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Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

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Everything posted by Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

  1. At his last words, the Matoran burst out laughing."Kid. Amusing don't you think?" She said stretching out. "You assume far too much when even you don't have the answers." Grunting she got up to her feet and started pacing around on the branches seemingly heedless of where she was pacing but demonstrating superior balance than most Matoran."I may be short in stature but considering that perhaps I know what you're looking for, the case may be that perhaps I am older than you. So kid doesn't really describe me." She gave him a demented grin. "Perhaps I am an illusion you are now suffering due to combat stress.""Or it may be that I am some kind of spirit sent here to guide you on your way." The Matoran said suddenly walking around the roots of the fallen tree Kuyre had knocked over resulting in a double take from the Toa as the Matoran had clearly changed locations despite the fact he had been looking at her as she was no longer in the tree."Oh I'm sorry. Did I forget to mention I do that?" She said seeing his bewildered look. "Of course that just adds to the evidence that perhaps, I'm not real and you might already be dead, or in some kind of shock and that those you hold dear are surrounding you hoping you wake up." She leaned against the trunk. "That being said, who said you had it the worst? You obviously lost quite a few things but at least you still have your identity. I don't even have that. I have memories of course but even those have been altered. I can tell because I remember things others can despite clearly remembering they were there. Is my name really Nala? Or could it be Thema, or even Louise? Karz it could be Akamakabamthulu for all I know. Perhaps at one time I had a loved one and friends, perhaps I have always been a lone wolf, I have lost all of this and can't even remember. You can however so there's still hope for you.""As for what I want..." She said her voice coming from somewhere behind him revealing her now swinging upside down from another tree branch. She shrugged. "Perhaps I don't want anything. Maybe I'm just here to antagonize you and see how far to death I can push you. Or maybe I'm looking for the Toa who took up arms and risk everything to see the Makuta defeated. I know I'm sure as Karz not looking at one. Instead I see a sad soggy sorry excuse for a searag. If I was your wife I'd slap you so hard it would take you weeks to find your Kanohi and tell you to get up and keep fighting. History only remembers the victors. If you perish then nobody will bother to remember those you lost. They die. For good. And for what purpose? To be immortalized as monsters and outcasts in a world where being a Toa means being feared and cast away despite if you're a nice guy.""But you still haven't answered any of my questions so my motives won't make sense until you answer what you're asking yourself."
  2. "Perhaps its more 'you wish you could do better' then 'you wish to die'." A voice from the treetops Kuyre's attention. A dark blue almost midnight colored Ga-Matoran sat among the branches cleaning out something from under her fingernails with a knife."But I lack the knowledge of what you wish you could do better at." She said aloud not looking up from her fingers. "However the desire to simply perish is one experienced in times of great trial and personal growth." She glanced down at the Toa below her."Once you admit that you are at a crossroads, the following is something more you need to ask yourself. 'Am I so truly weak and pathetic that I will simply lay down and die?' I should truly hope that is not the case." She put the knife away. "If that's the case then why are you still a Toa? Why did you even become one in the first place? Admitting you are a hopeless worthless being isn't the path those who are Toa follow. If that's the path you choose then by all means. Drown yourself in the bay. Lose yourself in the drifts and hope you are never found. Throw yourself into the volcano."She settled into the branch as if waiting for someone."The Matoran here have not yet given up as you have. They continue life despite the looming darkness. They refuse to simply lay down and die. Those that demonstrate the will to live even in the bleakest of times are those that are looked up to as heroes. Another question you must ask yourself is... Am I truly greater then a four foot tall powerless midget?" She giggled. "Since I refuse to die whereas you are tired of living. No. I don't think so. But consider it a test. How much are you willing to bear the brunt of? How much can you take, and still stand?"
