacy into your Deepwoodsmen Special Forces, should he survive to return to your command.As such, I am willing to accept him under my command until such time ether he, I, or you see fit to return him to his former position.Kalama, COMKALAMA'S RAIDERS, COMMANDING17TH GHEKULAS"There." He said handing the letter back to Sisk. "Maya! You almost done?""Almost." She pulled out the Ruki oil."Ohhhh boy." Nuraka said as the Marines all drew their discs to shield against Maya.

  11. OOC: Post if you please Vezok.IC: Kalama looked up from the letter at Xibre for a minute examining him before shrugging and going back to the note. "Sure. I don't mind. I seem to pick up more people willing to follow me around lately."Dren got off his trident walking behind the offenders as they were led off. "Let's GO Utu! No lolly gagging! Sooner you're back in your cell the faster I can request Vakama!""Ohhh, you're one of the WILD tamers." Kali said now understanding. "One of the ones that actually goes out into the field and catches the Rahi for domestication. THAT explains why they let you loose.""Wild tamers?" Hotu asked confused."There's two kinds of tamers, those that actually train the Rahi and those that catch them. That's how our tamers work for the Heavy Support units." Kali responded."Ah."Maya smacked the back of Fragarach's head. "Quit cryin' and hold still then! I can't patch you up if you keep moving!""And once our Medic finishes her medicking then we'll move on to Ko-Wahi." Kalama said.

  12. "First time on the front lines huh Sisk?" Kali said folding her arms. "Not surprising you don't know some of this stuff, the marks you're wearing eye dee you as a Tamer and not even an officer at that. Not a required skill set I imagine. I'm surprised they let you out of the Koro or where ever you were stationed. Nuraka I understand as she's about as close to a combat engineer you can get without the official designation but why they would let you run around without being attached to a unit is a mystery to me.""I ain't signing what I haven't read yet." Kalama said taking the parchment and charcoal before reading the note. "Not bad, not bad." He said to Xibre perusing the note. "Few more scrapes and bruises but overall doing fine." He glanced at the Matoran. "You can relax. The girls won't bite. Well Lei won't bite much.""I'm a biter!" Lei said proudly."Just don't get in a fight with her and she won't bite." Kali said before looking at Lei who snuck behind Xibre and prepared to take a big bite out of his shoulder in a playful manner.Kali nodded at Maya who promptly whacked Lei with her javelin."OW!""No biting Corporal!""Kali! Maya's being MEEEEEEAAAAANNN!" Lei whined."You deserved it." Kali said. "No biting people."Lei stuck her tongue out at Kali which earned her another whack from Maya."OW!""Shipper quit hitting the Corporal." Kalama said."Aye Sir."OOC: Need the contents of the note Vezok.

  13. Kylina snorted. "Insert something extremely wise here? You'll have to do better than that. But it was worth a smile so that's what you get." She grinned.Xavier nodded back to the Kahu. "We should get going Kylina or we'll be late for check in.""Oooooh, late for check in. They'll be so worried about us." Kylina laughed. "Good one Xavier. Well I suppose we'd at least better do that. Nice meet you all. We'll keep checking in."

