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Posts posted by ~kh

  1. IC [Kyle Tanaka | Omega Prime][League of Salvation Headquarters, New York City]:Yes, just as he feared. Another League candidate, not someone who could provide him with information."I'm looking for the League myself, actually. Anyone inside?"

  2. I'm not sure what you're trying to do here.But it is artistic and a nice new style. Most advice I would give at this point is to use "Nearest Neighbor" for interpolation when enlarging sprites. You apparently used Bicubic for yours; makes it look kind of messy in my opinion.Silhouettes are great though; they should be used more often in my opinion.

  3. The background looks really cool. Especially the logo on the window and the banner at the bottom.Can't wait to see the new comic!
    Hey, I can't take all the credit. In fact, I can't take any of it. It really all goes to the actual maker of the Newsroom, Dlakii, who did some excellent work with those.Also yes, the project I mentioned I was working on was indeed the Minecraft Mata Nui Island Wallpapers. They take a buttload of CPU to render, which is why no new comic has been released yet.
  4. IC [Kyle Tanaka | Omega Prime][League of Salvation Headquarters, New York City]:Kyle descended onto the ground, looking around for any of the general members within the area. Looking down at the entrance, he took notice of a pale white-skinned male, black jacket draped over his body like some kind of cape.Vampire. Not the most optimal of informants, but with no name and no recognition, you take what you get.

  5. For those who don't know, the cast of The Three Virtues, including myself, has been working on a Minecraft machinima based off the first year in BIONICLE called BioCraft Chronicles. We've been working on it for over a year now, and have now entered post production on the movie. We hope to release it very soon.

    To film the movie, however, we had to build the entire island of Mata Nui within Minecraft. Each of the Koros, as well as some other iconic elements such as the Nui Rama hive, Mt. Mangaia, the Great Telescope and more were painstakingly recreated as much as the boundaries of Minecraft would let us at the time.

    While we do plan to open up the map in a hosted server after the movie is done, we also decided that it was high time to show off our creation, and thus have created high quality wallpapers of several iconic locations. We imported the map into a computer program that used path tracing to render out parts of the map in a higher quality than a normal screenshot would give.





    Imgur Gallery | Brickshelf Gallery | iPhone Wallpapers:

    The map will be made available for download after the movie is complete

    Expect more content soon, including additional wallpapers/renders, banners, iPhone/Android/iPad wallpapers, and much more.

    Rotating Banner:


    • Upvote 2
  6. Pixel art is a matter of dragging and dropping. Someone used a great word for it, building. They build their work rather than draw it.
    I think you're confusing pixel art with general sprite comic making here, but yeah.I'm assuming that you (tent163phantoka) are referring to making comics with MSPaint, so I'll work off there.You can definitely use MSPaint for comics, but there's several things about it that just make it less than optimal, at least for my style of work. The greatest drawback for me is the fact that (at least, up to the version that I used to use) you cannot edit text after you have typed it. While it doesn't take too long to remedy, it can get very tiring after a while.It really depends on what you want to do with your series, but you're welcome to try whatever tool you think is necessary. The only thing I will advise against, however, is trying to make a photorealistic series with MSPaint. There is just too many things that you need to do to pull that off that would just take hours to begin to replicate in Paint.Like Philbert said, there's also a lot of connotation with MSPaint with its history of easy access and poorly made comics. Many comic makers will refer to "comics made with MSPaint" as not a direct insult or insinuation that the program can't be used to make anything good, but mainly referring to a point in time when most comics were made with Paint and were, shall we say, less than acceptable quality.Programs don't automatically make you a better artist, and it's easy enough to make terrible comics in GIMP/Photoshop/Paint.Net/any other program and possible to make great comics with all of them. So really, as long as you focus your talent and keep improving your work, it doesn't matter what program you use.
  7. OCC:
    OCC: @ kahinuva:you could meet up with my character in NYC at the League base there.
    i did answer, but i guessed you missed it then...
    OOC: Ah, sorry about that. I only get notifications when people quote me; I must have missed this.IC: [Kyle Tanaka | Omega Prime]:The League Headquarters was the logical place to start, and Kyle headed over to there in hopes of catching someone that could provide him with information.
  8. I didn't know this was up yet...I love that so many people were able to join in. Sort of like the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, AIII Edition. The effects are quite nice, and I love that shot of me and Gavla battling it out.Here's to a great week.