  3. Purple fluids stained the snow at the Marines carved their way through the oncoming hoard.Hotu snarled as she kicked another one off her where it was vaporized by Nuraka's wielder. "OI! Wotch where ya shooteen tha'!" Yuni complained as bits of Trapper dripped down on her.Kali darted ahead of Kalama slowly slugging his way through the mass of spiders. The swordswoman carved a path through the group leaving plenty of wounded for Kalama to finish off quickly.Maya whacked one in the face with the other pointed end her javelin before running it through as it recovered spearing it through the head and through the abdomen of another Trapper that tried to jump on her from above. It squealed and clicked as it's legs flailed seemingly trying to choke the Medic. Maya whipped it off sending it flying over Juno where it was promptly vaporized by Nuraka."Weell you knoc' eet oof wif the vap'ing o'er a seeter mareen's 'ead?" Yuni yelled at her.Nuraka responded by vaporizing another Trapper trying to jump onto Yuni sending more bits of purple matter raining down on the Mess Sergent."You're welcome." Nuraka said grinning."BEHIN' YE!"Nuraka turned as another Glass Trapper pounced. She threw up her weapon keeping the Trapper from chewing on her as it worked it's mandibles furiously trying to chew on the Marine. Nuraka growled pulling upward to keep the Fikou offshoot away from her.WONG!Yuni smashed it off Nuraka with her frying pan.WONG! She beat it into the snow.WONG! Yuni pulped it for good measure. She pulled Nuraka to her feet."Naow were evan." She grinned."Shut up..."
  4. "They got you outnumbered 7 to 1!" Lei yelled down."Pretty pathetic odds." Kali said as she drew her blades."7 to 1! They'll overrun us!" Tanuka yelled."Please, in Glass Trappers?" Hotu said. "They'd need 30 to 1 to overwhelm just us Matoran. They're weak and with you Toa around they'd have to be 50 or even 60 to 1 to even have a chance.""They try anyway." Kalama said. "If anything we'll at least thin their numbers and give the survivors a chance to actually survive because there won't be as many mouths to feed." He chuckled. "Logistics are the bane of any army." He smash one off it's feet toward Juno who cleaved it in two in midair. Juno turned from blue to purple as the blood and guts rained down on her. Unperturbed she continued on to slice the legs out from under another."Look alive if you want to continue!" Kalama yelled at the Toa.
  5. Kalama ducked as the snowball sailed over his hand and......splatted against something in mid-air."Oh joy. Glass Trapper." He said before slamming it to the ground and crushing it.Purple fluid and guts splashed up his arm."Eyes up ladies! Where's there's one there's a horde!" He called out.
  6. Under publicized.My recommendation is to go forth and actually do your namesake. Start liberating.You can do this by simply going out and helping randomly generated Matoran. It's a big island and the Matoran need a lot of help since the Toa Mata vanished. Traders need to be saved from random Rahi. Natural disasters need to be averted. Military forces may need some help ether holding off Rahi and raiders. Criminal hives and Rahi nests need to be cleaned out to make the island safer. Start small with random good deeds.As you go you may find you'll start plotting chain quests and finally, serious antagonists who attempt to thwart you while you also thwart them in large scale battlefields. If you're lucky that antagonist might be another player.Once you're active you'll find the players may come to you.God knows they flocked to me. I split my group in two with one character going off on his own and the next thing I knew I had yet another group following me around.
  7. Tanuka flung another snowball at Agarin. "i can't throw MORE than one at a time!"
  8. PIFF! The snowball nailed Agarin in the Kanohi."I'm not holding them!" She called out from behind the snowdrift.
  9. It's the "New Thing" wave. It's similar to "Oh Look, A Plotline!" Syndrome.Understand this is the faulty part of sandbox gaming. A sudden lack of content (IE: Staff Plot comes to a standstill) creates a vacuum in which players with nothing to do are suddenly left grasping for said content.Enter in player created content. (IE: Mark Bearers)This content fills the vacuum. Since a majority of the players are more looking for things to do instead of creating things which are left to the minority that actually develops this stuff, everybody want to try out the new toy.Result: Large Influx of Mark Bearers.However character creation can only go so far so eventually it will die down and people will be looking for the next thing to try once again creating a vacuum that only content can fill.Understand however that this new content needs to be introduced properly. The Mark Bearers were introduced as mysterious creations that nobody really knows too much about, it's creator in this case has withheld the correct information that needs to be introduced later in a storyline quest content. That's why they're so popular, it has the potential for long term content.That and they didn't get their rears curb stomped like the Mysitx did and got more publicity than both the Merfolk and the Akrainid going on. All three compared to the Mark Bearers have no interesting quest plot lines to discover more, hence the sudden increase in popularity for the MB.Kudos for Microsnipe for a superb execution of content release. Though I am unsure you realized what you were doing at the time.
  10. Tanuka dove behind a snowdrift as Agarin launched several more rapidly."it is fair and just!" she said from her hiding place. "I can't throw more than one at a time!"
  11. Tanuka's eyes went wide at the sight of the oncoming snowball. She twisted quickly and it smashed harmlessly against her shouldered shield.
