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Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

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Everything posted by Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

  1. We still have about 4 hours and 45 minutes to go here on EST time (East Coast States).But Happy New Year to you anyway! *blows on noise maker* They need a party Emoticon.
  2. Kalama was forced to lean against Tanuka's posted shield as he burst out laughing at Nen's antics. Golyo grinned, "Well I've never seen a Maha get chucked like that before. Can't say I've seen anyone help the Maha up ether. It was definitely unique."Kalama chuckled as he pushed off the shield. "Something tells me at this rate, I am never again going to be able to look at a Maha with a straight face. Whoooo... let's see how the other two fare."
  3. You taking them anytime or just during the weekends only Emzee? I know you update Sundays I believe.
  4. There is Maha chucking being done in Po-Wahi still I believe. :POther than that this game is supposed to be pretty open ended. Nothing like building a story around your own character. Kalama is tied up in some alternate destiny thing that run parallel to the main plot, Tanuka's learning how to be a Toa, my Raider unit is currently missing, and my ShadowWalker has ended up being someone's "Spirit Guild".That reminds me... i should check in on Alrin and see where's he's at. Perhaps it might be time for Nala to make an appearance.
  5. Not really. The other Koro's don't care too much about Xa-Koro and since you achieved your Pyrrhic Victory it's not clear who the victor was. Therefore realistically it would be considered an isolated event. Your Mystix are still an unknown and since you attacked Xa-Koro it's not entirely clear who's side they're on yet.Now if you follow through and attack Le-Koro. You'll have proof that you must be dealt with. We in the Military refer to these isolated incidents as "flashpoints". It will only gain you notoriety but unless you do something shocking like attack all six villages in rapid succession or at once, there's no tension for you to work with. Doing something on that scale however will probably alert the Makuta and he won't want competition requiring him to strike you all down in an equitably shocking move.Risk verse gain.Do you take the slow route and build tension avoiding Makuta's wrath but giving the Matoran more time to react to you? Or do you take the fast and dirty startling the island but risk Makuta destroying you all in one go?
  6. That is a good point EW. Right now the only tensions I see fit to pop this second are the Matoran of Mata-Nui against everybody else. I know for a fact that the Ga-Matoran aren't happy with all the rampaging and chaos constantly ripping their Koro apart. The Le-Matoran might actually still be out for blood over the death of Tamaru. The Po-Matoran are bound to be unhappy with Hafu's kidnapping. If this keeps up I might end up running an event that will close off Ga-Koro until things settle down. XD
  7. OOC: I only do that if I have OOC stuff to post wotsiznum so you can differentiate the two. Ruins the story page look for me posting all that IC and character name stuff. It's a personal preference. Besides we're not supposed to post OOC only posts meaning it's obviously IC.IC: Kalama watched the Maha fly through the air. "Why don't you watch how the others chuck their Maha?" He said to Tanuka. "This is a good exercise and anything you learn or do here is applicable in a fight."
  8. ACK! I've been called out! XDYes I am a bit guilty myself. I will admit that. I will however attempt to clear things up.I WAS planning on a rather big event sometime in the future. To those familiar with my history version of Ga-Koro, the village was attacked three times by Tarakava in massive numbers. These are each known as The Great Tarakava Raids.So far there have been three. I was planning on perhaps doing a fourth. A showdown between the Marine Corps in their valiant attempt to prevent history from repeating itself and the Makuta driven Tarakava and Tarakava-Nui who will attempt to destroy Ga-Koro once and for all. Which side will you choose to help?
