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Toa Blackout

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Status Updates posted by Toa Blackout

  1. Hello. *rubs blades together*


  3. hes coming for you star better get ready

  4. hey i noticed u like dinosaurs so do i whats ur fav mines raptors also look at cuz in the next few days im postin two dinosaur mocs ones a big allosaurus and th other is well im not sure what it is

  5. hey remember stars blog contest and how he had trouble and couldnt get the prizes out well neryt he haz gone nuts he changed his name to ~Starparu411~ and stole his avvie and is flaming in his blog entry

  6. hey star wanna be a voice in my up coming stop motion series on u tube in production now just need a voice cast i have the main characters spot taken by var but u can still get the second leading role

  7. hey umm master inika you posted a knew chapter in a comedy of yours i pgsed to and i wasnt even in it im not angry at you i just wanted to know why

  8. hey when r u gonna update some of ur comedies i miss new episodes

  9. i finished acaras today it is metru red and wears a huna also it has a piraka torso but i used vezons chest armour and converted it into red on my moc so it isnt so plain

  10. i finished roak just now he is EPIC WIN everything is custom the mask ,the torso, the arms, the legs, even the feet im getting my dad to take the pics off our camera so i can use it expect pics before days end

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