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Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

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Everything posted by Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

  1. Tanuka sang. That was all. Ghosthands just announced he was getting hitched so Lohkar may be sporadic.Wait what? *listening to Ta whisper*Oh, just a girlfriend.... laaaaaame. My news was much more jaw dropping.Two hours? HAH! Try 12 hours. I'll see you all on the other end of my move. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png
  2. Kalama opened an eye and looked at Cyrax."...lets see if there's a round two or if Agarin thinks it's enough." He said turning his eye back to the stage.
  3. You're waiting for me on nothing Katuko. That was a one shot I couldn't resist. :PWhat? You all were thinking the same thing! I was just the first to do something!
  4. :superfunny:You've got a long ways to go before you're even any threat to me. Go ahead and have your fun. Build a name for yourself. Become feared.Then I will teach you why it's bad luck to harm a Ghekula.
  5. They can sit tight. The Crew of the Infernavika is first. But all things in good time. I must first finish my mission from Tuck. THEN on to showing these new "overlords" some Marine hospitality.
  6. OOC: GAK! COUGH! Ugh... Coughs up more blood. Mata-Nui this is unpleasant. Here it is in full sap glory. The song itself isn't bad. It was the accompanying video that came with it I could have done without. Guh...IC:GA-KOROAN MARINE "SHOAL" OUTPOSTGA-WAHI GRASSLANDS,GA-WAHI 2215 HRS,Tanuka nervously took a breath to steady herself.The curtain opened but more to curious looking Ga-Koroan's than wild cheers as they really had no idea what they were here for.The wild cheers only seemed to come from the Le-Koroans who were more familiar with Agarin's work.Tanuka just stood there unsure of what she was supposed to do until Agarin started for her.The music started off as small chimes like that out of a music box. They were quiet and lended a certain charm to the beginning of the song.Eventually the music box sound ended and a piano took up the music letting the notes float through the Marines. Adding to it were the acoustic guitar and bells later with a bass.As the song went on, Tanuka finally added her voice in a vocals that were not lyrics but no less musical. Her singing came across strong as she gradually grew at ease having been on the stage for so long.Agarin used the first simple chorus to figure out Tanuka's voice patterns. Using his power over sonics he gradually amplified, echoed, and changed the pitch slightly making it seems as if Tanuka were singing a three part harmony solo. Tanuka didn't notice as she was enveloped in the music. The Marines however, stared in wide eyed wonder, their attention fully captured by this display.Kalama just leaned back against a tent support and closed his eyes, letting his mind drift in the melody.After a lengthy instrumental, Tanuka finally began singing actual lyrics, alternating with Agarin.TANUKA: Just believe strongly in the tomorrow that is yet unseen.AGARIN: I take you and we can run from here.T: Instead of hesitating, wherever you go.T: I'll entrust my wishes in your hand.A: Along with the dawn.T: Emptiness and hollowness.A: And the dry, sleepless nights.T: Changing all of it into smiles.A: That's what it means to protect you.As a short interlude followed, Agarin picked up where he left off.A: The long night is dawning.T: I won't forget you.A: On this same world, paint out your unfulfilled dream.T: I'll paint it onto that same skyyyyyyy....As the song faded, the two looked out among the Marines.They just stared in bewilderment. Tanuka bit her lip thinking this was probably the biggest mistake of her life.One Marine started clapping. This was soon followed be more until thunderous applause broke out among the crowd.Tanuka just stared before a small smile crossed her face.OOC: Sense of Wonder, Akemi Hayashi
  7. Joy, yet another threat to the safety of Ga-Koro. I'm going to have my hands full toppling these would be conquerors if this keeps up.Just another day in the life of a Ga-Koroan Marine Ghekula Commander I guess. *cracks knuckles*
