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~Sol de Medianoche~

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Posts posted by ~Sol de Medianoche~

  1. a poem about love
    I find the overall effect of your signature somewhat depressing, what with the darkness and the last stand vibe from the Final Fantasy banner... But then hey, this is coming from somebody who used to have a flatline as part of their signature. =PAlso, PURPLE LIGHTNING!-Helio
    i'm not sure if your saying it is bad or that the theme it is giving off is depressing. i was kind of hoping it to be very dark
    Oh no, sorry! I don't mean to insult your sig. Yeah, I was refering more to the theme/overall feel.Anyway, your sig has a very monochrome theme! ...Gedit? HAR HAR HAR I'm not funny...-Helio
  2. And I'm sorry...And I'm sorry...
    <3I find the overall effect of your signature somewhat depressing, what with the darkness and the last stand vibe from the Final Fantasy banner... But then hey, this is coming from somebody who used to have a flatline as part of their signature. =PAlso, PURPLE LIGHTNING! -Helio
  3. Okay, I don't know why, but the sheet that says "RPG" on it always makes me think of a bag of potato chips. Yeah little person being haunted by the RPG monster, I wouldn't be too happy if somebody drooled all over my potato chips either......Maybe I should find something to eat.-Helio

  4. Unfortunately, nope. Is it any good?

    I have a Y chromosome, yes I do (it's been a while since I remember which gender has which)
    XD I honestly think that the only reason I've been able to remember it for so long because of a Calvin and Hobbes strip.Speaking of which...The person below me is a fan of the aforementioned comic strip.-Helio
  5. I wish. =P No, it's actually an excerpt from a song (Sigh No More by Mumford & Sons. It's quite lovely. I'd recommend giving it a listen if you're at all into roots-y music.)Your banner is more or less what the digital clock in the family car looks like ever since we left the sunroof open during a storm.-Helio.

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