  9. Tanuka beamed at the praise she got before hive fiving Agarin and settling next to Kalama.Golyo gave another sharp whistle sending Maha charging at Cyrax, Agarin, and Nen."Got any ideas on how else to take down a Maha?" Kalama asked Tanuka."...Well I could always blast it with water...""True but relying on your elemental powers won't always see you through some fights. Right now for example it's nice and cool here in the desert. During the day however you'll be severely weakened and regardless of whether you're here day or night, there isn't much moisture in the air for you to work with.""That's true... what about the underground springs?""Can you sense any?""...There's a few faint ones but you're right. My powers may not be best suited for this area.""So what does that tell you?" Kalama asked gesturing for Tanuka to finish her thought."...I might want to try avoid extended fighting here, especially during the day.""Good. What else?""I should stick to martial skills.""Bingo. For a Toa, a mix of martial skills such as unarmed combat or using your weapons and slash or tools along side your elemental powers will quote unquote 'make you stronger'." Kalama said making air quotes for emphasis. "Simply because you have more options when you mix the two. The more options you have, the more likely you are able to attack, the better your chances of victory.""Options, options, options. It's a key part of Strategy." Golyo cut in. "The more options you make available to yourself while denying your opponent options gives you more chances to score and prevents your opponent from doing the same in Kohlii. It's the same in battle only instead of scoring points, you score hits. The more hits you score. The more likely your opponent is going down. The less hits you take, the tougher you seem.""So... strategy is opening up options for myself to succeed while also denying my opponent the same?""I think she's getting it." Kalama nudged Golyo.
  10. Indeed it does as both of us use that term. XD Granted despite it's dual meanings it's pretty easy to tell when I'm using it in a "Hey You" verses "You Knucklehead" depending on the tone I use it in.So, What did I miss being gone for a day? I'm chucking Maha at Golyo's place on the trade route to Po-Koro in the name of teaching Strategy.
  11. "I don't know about this..." Tanuka looked at the two Maha ahead of them."It's simple Tanuka. Golyo whistles. The Maha charge us. We stop them.""That doesn't sound like strategy..." the disarmed Toa shifted uncomfortably missing the weight of her large shield and spear which were both posted in the ground near the fence which Golyo sat on."The strategy is in HOW you stop them." He nodded at Golyo who whistled.The Maha opposite Tanuka gave a bleat before lowering it's head an charging at the Toa. Her eyes got bigger at the oncoming Maha and at the last second she danced out of the way. The charging Maha went back to a slow walk as it thundered past."Fail." Kalama said."Fail! It was going to gore me!" She yelled at him."You have to STOP the Maha. Like this."Golyo whistled again sending Kalama's Maha charging at him. The Matoran rolled his neck before holding out his hands. As the Maha charged him Kalama kept shifting to keep it squarely in front of him. Just as the Maha lowered it's head to gore the Matoran, Kalama caught the horns in each of his hands. He slid backwards as the Maha charged into him slowly coming to a stop as Kalama firmly dug in his feet to halt the charge.Once he was no longer sliding backwards he gave a warcry and twisted the Maha's head sideways by the horns and threw it to the left. The Maha lay there stunned for a few second before climbing back to it's feet like nothing had happened."And THAT is how you chuck a Maha." Kalama said dusting his hands off. "As a Toa you're far bigger and stronger than I am so you shouldn't even slide like I did. Courage Tanuka. Face the Maha. Think about the best way to take it down and do it. That's Strategy. Making your opponent dance to your tune. The tune of his defeat. Try again." He gestured at her Maha which was just standing there. Kalama jogged back to the fence and climbed atop it next to Golyo who whistled sending the Maha charging at Tanuka again.Tanuka tried to relax and steadied herself for the Maha. I can do this... I can do this... I can do this... ...I can stop this... charging... Maha... that's going to run me over! What are you thinking you stupid girl! GET OUT THE WAY!"Hey Tanuka!" Kalama called out seeing her preparing to dance out of the way again.Tanuka looked, desperate for a distraction."Look! A charging Maha!"Tanuka turned back to face her charging Maha, eyes wide she realized Kalama had distracted her long enough to make dodging impossible.She was going to have to stop it.Desperately she threw up her hands and caught the Maha by the horns. Like Kalama said, being a Toa she was far bigger and stronger than he was. She didn't even budge."Now what do I do?!?" She yelled panicked with a Maha pressing down on her and she keeping it a bay."Chuck it!" Kalama yelled back.With a "RRRAAAGH!" She followed Kalama's example and threw the Maha. With "BAAAAAAHH!" It flew through the air and landed. It lay there stunned for a minute before getting up as if nothing happened.Tanuka just stood there frozen in mid-toss staring in disbelief. I... I did it... She smiled. I did it! I chucked a Maha!"Alright Tanuka!" Kalama cheered. He faced the other Toa. "Alright! Who's next to chuck Maha? No weapons allowed! We don't want to kill them!""Yes, please don't kill my Maha. They were a pain to train for this." Golyo added.
