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Casus Belli

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Status Updates posted by Casus Belli

  1. Hi, remember me? We haven't talked in a long time.

  2. How ironic. I just finished studying Islam at school, and you're Muslim. (Trying not to get into religion too much.)

  3. How are you DOING?

  4. You are almost a month older than me. :P Happy B-Day, my fellow 12-year old.

  5. Oh, I didn't see that. Sorry, I'll reply ASAP.

  6. lol I just PM'd myself.

  7. Bithday topic yet? I'm making you one, just checking.

  8. Didn't he wake up in Prospit before? It suggests so.

  9. Just Asking. Sorry for late REPLY.

  10. Oh, yeah, I read the PM. But you still reported my SIG?

  11. You reported my SIG? >:-O

  12. Oh, yeah, I was testing to see how my sig qould LOOK.

  13. My sig looks perfectly fine, are you sure something's WRONG? I' was just practicing the way I'm going to type if I get PESTERCHUM.

  14. In your sig, Eridan reminds me Harry Potter being after shot with Gamma Rays.

  15. Halley, Jade? I am under the impression you are a fan of MS Paint Adventures. :P

  16. Hi! I welcome you to the wonderful site known as BZPower!

  17. Didn't Sollux die?

  18. Haven't I seen you on LEGO? I'm legolover1841 on LEGO.

  19. How about mentioning the thyme lord, "Thyme and Relative Durian in Spice". Like it, or is it just herbs and spices?

  20. Is that like a kawaii cat face or something?

  21. Oh, I see... Do you like Chubby Cheeks, though? :1

  22. What's TARDIS? I know it's like "Time and..." something, but what does it completely stand for?

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