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Blog Entries posted by JMSOG

  1. JMSOG
    The next step is to have Writers. the basic idea is this:
    People around BZP send in ideas for stories, in one-sentance to one-paragraph concepts. If we approve it, they have a choice: write it themselves, or have one of our writers write it.
    There would be a rotation, and we will only accept 10 writers. This means, if we do get 10, and we do about 22 stories a year, absolute maximum you would have to write 3 stories a year.
    *Must be able to turn a one sentence to one paragraph concept into a decent story
    *Must be able to krank out a story in 2 weeks.
    *Must be able to handle potentially heavy editing by myself and the Storyline Leaders
    *Must have some concept of the plot of Star Trek
    Post in the comments section of this page. Either link to a example of your writing you have written on BZP (Story, or epic. No poetry, comedy, or comic entries), or post the example in the comments itself.
    The Deadline is June 22, at 8:00 PM EST. This should give enough time to find a story you have already written, or type up a story you havent posted yet.
    This will be judged by the Storyline Leaders, at their discretion.
  2. JMSOG
    just while on here, today, i've watched star trek movies 3, 4, 5, 6, and am right now watching 7. my mind is now a muuuuuuuuuussssssshhhhh...................................................................guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...........................

  3. JMSOG
    you ever have one of those days, where you empty out your pockets and wonder about their contents?
    you ask questions like, "why is there a safety pin in my pocket?" "why do i not remember putting a safety pin in my pocket?" and "if it wasn't me, WHO put the safety pin in my pocket?"
    yeah, it's one of those days
  4. JMSOG
    It will be sent at 4PM EST, today. you will have exactly 24 hours to answer it.
    If i do not recieve an answer in time, i will look at your profile. if you have been active in the last day, you are disqualified. if you havent been active, i will assume you had other stuff to do. so, i will extend the deadline for you.
  5. JMSOG
    A while ago, someone in my school found a snake in their backyard. So, they thought my science teacher would like to see it. But, while he was on the bus, it got loose. they stopped the bus. took them a while to find it, all the kids freaking out (this was not the bus i was on, so i only have secondary sources on this). then, he brought it in to science. the teacher loved it. he escaped again.
    the snake is still somewhere in the school, it never turned up. wow. and this was 5 to 6 months ago.
  6. JMSOG
    ...now i have The Rocky Road to Dublin stuck in my head. ah, well, not as bad as Tik Tok...
    ALERT: only 6 hours left to become a Storyline Leader in Colony 5. go to the sign-up post and say you want to volunteer in the comments.
  7. JMSOG
    Post if you want to volunteer in the comments. I will wait for the first 10 contenders, or sunday. whichever comes first. At which point, i'll send you a 25-question general-knowlegde star trek quiz, and give you 24 hours to answer it. the 2 highest scores will become the storyline leaders. In the case of a tie, i will figure out a sudden-death thing. or whatever it's called.
    Keep in mind, the leaders will have a lot of responsibility in this project.
    1:Toa Kaitan Thunder Inferno
    2:Stoney the Rapter
  8. JMSOG
    this happened in sixth grade. i swear, it is 100% true.
    It was the middle of class. someone at my table said something funny. so, i laughed. so, they laughed. so, i kept laughing. so, he kept laughing. it was interesting. i tried to get myself to stop laughing by slamming my head in my desk, but it didn't work. it only caused the other kid to laugh more. at about the 10-minute mark, the other kid began to beg for mercy. and it kept on going, until the other kid moved to another table.
    that was definatly an interesting day
  9. JMSOG
    my room smells like fish. there has never been fish IN here (my fishtank is in the next room). now, why is this? *coughs from smell*
  10. JMSOG
    it's tonight. wish me luck. NO WAIT... wish i cause myself injury
    and on colony 5, the 100 question test will now be 50, and i have currently 16 questions written. so, not volunteering YET...(although, stoney the rapter, you will be a welcome volunteer once i get everything up and running )
  11. JMSOG
    alright: for all non-star trek fans, the next blog entry will look like gobbledegook. for all star trek fans, the next blog entry will look like gobbledegook i just got a great idea last night, and i gotta get it all written down.