  8. HA! That didn't last long! Good to know my sixth sense on things like that are still active.
  9. So I've been hearing a little about this "Stop Online Piracy Act" or SOPA. I didn't understand what all the fuss was about until I breezed through [Do not mention sites with forums! -Takuma Nuva] and read a recent post by the Owner and Founder Tom Fulp. According to the bill itself, it's meant to combat piracy by blocking foreign sites that give away free illegal downloads by disrupting the domain name making it inaccessible to USA internet users. Thus preventing piracy. Issue solved. Everyone goes home happy. Or do they? Continuing to read his post, Tom makes a solid point where the rich and powerful often abuse things like this to shut down other sites just because they have some unlicensed imagery. [Do not mention sites with forums! -Takuma Nuva] itself has received notices in the past to remove some items from user pages, not a big deal but with SOPA they can pull the plug on the site with no advance warning. People are not nice. I've had personal experience with a lot of people who abuse the system. There's even more online that we call "Trolls" and "Griefers" who make things worse because they get their jollies from other people's pain. You KNOW there's going to be people out there who will take advantage of this to vape sites "just for laughs." Let's not mention "Copyright infringement issues." There's no need. Now this makes me curious about the Fate of BZPower should SOPA get passed. While I'm sure the Admins and LEGO have a good relationship, BZPower contains things from other sources that their respective owners might not be so hot on having out on the forums and might have this site vaped. Let's not forget about any of those unseen hackers and griefers who might see us as a prime target for giggles. While some of you members are probably going to light up my comment section like a roman candle, I'm more curious about the Admin's stance on this and what they think about it. Ladies and Gentlemen, the floor is yours.
  10. OOC: Oh this is just too good to resist. :PIC: A fishing spear suddenly dropped out of the sky narrowly missing Mita which was the only response from the near empty platform she was on. "KNOCK IT OFF! YOU'RE SCARING THE FISH YOU STUPID SEARAG!" The voice of an unseen fisherwoman yelled out.-------GA-KOROAN MARINE 'SHOAL' OUTPOSTGA-WAHI GRASSLANDSGA-WAHI 2147 HRSTanuka desperately looked between the two Toa and the Matoran before sighing in defeat. "...Mouuuu...okay... I'll... try..."2205 HRSMarines started to gather curiously around what looked like a makeshift stage area. Janice had announced some form of entertainment though none of them knew what she had planned.
  11. Unknown. Welcome back Shark. We lost contact with Tuck a few months back so the overarching plot has comes to a standstill. I don't know if they'll change to another location because we pretty much lost half the year to downtime.
  12. The Quartermaster gave Argentum a questionable look before routing around in her supplies. Locating a few extra shortswords she let them clatter onto the rock that served as a table. Going though each one one by one she extracted them from their sheathes before examining them making sure they were in decent condition. Satisfied as she inspected each one she pushed the pile to Argentum. "Don't go losing them all or even Kotu won't be able to get you more." She said.-------"HI!" Tanuka squeaked horrified as she looked from Agarin to Kamaehu to Kalama. "Are you nuts?!?! I-I-I-I can't sing!""Maha Dung." Kalama said in response.Tanuka just stared at Kalama silently pleading with him to get her off the hook."Nope." He gave the Toa a mischievous grin. "I've heard your storytelling voice. No reason your singing voice is any worse. Besides, you wouldn't want to disappoint all these Marines would you?"Tanuka gave her fellow Toa a mournful look begging them not to make her do this."They're not going to help you Tanuka." Kalama said still grinning.
  13. Janice shrugged. "Where ever you feel appropriate. I would recommend the parade field just outside and to the left though. Less chance of getting over run in the event we need to defend the Shoal."-------Tanuka sneezed. "Someone talking about you?" Kalama asked. "...that's just a myth Kalama..."