  12. You're bleeding over between player and character mate. By 'recent newcomer' I am referring to characters who are not native to Mata-Nui until after the disappearance of the Toa Mata. Kalama himself refers to these characters as 'newcomers' as they are new to the island. This terminology is in no way shape or form in referance to the actual player.Try not to let my lexicon confuse you. I have many terms that are referencing characters and players separately that should not be bled together. Helps me keep that thin line between the two from blurring.
  13. "While protection isn't necessarily my goal as we can look after ourselves, I'm not one to leave people lost. If one must be lost, it's best to be lost together then separate. In any case. This way." Kalama gestured at his group of Toa to follow.GOLYO'S HUTPO-WAHI TRADE ROUTEPO-WAHI, 0129 HRS"Oi! Golyo! You home?" Kalama asked as he walked up to the hut."Round back!"Kalama walked around to where the pen was."Ah. There you are.""Yep. Best get these Maha settled. Something spooked 'em." Golyo hosted himself on to the fence."Hello Kalama. Who's that you got behind you?""Hey Golyo, this is Tanuka, Agarin, Cyrax, Kamaehu, Thama and Nen.""Quite the collection you've got there Kalama. Haven't seen a Toa Team 'round these parts for awhile.""They're just a group of Toa who've pretty much decided to follow me around. Can't complain too much. Not as good as having my ladies around but they'll make do in a pinch. Haven't seen a group of Ga-Matoran running around slaughtering everything that crosses their path?"Golyo scratched his head as he through for a minute."Nope. Can't say I have. Though word is a stone trader came across some Rahi that were brutally yet surgically torn apart down south in Ko-Wahi. That sounds about like your Marines I'd wager.""Can't verify that without seeing the bodies but thanks for the tip. We'll look into it. By the way, I need your Maha."He widened an eye. "Why?""I've got a Toa or two that needs to learn a few things from the Master of Strategy."Golyo grinned. "Strategy you say? I think I can help with that...."
  14. "That we are Thama. We are looking for something that is lost. To that end we are also good and truly lost. Well my Toa associates, I know where I am. Actually now that you mention it, they probably are, I just happen to be able to tell the genders apart since I grew up around females. This here is..." he prompted the Toa at his side."Tanuka." She said simply."We are on a quest to recover something of mine and for Tanuka's identity."Tanuka gave Kalama a strange look."Your Toa identity dear."She widened an eye."...you're on a journey of self discovery of what it means to be a Toa are you not?""...Oh...yes..."Kalama returned his attention to the duo. "To that end we're off to see a good friend of mine. Golyo the Maha Herder so we can chuck Maha around.""I wish you'd explain more of what you mean by 'chucking Maha around'. It's kind of making me... uncertain..." Tanuka shifted uncomfortably.
  15. Several quick lopes by the Matoran and he stood before the two Toa. Looking between them he extended his hand to Thama. "Kalama of Ga-Koro. Don't see many female Toa of Air."Tanuka took the distance at a much more leisurely pace thanks to her longer stride. She stood somewhat unsure off to Kalama's left and behind him.