  12. "That's honestly a question I ask myself sometimes." Kalama said. "Why are we here? It's one of life's greatest mysteries. Why are we here? I mean, are we the product some some cosmic consciousness? Or is there really a great spirit, watching over everything? You know with a plan for us and stuff? I don't know man, it keeps me up at night.""...Where did that come from?" Kali asked."I... really don't know." Kalama said scratching his head. "It's like I felt compelled to spout all that stuff like it was a quote from something and some cosmical awareness forced me to say it.""Please resist any future urges to spew such nonsense Kalama. That was kind of creepy.""No promises Kali, do or do not. There is no try.""You're still doing it.""Yeah I'll stop now."
  13. Tanuka squealed as the cold powdery object hit her dancing about trying to shake it off.Glaring at Agarin she scooped up her own snowball and retaliated.-------"Awww... snowball fight and I'm stuck on scouting." Lei pouted. "First chance I get I'm hitting everyone in proximity."-------"What is it with these Toa and pairing off? I don't get it Com." Nuraka said listening to the underlying issue.Kalama opened his mouth to explain before Maya cut in. "Quite possibly it's the reaction used by those who are trying to tease each other like we do to Kali.""HEY!""While they express those feelings based on the fact that we are social creatures and obviously these Toa have spent far too much time alone and now that we're in a large group, they feel the need to socialize with each other. Though we have equal amounts of male and female counterparts it only seems natural that there may be underlying friction used to the advantage of the teasing party. All part of the socialization.""...That just went over my head." Nuraka said. "Forget I said anything."Kalama whacked Maya's Kanohi off her face."HEY-MMMPH!" She said before he shoved his Miru on."There." He said. "NOW you are Kalama."Maya paused looking around, the green Miru looking a little strange on her. "So THIS is what it's like to be you..." She said playing with the knot in the bandanna.Kalama took back the ensemble while Maya retrieved her Kakama.
  14. Hey Nuju.Not much. They're discussing Mark Bearers and I was getting the pulse on an event I was planning to set up. I'll hit you with the details later. You have been volunteered to assist in this event.
  15. OOC: Checkmate.IC: As the Toa started swinging, Kalama scaled the Toa and cut the vine loose with his knife. Nether one made it to the branch.Both landed on the ground."And I just made the fact you're a Toa count for nothing." Kalama said getting up from where he'd rolled free and dusting himself off. "You should have gone to try to catch the branch instead of trying to swing to it. Especially since I was still attached to you."The Marines applauded."JL! GET DOWN HERE OR I DROP YOU DOWN HERE TOO!" Kalama barked at the remaining Toa.
  16. WHAM!Kalama dropped onto Darylhii from above."I'm a Matoran of many talents." He said shifting his weight to throw the Toa off balance again to send them both to the ground.
  17. "...Hotu a moment of your time."Hotu walked to the base of the tree. "Ready when you are Commander."Kalama took a few steps away before making a running start at Hotu. He jumped straight into Hotu's cupped hand before Hotu launched him upward. "HUP!"Kalama flew upwards before latching onto the tree and quickly scaling it."Look at him go. You'd think he was a Le-Matoran or something." Maya said as Kalama reached the branch Darylhii was standing on.Climbing out on the branch hanging off it he started twisting around using his weight to jostle the branch to disrupt the Toa's footing and drop him from the tree.
  18. Obviously it's Ga-Koro.So Tarakava AND Tarakava Nui attacking. Yes to Takea sharks? I'm thinking this is going to be a three part battlefield, we have the village itself, under the water in the bay, and naval action.Not so much in the aerial assaults unless there are playing wanting some air to air fights but that's going to be kind of weak. That's more Le-Koro anyway.The lily pads mostly grow up out of the seafloor in the bay, some of them are kept afloat by air pumps. Obviously those are going to be objective targets for defend/destroy depending on what side you're on as the more air pumps survive. The less damage there will be to Ga-Koro. They could also attack the main stalk supports. That might prove interesting as if they do succeed in destroying those supports, engineers will need to quickly move to keep those pads floating and will need defending.Docks are always a target as well as the shipyards.Nokama is obviously a target but she will most likely be heavily guarded.
  19. "NO BUTS! DOWN! NOW!" Kalama barked."40 widgets on the Commander." Nuraka said to Maya."Sucker's bet." Maya said."I'll take that action on the condition it takes 3 minutes for Kalama to knock him off that tree." Hotu said."You're on."