  14. OOC: Oooohhh no we don't! I ain't contracting "Oh look a Plotline!" Syndrome JL. I've got plenty to do without getting mixed up in brawls that aren't my business anyway.IC: Kalama twitched before cocking his head and listened to something only he seemed to be able to hear."Weapons I can arrange for you. That's not a problem. However whatever your sensing I'm getting the feeling I don't need to get mixed up in it. It's not important to my objective. You check this out, you're on your own. I'm not coming with."Tanuka seemed to compress herself smaller at the mention of death and undeath."Part of the reason I'm not going in that direction." Kalama said noticing the Toa's slight actions. "Only a fool walks into a fight without the proper gear as you've just demonstrated you're not willing to do. If what you're sensing is correct then I'd be a fool to only walk in with just a Toa who's not comfortable with fighting yet instead of my Marines who are more prepared to win a fight. If this was one of my survival excursions I wouldn't mind a trip through Le-Wahi but it's not so I can't come with you."He looked between Argentum and Cyrax, "You can go and investigate or you can continue to follow me but we're not heading in that direction." He gave them a questioning look. "If it's really blades you need then I see no reason why Cyrax can't make them for you. Besides, 10? I know Nala has numerous throwing knives but full shortswords?" He shook his head. "Kali would be able to beat out even that many with just one. If she pulls out both then you know nothing is going to be left standing. Carrying that many around simply announces you have no martial skills whatsoever or you don't care for your weaponry since you think it's going to break. You won't be taken seriously with that many as they'll think you're compensating for something. This is all just my option though and if you're really set on carrying that many then just tell the Quartermaster what you need and tell her 'The Commander said so.' She'll know what it means and shouldn't give you any trouble."-------Janice beamed at Agarin's suggest. "I think that's a wonderful idea." She said, "These girls have been working hard lately and deserve a treat before I heap the patrols down on them. You go make the necessary preparations. Just tell me when you're ready."
  15. "Tanuka. Come with me a minute." Kalama intervened leading the Toa outside and out of earshot."What's this about Toa?" Janice asked.
  16. Kalama widened an eye and glanced suspiciously at Agarin. "A plan you say? And what would this plan be?"He didn't get a chance to get an explanation as Janice concluded her brief and sent the Squad Leaders on their way. "Plan? Someone has a plan? What plan?" Janice asked hearing Kalama's question.
  17. Agarin had found himself back in the command tent where Kalama was watching Janice brief her Seawoman Squad Leaders on the new developments. Tanuka was sitting nearby Kalama on a crate of supplies. Hearing Agarin, Kalama beckoned him over. "S'up? Just watching the briefing. Get distracted by all the pretty Marines?" Kalama chuckled referring to Agarin arriving later than Tanuka.
  18. Pirok, that's meta-gaming. Anyone interacting with you using those statements of whether or not your character is lying is using player known information that the character WON'T know normally. Unless he makes a statement that the other person's CHARACTER knows is a lie they won't be able to tell if he's lying or not.Example, Argentum first arrived in Ga-Koro with the intent to kill Macku. However he did not make this known so if he had interacted with Kalama who suddenly yelled out "ASSASSIN!" and attacked as soon as Argentum said "Hi" would be meta-gaming. While I, the player, can see Argentum's thoughts, Kalama can't and didn't know Argentum was going to kill Macku which is why he didn't think twice about inviting him home to talk to Nokama which is what actually happened.After Argentum slipped up and said some key words about things he shouldn't have known causing Nokama to become suspicious and then ordering he be seized following the arrival of news from Le-Koro about Tamaru's death on the suspicion he was actually up to no good that Kalama attacked and Argentum announced he was going to kill Macku and confirmed what Nokama was thinking. NOW Argentum's thoughts are openly known to everyone within shouting distance and it's no longer Meta gaming since the characters now have that knowledge.
  19. The Medic grinned. "No argument there. Might do her some good before Kalama runs her through the ringer. His measures can be a little harsh but effective as you can see by the success of the Marines. You'd have to talk to Leftenant Janice about that. She runs this Shoal. I don't think she'd mind too much. Might be a nice moral boost for the Marines, we've had our hands full with keeping those Rahi out of the main trade routes." She pushed at Agarin's legs. "Now scoot. I have some ACTUAL wounded to patch."Tanuka had scurried back to Kalama so Agarin found himself outside the tent alone.
