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Casus Belli

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Status Updates posted by Casus Belli

  1. Wait... As staff, you get shortened name-change period? ):-C NOt fair! :1

  2. LAST WEEK? You were caligulasAquarium last week.

  3. I remember when you where Cirno............:P

  4. Hey, Pikmin! It's me, legolover1841!

  5. So, are you Terezi?

  6. Congrats on your promotion, "Aho-Chan"!

  7. Have you left us, too?


  8. The bottom of my bed is cluttered. You can't fit in there. :P

  9. WOOT! You're born in '98 too!

  10. Happy B-Day, Zoruru!

  11. Oh, sorry, I meant Mata Yellow. :P Now, for Heroes:


    -Have you heard of the Hollow-Arms? <_<

    -Not THAT overpriced, but you could get a little more for your money.

    -If you look closely, Furno is NOT Mata-Red, he is a Crimson.

    -Dunkan Bulk's Hollow-Arm is the least hollow.

    -Surge's weapons have a "Gresh" function, if you know what I mean.

  12. So you have three KH Games, right? Are you planning on getting BBS? In the JP Ver. in the Terra Story, if you manage to deflect one the final boss's attack, he says "Granite!" or more like "GRAH-NEET!" :)

  13. And when I thought there couldn't be anymore Bionicle U2bers.


  14. Here's some info you need to know before etting HF.

    Villians- They say Rotor has the coolest build. Von Nebula cannot move His elbows. Meltdown is Mata Green.

    Heroes coming later.

  15. Have any Bohrok? Ii got Kohrak w/ Krana Vu. Like Hero Factory? I'm warming up to it.

  16. Hi. How're you doing?

  17. OMG! Another 11-year old! =O So it looks like I'm not the only one.


    Also, you have the same birthday as my brother, except his was in '92.

  18. Welcome to BZPower! :) I hope you enjoy your stay!

  19. Same thing as five posts down. *faints*

  20. Yush. Sturgeon, that fish. It's normal facial expression looks a bit too unhappy. In-depth-description of sturgeon face:

    "If something makes you anry, don't yell at it, don't give it the finger, give it the Sturgeon Face!"


  21. I just realized somthing. There is a 10-day difference between our birthdays. e.O

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