  9. You know, the last time Spider-Man and Deadpool had a showdown in the comics, it was a battle of wit and yomomma jokes culminating in the "Yomommageddon".Now that I think about it, though, that sort of writing would suit you perfectly.

  10. IC: [Kyle Tanaka | Omega Prime]:In the hours that passed since the "Operation Lockdown Threat", things had already escalated. Already the means for the threat had been neutralized and Lady Hexas had long since gone. The internet had been aflamed with rumors about the files; some saying that they didn't even exist in the first place.Kyle had followed each of the threads, looking through conspiracy websites and following news feeds. Many said that the files were evidence of some ancient extraterrestrial infiltrators that were seeded into the UN, posing as humans. Others said that they were pointing to rigged elections, using superhumans to alter people's thoughts or manipulate voting data. Still others proposed that it was a backdoor project to "lock down" the world under the guise of superhuman terrorism. Those were all useless. They weren't the data he needed.But the last prominent theory proved to be what he was searching for. Metasoldier genetic engineering. Something pointing him towards the direction of the people that bred him in an underground laberatory.Ever since he had discovered his powers, flashes of memories kept coming back to him. There were things that had been erased from his mind that were beginning to resurface. Honestly speaking, he couldn't really pinpoint any of them. But there was something about Operation: Lockdown that interested him. Even if they weren't files about him, having former untraceable files might at least help in finding other "untraceable" files.He had been waiting to expand his powers before going anywhere. But over the past several months he had gotten over his phobia of being found out. At first, he snuck around, hiding in the shadows and alleyways, slamming would-be muggers into the pavement and harvesting their bodies. He found out that he stopped caring about them after the seventh time. Being threatened always provided a backdoor for a guilty conscience.Before, flying was a stranious endeavor, the act of lifting himself into the air taking full concentration. After a few months, it became more of an instinct than anything else. Whether it was because of the energy he was harvesting or the fact that he was using his power more often, he now felt fully confident that he could get around with ease. He even had conditioned himself to levitate while unconcious, often falling asleep suspended inches above the surface of his bed matress.Custom clothing, what with the world being obsessed with the new superhumans, was extremely easy to find. Whatever is popular generally dictates the fashion of the era and speciaty shops were becoming a common site. Nothing as revealing as spandex, of course, but enough to make him both blend in with a crowd and to give him just the right amount of iconism.He grabbed a small pack by his bed and then his smartphone, darting his head out of the window for a brief second before climbing up to the ledge and forcing himself off of the surface. He climbed higher in the air until he reached several stories above ground, furrowed his brow, then pushed himself off into the sky.

  11. Okay so seriously I actually have most of the comic done I swearBut my computer has gone all black screen of death on me. So until I get that fixed, no new comic.I can see if I can at least try and grab a small preview though. I backed up all of my comic making files, so I should be able to open it on another computer.Anyhow yeah thanks to everyone who posted and all that.

  12. So what does that harvesting power entail exactly? The way I understand it he can leech energy out of people (and things?) to increase his telekinetic powers, but can absorb superhuman powers if they're relatively minor. When he absorbs them, does he get the power as well as the originator, or does it cancel theirs out for a bit? Does it just weaken their version of it?
    He can only harvest powers from people that are dead, not objects or living people. A relatively smaller version of the superhuman power can be absorbed if the target is superhuman, but doesn't really last for that long depending on how long he spent harvesting and how "fresh" the dead body is.
    Ah, so what we have is the Mask of Scavenging, essentially? Yeah that works. Approved
    Awesome. Where should I start?
  13. So what does that harvesting power entail exactly? The way I understand it he can leech energy out of people (and things?) to increase his telekinetic powers, but can absorb superhuman powers if they're relatively minor. When he absorbs them, does he get the power as well as the originator, or does it cancel theirs out for a bit? Does it just weaken their version of it?
    He can only harvest powers from people that are dead, not objects or living people. A relatively smaller version of the superhuman power can be absorbed if the target is superhuman, but doesn't really last for that long depending on how long he spent harvesting and how "fresh" the dead body is.
  14. So Tohu gave you powers? Sounds legit...Deadpool, of course, is the highlight of this comic. Still, I have to wonder what would happen if he gained his own symbiote...

