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Pridak: Paragon by Poor Disadvantaged "If it were possible for a biomechanical being to be a perfect physical specimen, Pridak was it." - City of the Lost (Bionicle Legends 6) Under the banner of Pridak - glorious leader of our League of Six Kingdoms - we shall achieve the impossible, and end Mata Nui's great Tyranny once and for all! By the power of the common man coupled with the stewardship of our six war-kings, we will bring a new era of unity and peace to our lands. Comrades! You have nothing to lose but your chains! ~ Entry to the BioSector01 competition, depicting a pre-mutated Pridak as a valiant, powerful army general. Found their wiki article on him quite useful for informing this design; went for 'Warcraft-esque' proportions to suggest physical strength, and went over-the-top fancy to hint at his pride/narcissm. I tried to incorporate some of the iconic pieces from the original set: the blended shark-blades, big-and-long feet, and white shoulder daggers all made it in there. Definitely not a 'perfect' moc by any stretch, but I hope you like it anyway!
The following is...well...a comedy. It's also a how to guide, but it's a comedy at heart. Or at least it thinks it is. Regardless of what it's defined as, read it to get to know the new BZP by the person who's been beta testing it. And by that I mean I've been on here ever since it came back. And by that I mean I've been here once or twice. So I don't know that much. Sorry. ====== Pridak: Hello today, everyone, and welcome back to Tahu: 'Tis wonderful to be back. Even with this new layout that was designed by someone who is very bad at it. Pridak: Hey now. I like it. Tahu: Oh yeah, there you go. When Pridak likes it, you know it's gotta be bad. Pridak: What's that supposed to mean? Tahu: Nothing. It means nothing. At all. Literally. Pridak: ... Tahu: AT ALL. Pridak: Anyways, we're here today to help get you up to date on some of BZP's new features, at least comedy wise. Tahu: First off is the archive. Not really new, since, y'know, it's old, but still noteworthy news. News about old stuff. Pridak: Shouldn't it be olds then? Instead of news? Tahu: Pridak: Why no- Tahu: This archive contains everything posted since BZP began, minus that which was destroyed in the dataclysm. It is obviously unpostable in, so for those of you that had, hmm, I don't know, a 1800 post 300 chapter + comedy to be you. Pridak: He's rather bitter. Tahu: I am not. Pridak: The only big thing to point out here is that if you visit the archives, you will automatically be logged out when you return to the new BZP forums. Kinda annoying, but oh well. Tahu: Especially when you made your password 27 characters long. And you're only about 7 inches tall, so it takes you 12 minutes to type your password in the first place. Pridak: One of the next things we noticed is the new "following" button. It is in the top right corner of every topic, and people can "follow" topics. My guess this will become a new standard for judging comedy's popularity. Tahu: For those of you that want to give it a test run, head over to Aftermath 2, our comedy, and try it out. Actually, everyone do it, just to make sure you've got it down. Pridak: Brilliant way to make sure it works. Not that it wouldn't, but, you know, you want to anyway... Tahu: The individual forums themselves also have these sorts of "following" thingies. So enjoy BZP while it's still BZP, before it gets turned into...*shudder*...a social networking site. Pridak: We sit and eagerly await the "like" button. Tahu: Another cool feature we noticed was the new "reply notification." This will let you know when someone replies to a topic you've followed, or replies to a post you made. So for those of you who loved the RPG forum, but hated sitting there and reloading the page every 10 seconds to see if someone else have an early Christmas. Pridak: Back to new features you can find on most social networking sites, the personal messenger can also have multiple-people conversations. A cool idea for people who want to, say, plan a mass takeover of BZP. Tahu: Or just for people who don't like typing in other people's names and then pasting a PM that they want to send out to a group of people. Pridak: That's what I said. Tahu: I broadened it. Pridak: Whatever. Tahu: The last big thing to note is that, when posting topics, the "description" bar has been replaced with a "tag" bar. In essence, this allows you to "tag" topics into certain groups, similar to Wikipedia. Pridak: The idea is that you can search for all topics "tagged" with a certain word, and all the topics with that tag will show up, making finding what you want a bit easier. Although I will miss those description bars... Tahu: Miss them? How in the world will you miss them? All they ever were was some quote from the person's comedy. "Bob and Fred's Adventure! Description: "Look, Bob, a sandwich!" Pridak: ... Tahu: ...what? Pridak: And I thought I was in a bad mood. Ah well. That concludes our study of new items for today, people. If we find anything else interesting we'll post it here. -MT
