So the tide came in really hard today at my job, which happens to be an amusement park right on the water. The whole section where I work, which is basically the rides section of the park, went underwater. It wasn't anything too bad, as I imagine the deepest spots were probably no more than a foot deep. But it was enough to set the rides down early. And the rest of the park soon followed afterwards. However, as a manager of the Cash Office at my job, I didn't get to leave until after midnight, when the work of myself and coworkers was completed. Thankfully, our building was just high enough to not get any flood water in it. I did have to walk through the waters a few times though, but aside from getting my shoes, socks, and feet extremely wet it wasn't that bad. But still, it look as though the waters from the bay that connected to the street, with the whole ride section of the park between it. In the on and off eight years I have been working at this park, I've never seen the water get this high before. And it may be staying around at least through tomorrow, as there is a good chance of rain hitting where I live all day tomorrow. I just hope that once it's gone, it will be a long time before it ever happens.