  16. Sand is broken up seashell, stone, and earth in a mixture all of it's own. When superheated it become glass. In it's base form I would lean towards a subset of ether stone or earth. Personally I'd lean toward stone due to being crushed up stone. Sandstone is a type of rock BTW.In it's superheated form, glass, I would agree that it would lean toward crystal.Though possibly a subset element of the early BIONCLE story, there was actually a Sand Tribe on Spherus Magna lead by the Elemental Lord of Sand instead of an Earth or Stone element. The other five elements were Iron, Fire, Water, Ice, and Plantlife.I'm a Marine Biobeast. The natural enemy and predator of the Outlaw marauders known as pirates. Also since the Koro's of Mata-Nui are under martial law since there is no civilian police force, this makes me the natural enemy and predator of the criminal elements as well. As a Matoran I'm fighting a war against beings bigger and more powerful than I requiring that I become more crafty, use my environment as well as the right tools for the job, and fight dirty on top of thinking several steps ahead of my opponent to make him dance to my tune which will end in my victory.I think unlike the recent newcomers who openly attacked Xa-Koro, I can take the pirates more easily then they could. However I'm not quite so crazy as to directly attack a stronghold without a decent plan of assault. For the time being, Xa-Koro is a little bit beyond what I bother with since it's a nice place to infiltrate to get information you can't get anywhere else.
  17. Also gibberish speak was banned from BZP Fearless. That's why I don't do the Starcraft Noob joke anymore for the comedy which has since been replaced by Taipu and the Onu-Koro Mariachi Band. Though they've never played a single Mariachi song in their life.XD filter got me. Ah well. We all know what I mean by that.Suggest you fix that before Blackie drops by.So word on the street is that most of your custom species got wiped out by pirates and criminals Pirok. If you can't take them, what makes you think you have a chance against me?
  18. As the sonic boom and subsequent echo passed, Kalama freed himself from Agarin and dusted himself off. "I really wouldn't do that again Agarin. It's not going to draw them out of hiding and I'm the only one they won't attack on sight. It was a nice attempt though and they would know someone was here. C'mon. Lets go wander aimlessly in the general direction of Golyo's place. There are Maha to be chucked about."PO-WAHI TRADE ROUTE,PO-WAHI, 0031 HRS"What do you mean there's Maha to be chucked about?" Tanuka asked again for the fourth time. "And how will chucking them help me become a Toa? And what does "chucking a Maha" even mean?""You're the scholar, surely you know what those words mean and based on that what my sentence implies.""It doesn't make any sense!""Once you've eliminated the impossible, what remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. We've seen quite a few things together in that temple that defy explanation and reason, such as me being able to pass a quiz test while under a hallucinogenic tranquilizer.""...""That's what I thought." Kalama paused to examine something in the distance. "Like what are the chances we'd stumble on what appears to be a couple of lost travelers in the desert? I'd say 15 to 3 but my odds of finding things like that are probably higher than yours."OOC: Cue party addition in the form of Pokemonlover360. The floor is yours.
  19. Moved physical locations for convenience. Access to net is limited. Response time will be reduced.

  20. OOC: Kalama and Tanuka from Ga-WahiGA-WAHI/PO-WAHI BORDERPO-WAHI 0005 HRSKalama inhaled the cold arid desert air. "Aaaaahhhhh... get a whiff of that lovely dry air boys and girls."Tanuka coughed."Stop being a Matoran about it woman. Come on. Stage one of your training begins at a very good friend of mine's place..."
  21. OOC: Sorry about the absence gents. Was in the process of moving. Connection will be sporadic.IC: Kalama gave Cyrax a flat look. "What do you take my Marines for? Amateurs? At one point I would have said yes but with recent events I'm offended you'd even say that given that I was the one who trained the first seven and my techniques are still the core of Marine training today. I wrote the book on surviving out here. And our VIP isn't alone or have you forgotten we're tracking a highly capable unit here? Besides as I said, we're not tracking them, we're wandering around aimlessly and hopefully we'll get lucky."Seeing the bewildering looks the Toa gave him he shrugged. "Sometimes to find something that's well and truly lost, you must BECOME well and truly lost yourself." He grinned. "It's worked for me. You'd be surprised how many lost items I've recovered wandering aimlessly, most of them somebody Else's. And with that... welcome to Po-Wahi."OOC: Kalama and Tanuka to Po-Wahi.