  20. Point. Means they actually should get out of the Koro and go a-sploring.Good thing Kalama isn't wearing a Faxon.
  21. If it seemed possible, Tanuka actually SHRANK at Agarin's display and averted her gaze. She fidgeted seeming like she very much would just rather go get the bruise looked at and not discuss anything further not responding to Agarin's attempt to get her talking again.-------Tanuka sat quietly while the Medic examined the bruise. "Well that's not bad," the Marine said. "First time you've taken a punch I gather?"Tanuka said nothing."I'm gonna say yes. Alright well it's going to sting some but it should stop hurting in a little bit. Try not to poke at it too much, letting it heal with make it stop hurting sooner. Poking it anyway is just going to hurt. Off ya go." She slightly smacked Tanuka's back and the Toa wordlessly left.The Medic shook her head. "She's not fragile, the first punch or two always stings. She'll get used to it." She said seeing Agarin's look. "Tanuka has always been a bit nervous, jumping at loud noises, stuttering when encountering things she's unfamiliar with, I'm surprised she's out here with Kalama of all people! That Matoran has a habit of attracting all manner nasties! I'm surprised he's still standing the jammy searag! I bet he could take Makuta and still come out in one piece! It's uncharacteristic for someone like Tanuka even as a Toa to be following THAT trouble magnet around! Bet you know the story behind it. Care to spill?" She asked Agarin.
  22. Don't be so quick to write off ALL the Rahi Katuko. A lot of those Rahi actual did migrate from Metru Nui to Mata-Nui following the Visorak invasion during the Toa Metru's absence. That's how the Toa Metru found a land route back to Metru Nui. Onewa discovered it when he noticed a fleeing Nui-Jaga.Some Rahi with habitats indigenous to Metru Nui like the Chute Lurker I would agree did not make the trip since their habitats don't exist. Remember that everything we've seen is still only a SMALL portion of Mata-Nui. There's vast open territories that were never explored because they weren't important enough or had sites of interest. They could have a lot of the Rahi that were mentioned in Metru Nui that made the migration.Kalama and other Matoran like him explore these undocumented areas for the sake of documenting them and often know them better that those who stick to the safety of the main heavily traveled roads Takua and Hahli used in the MNOLG game and it's sequel. These off the beaten paths however are extremely dangerous as they don't have the heavy military protection the main roads do. Sharpen your knives and step into the undergrowth at your own peril!
  23. Kalama nodded at Janice."Seawoman let the Marines know to watch for a Gukko. And for Mata-Nui's sake SOMEBODY relieve Private Moriha before she takes a potshot at something else! Stick her on escort duty if she's so keen to kill something!" The Leftenant ordered.-------"Mayhap have something fit for a Toa-Hero..." The Le-Matoran rummaged through his wares. Shortly he produced a set of armor. While it wasn't full head to toe, it would at least protect the more important parts of his body. "Have-not many-much masks of power Toa-Hero. Only three worthy."He produced a Akaku, a Matatu, and an Iden.-------Tanuka looked at Agarin. She seemed to straighten somewhat, trying to mimic him but seemed to have trouble squaring her shoulders like she was afraid of making herself a bigger target.
  24. ....Exactly what kind of attention are you trying to elicit from me there KNI? I'm in Ga-Wahi several bios Northwest almost to the Po-Wahi border nowhere NEAR inside Ga-Koro. Only attention you'll get is that of the Marines.
  25. "Mess tent shouldn't be hard to find. Just follow your nose. I don't think the Marines have anything in your size Argentum so you might want to talk to our Le-Matoran friends. They might have what you're looking for." Kalama said."Training area is outside, to you left, take a right past the third tent." Janice answered."Okay..." Tanuka said quietly letting Agarin lead her away.
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