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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by P~M

  1. My laptop broke and BZPower is blocked on my school laptop, so that's why I'm not on as much right now.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      These schools learn of BZP so quick.

  2. Don't you hate it when the ones with the cool usercodes are the ones that never do anything with their accounts?

  3. heh, frontpage spelled your name wrong

  4. I think tomorrow afternoon I'm going to haul out my bionicle collection, maybe photograph some mocs, maybe just mess around and have fun with mah bonkles

    1. P~M


      Hey look just in time for a BBCC

  5. Why am I getting ads for scantily-clad women and nail fungus.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      I'm getting baby toys and... uhhh nevermind...

    3. Kopekemaster


      Mweheheh I have an ad blocker ;)

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD
  6. TIL reddit (even /r/minecraft) is full of Bionicle fans.

  7. Sup Young Griff

    1. shadow pridak money gang
    2. P~M


      Ever notice how Young Griff and Your Grace have the same initials

    3. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      no i didn't but now that you mention it it makes a lot of sense



  8. u slep amen rognw

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. P~M


      Suods fnu

    3. Portalfig
    4. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      Ja eet ees veery fun. I watn to slep me amen rnogw. P=

  9. ...But rises again, harder and stronger.

  10. Because I felt like it.

  11. P~M

    ...That has to be the best avatar ever. Too bad the animation doesn't show up in the forums. :P

    1. >_<


      Thanks! =D

      Sadly it's roughly 95kB in size, so I guess that's no images in my sig for me.

  12. P~M

    Heh, I always thought you were a new guy but you've been on longer than I have

    1. >_<


      Indeed I have. I was merely stored in stasis, waiting for the right moment to awaken and unleash the awesome.

  13. Did anyone download any of the old BIONICLE games from Gatanui's BOGA website before it went down?

    1. Kopekemaster


      All of them. Every...single...one.

    2. P~M




      But never mind, I found BMP

  14. April 10, 2004... Wasn't that when the New Member system was implemented? :/

  15. yay brickshelf's back

  16. Welcome to BZPower! Good to see people are still joining, lol

  17. P~M

    I like your taste in... well... everything.

  18. Come baaaaaaack

  19. P~M

    I think your banner doesn't like me.

    1. Kakaru




      IT IS ANGRY >:C

    2. P~M
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