Chapter 1 Takanuva was lost in a whirlpool of time and space, floating for what seemed like an eternity, or perhaps a thousand eternities, as he was trapped once again. It had been a long few weeks since Brutaka had opened up the first portal that was supposed to reunite him with the Toa Nuva, but after the last portal which had opened up into an empire run by a power-mad Toa of Water, he hoped that this portal might finally land him at his destination. He had caught glimpses of strange alternate dimensions, one where the Makuta were fighting against the Toa who had rebelled against Mata Nui, or one where the Bohrok devolved into Matoran. Such strange places… Takanuva could not appreciate enough the twisted universe that he originated. Finally a bright blue circle of light opened below him and he floated towards the opening portal door. The light nearly blinded even a Toa of the element, before he landed on solid ground. Recovering from the fall, Takanuva dusted off his white and black armour, before coming to realisation where he had ended up. This was the Underwater Chute that he had taken with his friends the Toa Mahri not so long ago. But something was amiss. The place seemed more used that when he had been through. He strolled down the Chute heading towards the Tunnel of Darkness. Surely this could not be his own dimension? As he strode towards the entrance of the Tunnel of Darkness, Takanuva felt a pulse of energy in the air. He held his Power Lance forward, which tapped on an invisible barrier made of pure energy that rippled at a touch before vanishing again. The Toa of Light was curious. This barrier did not exist here before, he thought. What would be the need of it? The answer came soon enough. A horrendous screech further down the chute cemented Takanuva’s worst nightmares. He had never heard a sound quite like it, but the monstrous gurgle conjoined with the shriek reminded him of tales told by Turaga Vakama. They could be only one creature. Sure enough, his light power revealed scores of Visorak heading towards him. Takanuva did not hesitate but to run, throwing shots of light and shadow behind him to slow down the rampaging spiders. The horde was too large, however, and with every spider knocked back, another took its place. They battered into the barrier, which crushed many under its great strength. The Toa of Light exhaled gratefully, until he was surrounded by a dozen Onu-Matoran carrying Disk Launchers. Their leader, Onepu, stood forward, Launcher aimed at Takanuva’s heartstone. “State your name, Toa!” Onepu ordered. Takanuva sighed. This certainly wasn’t home if Onepu could not recognise him. “I am Takanuva, Toa of Light. What is going on here? Why are Visorak attacking Metru Nui?” Unlike beings that he had encountered from the former dimensions, Onepu did not seem puzzled by Takanuva’s lack of knowledge. “Those Visorak must have given you a bump to the head, Toa of Light. Bomonga, Tehutti, take this… Toa… to Helryx. No doubt she will have questions for our surprise guest. Takanuva was shunted back along the Chute by the two Onu-Matoran, whilst Onepu stayed with the other Onu-Matoran to protect and repair the energy barrier. The Chute led out into Le-Metru, and Takanuva could instantly notice a change to the city than the one he left not so long ago. The city felt rough, and busier than usual. Le-Matoran passed him protected in strong armour, as well as a Disk Launcher strapped to their back and a knife by the sides. Every Matoran was armed and ready for danger. What had happened in this dimension which provoked the Matoran to become so battle-ready? The Onu-Matoran wasted no time in hailing an Airship, for Le-Metru was still the hub of transport in the city, and they headed to the Coliseum. From up above, Takanuva could see the reason as to why Le-Metru had looked so dark – barrage balloons cloaked the city. Whatever dangers that made the Le-Matoran wear such protection must surely be a dangerous one. Tehutti tapped Takanuva on the shoulder. “We’re here”, he said. “Let’s go.” Takanuva was eager to get off the Airship. He remembered Toa Helryx from the day he first started travelling through the alternative dimensions. Her wisdom would be most appreciated considering the circumstances. Tehutti and Bomonga led Takanuva along dark, gloomy passages along the Coliseum. The Toa of Light knew the way well, starting to pick up the pace. He had to find out what was going on in this universe. Bomonga reached a door leading into the inner chamber, but Takanuva pushed himself in front of the Onu-Matoran and heaved the doors open himself. The sight that he witnessed did not please him. Bomonga made a rehearsed announcement. “Welcome to the Headquarters of the Resistance, led by Turaga Helryx.” - - - Review topic here.
Before he was a hideous fish creature, he was a legendary warlord!This is what I think Pridak looked like before his mutation (and after Mata Nui reverted him back.)'s a closeup. The mask was inspired by Dark Knight Rises Bane. Images linked - please keep the file size of posted pics below 100 kB! Feel free to compress or resize them and put them up again, though.-Wind-
Over the Down-Time, I made quite a few drawings; Some I am still amazed at, and others did for boredom. You should tell which from which. Lhikann and Kanohi Dragon Battle at the Great Barrier -Abandoned Toa The Shadowed One -WIP Takadox Close-Up -Abandoned Takadox Head -Abandoned Rude Awakenings- Pridak -Abandoned Great Spirit head Nektann and Takanuva Siphonatores Chirox -WIP (Well, I'm pending if I should color this or not. :/) Mask of Twilight (Light and Shadow) ~EDIT~ I am currently drawing Light Teridax vs. Three Shadow Takannuva. It should be done in a few days. So, tell me if you like any of them, or if I should continue on any of the abandoned ones.Thanks.
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