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Status Updates posted by PutYaGunsOn

  1. We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

  2. *tips fedora* M'lady

  3. A favorite Japanese idiom of mine: 10 people 10 colors. (In other words: To each their own.)


  5. Changed my name, but kept the Shinkenger quote in my sig. Hakura was my very first OC ever, made way back in 2002 when I was 8.

  6. I will never judge you for what you like. Only how you go about it.

  7. Welcome to BZP, 40,000th member. I'm getting tempted to make an "OVER 9000!" joke.

  8. ya i liek them. In Soviet Russia, they liek U!!

  9. Yeah, it's a Gundam mech. An RGM-79FP GM Striker to be exact.

    Yeah, whenever someone brings up '03, I AUTOMATICALLY think of Chibi Toa and Coffee Shop.

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