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~Sol de Medianoche~

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Blog Entries posted by ~Sol de Medianoche~

  1. ~Sol de Medianoche~
    *Calms down and realizes that most of her BZP friends probably have no idea what she's talking about.*
    Ahem. So yeah, I've been playing a lot of Final Fantasy VII lately, and I'm just this close to beating the game. However. I died during the second-to-last (I think) boss battle.
    "But Midnight," you say, (or Mazo, if you're Alex, or Catlin, if you're ToA, or just Shot by a PHYSICIST! if you don't know me, in which case I must ask, why are you bothering to read some stranger's blog?) "You can just reload your game and try again, can't you?"
    Short answer, yes.
    Longer answer, yes, I could BUT FFVII is one of those games. You know, the kind where you don't have the option to save wherever you want to, but you only get to save your progress at certain checkpoints.
    You see where I'm going with this, right?
    Yeah, it could be a lot worse. I freely admit that. But it'll probably take me 5-10 minutes to get to the point I was at pre-death, AND YOU DON'T GET THE OPTION TO SAVE RIGHT BEFORE THE FIGHT. So chances are that I'll end up dying several more times, and have to keep walking around in a semi-maze for 10 minutes and then watching the same cutscene over and over again every. single. time. Also, after dying, I lost a lot of treasure, so now I have to either skip it (fat chance) or eat up even more time getting it all back. ._.
    Oh well. At least I don't have to worry about school for four more weeks. Meaning that I can devote even more time to frustrating myself with this game.
    (Seriously though, it's a pretty fun game. Mostly. )

  2. ~Sol de Medianoche~
    At last, BZP's anniversary rolls around again! Meaning that for the second time since joining this website, I have my very own free blog for one whole week! Take that, Alex! Praise be unto the glorious administrators! This is freedom of expression at its finest!
    Now, how do I use this thing again?
    Alright, so I'm not exactly the sharpest knife in the... place where they put knives. At least, not when it comes to basically anything related to common sense and/or technology. (Also spelling and keyboards. I have made so many errors while typing these two-or-so paragraphs that were it not for the most useful key that is called the backspace, this entry would be well nigh indecipherable.) I may manage to maintain the illusion of competence by doing well in school, but when it comes to the internet, I am about as comfortable as a fish out of water. Provided, of course, that we're not speaking of a lungfish. (Actually, they're probably not all that at home on land either, ability to survive out of water or no.) Well, I exaggerate; my understanding of and ability to navigate through this series of tubes has greatly improved since my younger days. So really, I'm rather similar to a lungfish in this regard-- can I survive in this environment? Yes. Will I ever truly belong in it? Likely not.
    Case in point, it probably took me about five minutes just to figure out how to create this entry. In this five minutes, I probably tried every option except for the right one, including accidentally making one of my older entries into a draft and re-publishing it. This should be an interesting week, eh?
    (And no, I still haven't thought up a more original name for my blog. Yeah, I had a year to work on it. Shudap. See the blog description.)

  3. ~Sol de Medianoche~
    Well, it's the 25th. Meaning that I have squandered away a week of a free blog, with a grand total of two entries. Hall-e-lu-jah.
    I really need to get a life.
    So, what happened to me today? I voluntarily responded to three people who talked to me and felt the faint glimmer of hope for the human interaction I have not had with anyone outside my family for... a long time. So long... I walked/jogged 3/4 of a mile. I goofed up about half the problems on my math homework. And finally, I got stuck with The Guy Who Just Doesn't Care as a partner in Spanish class.
    Wasn't my day exciting? I can tell by your absolute silence that you are shocked and amazed by how my day was so utterly more heart-pounding exciting than yours. Or maybe that's just the fact that the internet doesn't come with sound. Actually, it does come with sound, that's why I let out a little mental groan every time I'm on some website and I hear that blip noise which means that I'll be navigating through ad-infested territory. What was I talking about again? Whatever, rather than re-reading what I just wrote to recollect my train of thought, I think I'll go rewatch S3 of Lost with my family.

  4. ~Sol de Medianoche~
    As indicated by the title, this blog post contains spoilers for the Bleach anime. Sorta. Only if you exclusively follow the dub or don't keep up with the manga. Reading this entry before watching the episodes to date will ruin plot points, wilt your geraniums, drive your pets crazy, make you get a hair cut, etc, etc. If you don't follow the series, skip this post or read through it; do whatever you want. Not that it would probably make much sense to the uninitiated, which, actually, is probably the group that most of my (small) readership falls into. Anyway, whatever floats your boat. And yes, I stole the warning pretty much word-for-word from TV Tropes. I'm a plagiarist, I know. I'm ashamed. So without further ado...
    Giiiiiiiiin. T___T
    Despite the fact that I was informed well in advance that he was gonna die, brothah and knew it the moment he turned on Aizen (which I also called by the way) even while simultaneously mentally cheering "WHOO GO YOU PSYCHOPATHIC SNAKEY FOX-MAN, GOOOO...!", it still hurts. I shall miss you, you silver-haired creeper. You'll live on in my avatar, you and your shudder-inducing smile.
    On a completely unrelated topic, I just realized that I forgot to give the last entry a proper name. Oh well. Also, I should probably change the "2.0" in my blog's title to a 3.0 Yeah I know that's a delayed realization, lea'me alone. IT'S MY BLOG, SO STOP MAKING FUN OF ME.
    *Returns to crying over gin; terrible pun intended, please don't shoot me*

  5. ~Sol de Medianoche~
    Yeah, I don't got much t' talk 'bout. But hey, might as well get at least one entry in per day for this week. Better 'n' nothing, right?
    ...Don't answer that.
    So even though I took my finale yesterday, I still have to go to Health class for two more days. (Yep, I got stuck in summer school. Just that one class; was s'posed to take it last year, didn't get to it, so here I am.) Yeah, I don't really get it either. But tomorrow I get to wake up at 6:45, go up to school, and play the "disease game" for 'bout just under three hours. And I might get to take some more notes on a video too. Ain'tcha jealous?
    ...I seem to have taken to typing like a hick. Oh well.

  6. ~Sol de Medianoche~
    So. Here I have it. After all the times I’ve thought to myself, “Hey I wish I had a place to tell everybody I know about X”, I have, for one week, all blog all to myself. A place to tell the world all my amusing anecdotes, complain loudly, impart sage wisdom, make brilliant witty remarks, and force my opinion on people. The one place where it really is all about me.
    Or rather, it would be, if anything remotely worth telling had happened today. Curse this mundane life of mine. Eh, forget this; I’m getting out while the sun’s still up. Cheers.

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