  15. Philosophical introductions are great to do, but the meaning is sort of lost due to them being in Comic Sans.
    Okay, what font should I use then? :P Thanks for the feedback.-Rez
    I honestly can't say. It depends on what kind of style you want your series to have. You could go for a more comical font, or veer off into the more serious route. If you do want to use the serious route, I'd suggest looking at different font sites. One in particular (which I'm not sure if I'm allowed to name?) even lets you type in a sample text to preview throughout the different fonts. I'd recommend finding something a little different and almost cinematic, something to make it a bit more recognizable and separate from other series. For Foresight, I used a font called Ligurino Condensed. It probably wouldn't fit this series due to the more comicly styled nature of the graphics and kit, but something like that might be advisable.The rule of thumb here though is to never use Comic Sans. Ever. There are much more suitable fonts for comic use, such as Anime Ace, Mighty Zeo, or Garfield just to name a few popular ones.(also more in-depth review because its summer and raining and I have really nothing else to do today)While this premise is not necessarily something new in the writing world, this is certainly something not done much in the comics forum as a whole. The premise of examining the effects choices have in our lives seems interesting enough to hold me over, at least to the next comic. While it is impossible to judge a series by it's first installment, in the very least it's trying to be different.As far as graphics go, the comic being abnormally large is in and of is a bit of a detriment, but they still something to be desired. Having giant backgrounds based off "normal" comic backgrounds is not really advisable as the blown up nature of the background makes the otherwise excusable flaws be more noticeable. Things like the semi-transparent tree and the nearest neighbor interpolation artifacts on the rotation really seem grinding, and the backgrounds have too much simplicity without any inherit style. Since this seems to be trying to pull off more of a serious, photorealistic plot driven vibe, this style doesn't seem to suit this much. That isn't to say you should automatically switch to doing a GQ/TFW/WBTHOTM like series; that sort of thing isn't for everybody. But I do think you should put more effort into making your backgrounds more detailed or stylized, depending on which way you want to go. Having big panels doesn't make something automatically serious. If you do want to make bigger backgrounds, give them a reason to be bigger. The logo is also a little meh, but that's more opinion than anything else.
  16. Real Name: Kyle TanakaAlias: Omega PrimeAppearance: 17 in age, Asian-American; short, buzzed hair; orange-tinted goggles; white shirt and jeans, dark leather jacket with the Greek letter omega printed on the back. Wears goggles because his eyes glow an unnatural blue (glow grows brighter whenever he harvests).Power: Telekinesis, Harvesting (Energy to expand powers; sometimes minescule metahuman abilities depending on subject)Allegiance: Solo Antihero?Area: North AmericaBio: Born from a government project to try and generate their own genetically bred mutant, Kyle was supposed to have immense telekinetic prowess as soon as he was born. However, he showed no signs of improvement and was deemed a failure, with the government smuggling him into an orphanage in hopes of distancing themselves from the experiment. He was adopted when he was three, and grew up as a normal teenager would. He discovered his powers when he murdered a bully of his after school by bashing his head against a brick wall. He noticed that he drew more power from the now dead body and used his powers to fly away from the crime scene. Experimenting his abilities on the local gangs that lurked around his home city, he developed his powers by harvesting the energies from each member that he killed. Throughout his life he had idolized superheroes, but often wondered how many of their problems would be solved if they had been willing to kill their enemies instead of imprisoning them until their eventual escape and upon assuming an alternate identity swore not to make the same mistakes. Seeing as he draws more power from the dead, he is much more likely to cross the line than others, but that has also had him pushed squarely into the villain zone among a lot of members of the superhero community.OOC: Well, hopefully this will work? I've wanted to join for a while now, but just now got around to it.

  17. Some of the masks here are pretty nice, but the bodies do seem to veer incredibly close to what we have. Normally I'd chalk that up to coincidence, but considering you petitioned Tav to make a fan addition for us, it's kind of a close call.I will commend you on that Calix, though; it's one of the better ones I've seen made around here.

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