  22. Nuju, Nuju, Nuju... Poor innocent naive Nuju.Timed explosives serve a variety of fun and useful tactics. They allow you to murder someone without being anywhere near the vicinity, the allow for diversions as when it goes off sending attention in one direction you come in from other and stab them in the back, they allow for dramatic comebacks as just when your opponent thinks he's won, BOOM! They allow for ambushes the likes you've never seen. And those are just the ones I can tell you off the top of my head involving warfare. That doesn't count for the more utilitarian uses. Digging tunnels, paving mountains, making foundations, Mount Rushmore itself was caved using nothing more then well placed good ole TNT Dynamite. Do yourself a favor and play Assassin's Creed Revelations. Familiarize yourself with the timed explosive casing. You'll be surprised at how EXTREMELY effective timed explosives are when used properly. Every situation can be overcome with the right tools for the job. There's a place and time for timed explosives.Don't assume everything is useless just because you might not know how to apply it. Someone else will and it will be a nasty wake up call when it does happen. :sly:Yes Xemnas, attached is military jargon for "a part of". The unit itself is the ideal that everything from personnel to equipment is attached to.
  23. Kalama's eye followed between Cyrax, Agarin, Kamaehu. Seeing the inherent urging, Kalama inhaled and pushed off the crate before stretching."Watch for Water Lurkers. They pop out at night." With a quick wave to Janice, Kalama led the Toa northward.GA-WAHI/PO-WAHI BORDERGA-WAHI 2327 HRSTanuka coughed slightly. "Air drying up?" Kalama asked hearing her. Tanuka simply nodded and cleared her throat. "...bit parched..." She said swallowing."You'll be alright. Just try not to scrape yourself raw this time ether." Kalama said as the wet dirt and sweet tall grass gave way to sandy grit and small tough scrubs.
  24. He means the Xa-Koro from earlier this year. It was a former stronghold for the Makuta and those who worshiped him and was pretty much just as much of a fortress as Ta-Koro. Now it's nothing more than a bunch of pirates and criminals gathered together on top of some mysterious ruins of unknown purpose. Attempting to take a full decorated Marine Special Forces Commander in his element? You must have a suicide deathwish.*cracks knuckles with a malicious grin* I will enjoy sending you to your grave.
  25. Hmmm, that arsenal may make for an interesting time for when the Infernavika gets boarded by the Raiders at some point. Yes Ghosthands even if you succeed in your little heist and become the target of every bounty hunter on the island, the Marines are STILL coming after you. You are a Pirate and therefore favored prey. :PBetter hurry up and finish this little storyline of mine then. So many "Dark Overlords", so little time.A couple excuses for a Gukko Force to be in Ga-Wahi? Well a Marine Girlfriend might one of them. The Marines also have an island wide presence in small groups with the bulk of their forces off the coast on coast patrol and in Ga-Wahi/Ga-Koro. They have a small group of Marines in each of the other five villages that serve as a command for the Marines in that Wahi. These liaisons also serve as Kotu's link to each of the respective high commands of the local force as well as her eyes and ears for that area. Little happens without Kotu knowing about it. It stands to reason that the other forces have a similar liaison in Ga-Koro for the same purposes. Perhaps your Gukko Pilot is attached to the liaison itself or a unit that is operating in Ga-Wahi under that liaison.Or he's just a dedicated messenger between the Marines and the Gukko High Commands. Your choice.Xa-Koro as you knew it doesn't exist. It's now a retched hive of scum and villainy free of any law enforcement except what those living there consider "The Law." It stands over a bunch of ruins that nobody knows where came from or what purpose they serve as nobody who has entered has returned... perhaps you would care to discover why?
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