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So, I was looking around at photos of the Toa Mahri (trust me, I spend my time wisely! I do!) when I had a thought. Why would Kongu have two Cordak Revolving Blasters? I know there was a lot of controversy over the fact that in the story he discarded a melee weapon of unknown origin, and a topic started where members debated what it could have been/what they thought it was. Now, I decided to read up on the Mahri (not because I had no idea of their story, but as a refresher) and as it says the reason Kongu took a second blaster was to be better prepared. Now, honestly, between six rocket launchers, you're prepared as is, so why take a 7th? Well, I have a couple of theories as to why. 1. He knows long range weaponry. This made sense considering he's always used Bamboo disks back on Mata Nui, and ended up having an Energized Crossbow on Voya Nui. He knows how to hit his targets, so it may be that he isn't used to close quarters combat. To be honest, I don't believe we've ever seen him with a melee weapon. He may have used one, sure, but I can't remember seeing him with one. 2. It was the natural progression of his set. You see, I looked at the Mahri's weapons in comparison to the Inika's, and saw a slight pattern. Granted, it may be coincidence, but I thought it may contribute. When you look at what weapons they had/have, you see that they transformed to something similar to their prior tool. Jaller had (dual in story) a sword which turned into... Another sword, no surprise. Hahli had a harpoon which turned into a giant claw. Hewkii had an axe which had a shape unlike most axes, which then turned into a blade on a stick, but still retained a very streamline look. Nuparu was supposed to have a weapon that ended up looking like this, which if it was to resemble that shape would look similar to his drill. Matoro is a tad bit of an odd ball, since he had a sword that turned into awkward hooks. But following this, considering Kongu had a crossbow (a ranged weapon), is it hard to believe that having a second blaster would make sense? I dunno if I'm just over thinking it or just seeing things, so that's why I decided to post this topic. What do you guys think? Does this make sense to you, or do you think he just should have gone with the flow (no pun intended) and kept a mysterious melee weapon?