  20. Life happens and it must be dealt with. I'm sure those lost may return to us soon.Moving on, any suggestions for what everyone would like to see happen in the Fourth Great Tarakava Raid.
  21. The Raiders looked at each other before all looking at Xibre and shrugging."We're not quite the 'peaceful' Ga-Koroan our sisters are." Maya said. "While the majority of them are laid back and rather peaceful there's still a small percentage of us that are rather bloodthirsty and violent. Honestly if it weren't for the Marines we would all have probably ended up in jail or on the chopping block.""the Mareens teeches thar fair lasses 'ow two cerb sooch tendacys wif deeceplen an' 'onar." Yuni continued."It gives us a place where we can use those traits openly as well as an ideal to fight for." Kali said. "They would be right in classifying most Ga-Koroans as somewhat pacifists. Still it's already proven than in this day and age, sometimes you got to meet might with might. We are the ones who stand between those that won't or can't fight and those that wish to take advantage of it. We're lean, we're mean, and we don't approve of others taking advantage of our more meek sisters.""Ideals are what drive someone." Juno said. "Without ideals to give us purpose, we would just wander around aimlessly looking for a fight where ever we can find it. It makes us no better than the Skakdi. The ideal of the Marine Corps was started by a few Ga-Koroans who were sick and tired of being picked on by Makuta following the Third Great Tarakava Raid. Three times the village had been sacked, love ones had been lost, you put too much pressure on someone and they crack like a coconut.""Honestly, the best example we can give you is Nuraka." Maya said. "She knows Makuta better than any of us here. Like so many who've been held captive by the infection she was enmeshed in his mind. It was too much for her and she hasn't quite been the same since.""Do you HAVE to use me EVERY TIME?" Nuraka snapped at Maya."You're the best example we got.""Could you AT LEAST use somebody else once in a while? Oooooh, Nuraka's gone crazy! I'm tired of it!"Maya shrugged. "Case to point. We're crazy, violent, and quite frankly, it doesn't bother us because so is everyone else.""WILL YOU TWO QUIT MESSING AROUND UP THERE OR DO I HAVE TO COME UP THERE AND THROW YOU BOTH DOWN HERE SO WE CAN GET A MOVE ON?!" Kalama shouted at the Toa on top of the tree. "I GOT NO QUALMS ABOUT LEAVING YOU BEHIND SO GET DOWN HERE!" He barked."And sometimes, it's used to exorcise crazy from people." Maya said.
  22. HEAVILY Rahi infested area I believe. Remember in any adventure game the roads are usually safe. If you're looking for a fight you go OFF the beaten path. Until you finish your infastructure, Pala-Koro is a tiny village beset on Rahi at all sides. Attacks can come from anywhere at anytime. What, a gigantic planet sized robotic god that is also the "home world" of his robotic followers? That would never work in Bionicle. (sarcasm)I've slain dark gods, punched out the devil, toppled titans, slugged it out with criminal organizations AND destroyed cyborg dreadnoughts bent on assimilating organic life... Killing a planet? Sounds like the next logical step. BRING. IT. ON.Nobody's seen Tuck since November. Probably enjoying Holiday season still.
  23. OOC: Not bad Snipe. The only inconsistency I see is that Vakama WOULD come down to the prison to hear out prisoners at his discretion.IC: Dren leaned on his staff. "So what's up with this Mark? Where did it come from and what exactly does it do?" He asked Tank.
  24. Lei looked down. "Oooh! Tree!" She said spotting Fragarach's foliage.-------"I haven't heard anything about it. He might still be there if he's lasted this long." Kalama said."I'm surprised you've remained this quiet the whole time." Nuraka remarked to Cyrax. "If my rival was making a lot of misconceptions about my gender, I'd have slammed his head into a rock already. THEN lit him on fire.""Do you drown them first or after?" Hotu asked."You drown them AFTER you set them on fire." Nuraka said. "And make sure you use salt water. It intensified the burn.""Noted." Hotu made a face. "Has anyone else noticed how morbid this all sounds?""Nope.""Nu-uh""No.""Nay lass.""Oh good." Hotu said. "It's just me.""Jus' giv' eet ah momant lass." Yuni said. "eet wil' pass soon enouff."
  25. Ah, so you're active from 330PM in the afternoon till 9 at night.Gotcha.I'm usually up and around at 10 AM in the morning until about 11PM at night.Okay, nothing too horrible will happen. Physically anyway. Mentally he might suffer a little. XD
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