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~Sol de Medianoche~

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Status Updates posted by ~Sol de Medianoche~

  1. Cool. I like Elva and Sloan; they interest me as characters.

  2. Hee! Your username makes me smile.

  3. Oh yeah, I've read it. It's not my favorite series, but it's alwalys nice to have something to read. :D

  4. Huh-oh, did somebody really trash your bike?

  5. That's what Kahnoa:Toa of Dark said too. :P

    And I give you the same answer I gave him: try telling that to the people who live in Alaska during the summertime. :P

  6. 1. Cool. ^^

    2. I know, they’re not really my kind of thing though. I'm more in to COT RPGs.

  7. ...I gotta go to bed. =P

  8. There, now it’s 33 posts!

  9. Weeeell.... This is rather awkward...

  10. ...I think I did that wrong, but whatever. XD

  11. Ohez noez! Don't be sad, get Glad!

  12. So it is. But I only have like, 32.

    Well, I've posted WAY more than that, but it doesn't count COT.

  13. Oh. Well then, glad to have brought that to your attention. :P

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