  14. Kalama shook his head. "This is Guard jurisdiction. The Marines have no authority here except those granted by the Captain of the Guard. If Dren asks for assistance with dealing with this matter then we can help him but other than that we have to stay out of the way because the Marines have no business with these two as far as I know. If these two were wanted for something in Ga-Koro then Kotu would make arrangement with Jaller to allow us to actively pursue and deal with these two. Since the Guard has beef with them and the Marines don't, we have to step aside and let the Guard deal with it."Kalama then leaned against the wall. "Now Nuraka is correct that because we can't get through here, they are obstructing our mission from Nokama. I'm being nice and letting the Guard get first crack at these two since they are their prisoners. If a reasonable compromise can't be made in a timely manner that allows us to proceed, I have no choice but to view them as an obstacle to be dealt with. The Guard doesn't like it, Jaller will have to take it up with Nokama herself but I have some breathing room because I let the Guard try to deal with the situation first."Dren shook his head. "I can't do that Tank. Both of you will have to go back to the cells. It would be best as it's for your protection as well. You have control over who you let visit you and the Guard has responsibility for ensuring your safety during your incarceration. Murder crimes have a bad habit of affected people tending to want to execute their own brand of justice. It's our job to keep them OUT and AWAY from you just as it's our job to keep you IN and AWAY from them. Once you're secured in the cells I can send for the Turaga to come and hear your plea. He's pretty good at getting around to it fairly quickly. I let you wander around out in the open and that's just asking for trouble. Assassin's have much more trouble getting into a prison to kill people then they do killing them in the open."Dren leaned on his trident. "So, if you surrender you will have to go back to the cells but I will promise that I will do everything I can to ensure Vakama sees you as a priority. Deal?"

  15. "Sadly, yes." Kylina said. "No matter how many times I tell them to knock it off they keep doing it. Otherwise they're tolerable.""Oh come on Kylina...""...admit it...""You like us!"Kylina shrugged. "They're better than most anyway since I'm putting my life in their hands."

  16. OOC: So long as you're acknowledging you take one wrong step and you're lava bones then I've got no problem with you being on a ledge.IC: Kalama simply listened. "Well Dren?"The Elite Guardsman was silent for a minute. Then he inhaled and spoke."The law is the law and whether or not you WANTED to commit those crimes, you actually DID. If what you're speaking is true then we've got a problem on our hands... I can't let you go. However if you agree to surrender I'll let you plead your case before Vakama. He can decide whether or not to let you go and look for these others. Fair deal?""Sounds fair to me." Kalama said. "Much better than dying."

  17. "Awwww man! They got no slosh!" Tawk said dejected at hearing there wasn't a cantina."Brotastrophy bro." Mawl responded. "Wait a minute..." he paused getting an idea."You don't think WE could open the bar. You know the whole Matau's Hut thing?""...You... are... GENIUS Mawl my man! Untapped widget mine!""As genius as it is boys," Kylina said. "Running it full time would require us getting placed out here as a liasion to the Force. And you know the Regulars like to be liasons and leave us stuck with the grease pits.""...Awwwww MAN!" Tawk complained."Karz the man! Karz the man!" Mawl yelled. "Suppression of freedoms! HELP HELP I'M BEING REPRESSED!""Just save the idea for when you retire from the force." Kylina said. "You can fiance it and then hire people to do the work for you.""....Heeeey. That's not a bad idea!""All hail Mistress Kylina! Bringer of salvation!" The twins chorused mock bowing to Kylina."Stop that!" She snapped. "This is why I don't take you anywhere!"