    Well, i just bought the song colony 5 by Colony 5. it's very star-trekky. in fact, just about all i could think of while listening to it was star trek. it also contained the lines "we seek colony 5". now, the name of the band came from the ST:TOS episode "Charlie X". it was the location they where bringing the mega-powerful child...then, an idea hit me..."what, if to avoid going there, charlie caused the colony to be destroyed?" then, another idea hit me. "what if, when everything he did got fixed, what if they messed up, and Colony 5 was moved out into space?" i was getting really excited at this point. "What if, when the voyager was returning, they had on long-range sensors, and, upon envestigation of the sensor logs, they found the location of Colony 5?" then, i thought "what if Starfleet decides to send a rescue mission to Colony 5?"
    Then, i realised something. This would make an awesome new series of Star Trek.
    Then, i realised that probably won't happen, since the release of the 2009 movie.
    then, i realised this was too good of an idea to go to waste.
    then, i realised i would have to take it into my own hands.
    It wouldn't be a TV show, more like written short stories (more long stories, about the length of a DS9 script). release about 24 stories a year, like in normal seasons of star trek, and have a run of 7 years.
    and now, things i've figured out i should have for sure:
    1:set on a Vesta class ship
    2:Seasons 1-3 would be set on the journey there, making first contact with multiple planets. 4 would be on Colony 5. 5-7 would be returning home, with some of the colonists, and seeing what happened with some of the planets they visited.
    3:the first officer would be of a species with a lifespan of 1000s of years, and, although he'd be 400, he'd look like a child, a fact that torments him do to some people's biases. he would have "taken his Kobiashi Maru test with Spock at ops"
    4: there would be an Ensign B4 as a main character
    5:the captain would be human
    6:Ambassader Picard would give them the mission briefing
    7:possible visits of Q throughout the series
    8:it'd stay 100% consistant with TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, and all the movie's canon.
    9:it'd occur at some point after when spock went into the mirror universe.
    10:the individual stories would have the same quality of any star trek episode.
    11:i'd write the first episode, and last episode.
    now, i'm not the best writer in the world. so, perhaps, one of the biggest forums for bionicle in the world would hold this in the COT. and, we'd have Star Trek fans all over BZP subbmitting ideas for stories, and if accepted, they'd write the episode. it'd then be edited a little bit for accuracy, but still...
    but, i'd probably head this. and, in my opinion, the best way for me to be 100% accurate and deserve that role, would be for me to watch every star trek episode there is, twice. at the moment, i've seen TAS and TOS twice. but, beyond that, i'm only halfway through TNG. i've never seen a DS9, VOY, or ENT episode. so, i probably won't be qualified until maybe a few years from now. and, i think i need to review Charlie X to be sure on my facts.
    but, trekkies who read this blog, keep this idea in the back of your head. if we're good enough, we might be able to convince the writers of Star Trek to do something with this.
  12. JMSOG
    i read William Shatner's autobiography over the weekend. apparently, he had an offer to host a reality game show called "million dollar landing" or something like that.
    the plot is this: Shatner takes the 4-person plane up to 5000 feet, with a pile of cash and a passenger in the back. he then bales out. if the passenger safley lands the plane, they get to keep the money.
    strangly, the show wwas never made.
    this made me laugh
  13. JMSOG
    it is currently 6:37 AM. i'm getting ready for school. i'm tired. yahey. i might wake up by the time the bus comes, if im lucky.
    What? i didn't have an idea of an entry this morning
  14. JMSOG
    just for fun, i just built a mini USS Defiant, USS Reliant, and USS Enterprise B. yah, i'm bored
    EDIT: and now i just made a mini USS Stargazer. i might put up pics tommarow
  15. JMSOG
    I ain't a morning person. so, to be concious by the time the bus comes, i have to wake up at 5:40. anyone else have to wake up really early?
    i know this post is kinda weak, but i'm running out of ideas
  16. JMSOG
    just curious: for those who watch it, which is best:
    The Origional Series
    The Animated Series
    Next Generation
    Deep Space Nine
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