Hello, BZPower! Ballom here, back on the MOCing scene after a fairly long hiatus! Today's special is a couple of MOCs that I built over the Christmas break using my recently-acquired Hero Factory sets. Basically, because Waspix and Scorpio were pretty bad sets, I made better scorpion and wasp versions. Although, admittedly, the scorpion is mostly HF, being based on Witch Doctor's parts, while the wasp has a lot more Bionicle elements. Also, the more astute or stalker-ish of you may realize that the pictures of these have been on my Maj for about a month now, but I kept forgetting to post the topic. Anyway, to the pictures!
^Link to Gallery^
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^Link to Gallery^
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And yes, the wasp does have those awesome transparent wings first seen on Gorast, but alas, they almost completely vanished from the photos, although you can see them moderately clearly in the third image.
Well, enjoy!