  18. OOC: Uh Snipe, you do realize that since the gate is down the bridge is too right?IC: Dren picked himself off the ground shrugging off the pain and limping over to the gate where the two Toa were now trapped."Well now, if this isn't quite the predicament you two got yourselves into." He chuckled. "The bridge is down, you're on the wrong side of the gate, so it appears you two aren't going anywhere. Ironically, nether of you are lava proof ether. So it appears you have two choices, one you can surrender and come back to your cells peacefully or two, commit suicide by jumping into the lava." The rest of the Guardsmen picked themselves up, shaking off the pain and coming over to the trapped Toa.More Guardsmen on the far side of the lava moat were taking aim with their discs at the Toa trapped on the ledge outside the city gates."What's it gonna be Utu?" Dren asked. "Personally I'd go with surrender but since you have a deathwish you may just want to jump in the lava and save us all the trouble.""Who's got a death wish?" Dren turned to see a Ga-Matoran of equal size to him looking at him."Hotu! When'd you get into town little sis?""Recently." She nodded over to the closed gate with the Toa trapped behind it. "Who's the knuckleheads that tried to get out of town while the bridge was down?""Utu here is wanted for murder and escape. His friend here is his accomplise and I do believe he has admitted to commiting murder as well.""Hi Dren!" Lei ran up to the bigger Guardsman and hugged him. "How have you been fake big brother?""And hello not really related little sister. I'm fine Lei, how have you been?""Awesome! I got to watch people change personalities and talk about using someones organs for winterwear! Then I got beaten up by an Ussalry member. So I smacked his face into the floor until his Kanohi came off and he stopped moving.""Equial parts cheerful and sadistic still I see." Dren chuckled."Yup!" Lei's head bobbed up and down nonstop.Kalama snapped his fingers as he was musing over the name before it came to him. "Xibre! You were one of those male Ga-Matoran that got outed several years ago! Where have you been?" He turned to the gate. "Who's the knuckleheads who tried to leave while the bridge was down?" He asked.Hotu shrugged. "Some murderers who escaped jail.""Not a very good escape plan. Got themselves locked up in some new jail. Sadly this kind of puts them square in the way of our journey.""I vote we push them into the lava." Nuraka said. "They're murderers anyway so likely they would be executed and our mission takes precidence over their life. Knock'em out of the way I say.""I'm inclined to agree Nuraka." Kalama said. "However this is Guard jurastiction and these are their prisoners. Let's give them a chance to assert their authory first and if there can't be any resolution, we'll do them a favor and knock them into the lava."

  19. OOC: We didn't see you and Kalama didn't meet you. XDUntil now.IC: "Depends." Kalama said. "I'm a knife and unarmed fighter. You want weapons. You need to talk to someone else." Hearing the male voice coming from a Matoran, Kalama paused.He examined Xibre for a minute. "You seem familiar..."

  20. "Um... well I..." Tanuka started."No wrong answer Tanuka." Kalama said."Well... I fought off some slavers at the Kini-Nui.""Wait. Tanuka did WHAT now?" Kali asked moderatly surprised."Apparently she fought some slavers at the Kini-Nui on her way to Onu-Koro. Ain't that right Tanuka?""Yeah... yeah I did!""Well Makuta strike me down!" Maya laughed. "Shy Tanuka took up the fight for Matoran everywhere! I never thought I'd see the day!""How bad did ya thrash 'em?" Hotu asked. "I bet you flattened them HARD.""Well, I kinda just blasted this one Skakdi and...""A SKAKDI? Wait what's this Tanuka fighting again?" Lei asked catching the story."I blasted this Skakdi who was a part of this slavers group and then I attacked him in close quaters before Agarin dropped a cart on him."The Marines burst out laughing. "Oh man I wish I'd been there to see that!" Nuraka said.Tanuka grinned. "Then I got dragged to the ground by four matoran.""Whaja do? Whaja do?" Lei asked excitedly enjoying this."I blasted them off me and sent them flying!""HAH! I bet that showed 'em!" Hotu said throwing some shadow punches. "Don't ever tangle with the warriors of Ga-Koro! We'll smile and then beat you within an inch of your life!""Oh well... it was... it was nothing really." Tanuka said shyly."Nothing? I wouldn't say it was nothing Tanuka." Kalama said. "The slavers you fight today may keep someone free to enjoy life tomorrow. Somewhere out there is a Matoran who if you hadn't stepped up to defend yourself who quite possibly could have captured. Today she is enjoying her life still because you stepped up and fought for them even if they or you don't know it. Be proud of what you've done Tanuka. You struck a blow for freedom against the tyrany and darkness Makuta has shadowed this land with. It might not have been something large and grand but every little thing you do counts. One day you'll look back on it and realize just how much you've actually done. I don't even notice or bother noticing everything I've done anymore as each event was simply a tiny pebble at the time I did it tossed over my shoulder carelessly busily hunting down the next task. When viewed those pepples stacked up into a mountain of achievements."Kalama looked at Fragarach and shrugged. "Dunno. Just the way I was born. Mother says I'm probably some unknown breed of Matoran. Kali over here thinks I got bored and painted myself."

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