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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Nescent

  1. Nescent
    There's your Christmas tree.
    I just wanted to pop in and say Merry Christmas to all you bloggers. Today I'll be enjoying an awesome ham and wishing that Florida had some snow. 2015 should be an interesting year, so perhaps I will have some things to post here in the future.
    Merry Christmas!
  2. Nescent
    I was quite surprised when I logged on that I had the Premier Outstanding BZP Citizenship status today, and it was nice! =D Anyways, it's nice to be Premier agian. =) Another six months of joyous perks...
  3. Nescent
    Unfortunately, I'm not able to be too intimate with BZP right now, yet with the initation of the tiresome intake of high school; however, I will be online throughout the lopping hours of the procastination-invokative climate of the weekends, so fear not. =)
    Seeing as boasting on a nerdy level of academics, here's my Freshman schedule -
    1st) Pre-AP Earth/Space Science Honorary
    2nd) Drawing/Painting I/II
    3rd) PE... =(
    4th) Algebra I (I stink at math!)
    5th) Pre-AP English Honorary I
    6th) Spanish I (this is great, because I'm fluent - shhh!)
    7th) AP-Human Geography
    It's a truckload of stress, but hopefully I'll manage. Thank God the Floridian laws permit LTM, during which school's commencation is posponed by three well-spent hours.
    I'll be getting college credit for my AP-Human Geography class, and I'm in the ninth grade; so that's awesome. =D
    Unfortunately, however, all of this work prevents me from doddling gogle-eyed with my awesome Bionicle/Hero Factory sets, but fear not, for the obsession of this awesome understated obsession will remain implanted into my life for as long as it lasts. =) Long live LEGO!
  4. Nescent
    Hello! I'd be kinda surprised to find someone reading this, but okay. Well, there's not much going on today, except that I really have to [start and] finish a board game for school. That is to say, for English class, I have an assignment due in which I need to read a book, and make a board game on it, and...Well, I have about 200 pages left in my book and it's due Friday. =( But the good news is that tomorrow, I have two periods free to talk to my friends, and listen to my iPod. =D
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