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Nayru: Goddess of Wisdom

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Everything posted by Nayru: Goddess of Wisdom

  1. Awww. I did. * sad face*

  2. Thank the Lord! He was very mean to Din. he called Din 'Din-Din'.

  3. But i aggree! Link is very Dellisous!

  4. Its a picter of Link...!!! o you mean the cupcake!! i just canged it.

  5. He is so trying to get banned. You personal photo is so cute!!

  6. Is that that guy that cept talking about Arnold shwartsaneger (is that how to spell it?)

  7. I love your personal pic!! so cute!

  8. the Jonsas brothers? and your a guy?


  9. BTW thanks for definging me in my Dupe. didint know it was already made *blushes*

  10. Haha. I was in a hurry. Yes I am. I love books to.

  11. *Hits you with raw fish*

  12. I LOVE cupcakes! Ecpecaly the ones with smiles! they wont be smiling for long! HEHEHEE!!!!!!!1

  13. Ahhhhh. that makes sense. but how come you personal photo i s a dog and a cat?

  14. yor a guy? and you have the word 'magazines' in you username? OK...

  15. HAHA! Every time I see your name it cracks me up! where did you get it from?

  16. kicks you in "the spot" and smakes you over the head with a cocanut

  17. *Takes a big chunck out of your arm*

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