Over the Down-Time, I made quite a few drawings; Some I am still amazed at, and others did for boredom. You should tell which from which. Lhikann and Kanohi Dragon Battle at the Great Barrier -Abandoned Toa The Shadowed One -WIP Takadox Close-Up -Abandoned Takadox Head -Abandoned Rude Awakenings- Pridak -Abandoned Great Spirit head Nektann and Takanuva Siphonatores Chirox -WIP (Well, I'm pending if I should color this or not. :/) Mask of Twilight (Light and Shadow) ~EDIT~ I am currently drawing Light Teridax vs. Three Shadow Takannuva. It should be done in a few days. So, tell me if you like any of them, or if I should continue on any of the abandoned ones.Thanks.