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Mesonythid Built for a collab about Elemental Lords, Mesonythid is supposed to be the Elemental Lord of Psionics. For this build I take inspiration from a Mind Flayer, for the legs I used the short neck of the old dinosaurs, the vest is made with the new Avatar wing pieces. 30/04/23
A little piece I've had stewing for a number of years now, meant to serve as a conclusion to the Generation 1 storyline of Bionicle. I've incorporated a number of elements revealed by Greg since the conclusion of the serials, though in some cases altered things purely based on my own preferences and ideas I conceived of before Greg shared the information. There are also a few details-such as Spherus Magna's Earth Tribe-that I included before learning that Greg had debunked them. You may also notice a few elements from other sources... EDIT: Here's a link to the review topic. EDIT: Made some revisions to reflect recent revelations regarding the Element Lords and Earth Tribe, as well as rethinking the classification of some characters-namely Order of Mata Nui members-who have previously not been identified by gender. Prologue Location: The island of Daxia, some time before the death of Makuta Teridax. The assault on the heart of Makuta's Rahkshi production had gone surprisingly well so far-in fact, it had gone better than most operations Tahu had been involved in since their universe had fallen under Makuta's domination. Undoubtedly this was due to several factors-multiple resistance forces striking at other parts of the universe, Makuta's lack of familiarity with his new powers, and the fact that Daxia had been so well secured that Makuta felt no need to monitor it personally. However, the force that had assembled to cut off Makuta's most numerous army at the roots made up for its lack of numbers with skill and sheer power. Tahu had led his small squad from Karzahni with Onua in tow, using a small vessel upon which Kopeke had remained while the rest of them made landfall on the island. There they found Pohatu and Takanuva, recently arrived from the island of Destral having failed to get its Dimensional Gate generator working again. With them were the Dark Hunters Charger and Subterranean and a tribe of Frostelus, whom the former Matoran had convinced to join forces with the resistance. Some distance away from where they met, the menacing Dark Hunter Kraata-Kal lay battered on the sand, apparently oblivious to his surroundings*. However, to the surprise of both parties, a tall figure in black armor emerged from the sea to approach them. The eyes of all three Toa Nuva had narrowed and Johmak's had widened at the sight of a familiar figure from the distant past: Hydraxon. The Order of Mata Nui member who had trained the three Toa acknowledged them and Johmak with a curt nod, his eyes narrowing at the sight of beings he would have gladly locked away under different circumstances. However, his purpose in coming was the same as theirs, though instead of Frostelus he brought a different force: a small group of Maxilos robots that had previously patrolled undersea routes to Daxia and thus escaped Makuta's attack on the Order headquarters. Following them, whether at Hydraxon's invitation or their own volition-the Pit jailer never said-came a pride of Shallows Cats. The motley force left Kraata-Kal on the beach and descended upon Daxia's defenders: a legion of Rahkshi, Exo-Toa, and-of all things-Vahki, the latter having been produced on Nynrah at Makuta's orders. The Order agents, Subterranean, Lariska, and the Frostelus set upon the former Metru Nui order enforcers with a vengeance, destroying them with ease. Takanuva, Krahka, and Charger attacked the Rahkshi with the aid of the Shallows Cats, who seemed to crave Rahkshi as much as their Muaka cousins. The three Toa Nuva contributed wherever they could, unleashing elemental attacks on various foes while the Maxilos clashed with the Exo-Toa. It wasn't long before the trio had worked their way to the center of the island, where a crude fortress-undoubtedly the best that Rahkshi and Vahki could put together-had been erected over the Energized Protodermis pool. Curiously, no Rahkshi issued forth from its gaping portal, but a shadowy figure emerged to challenge the three Toa. For a moment Tahu thought it might be some huge Visorak, until he recognized the Vahki components making up the six-legged monstrosity. "A Kraahu? Of course the Makuta wouldn't confine his army-building to the standard Vahki units. Let's make quick work of it!" Unfortunately, this proved easier said than done, as the six legs separated from the body and took to the aid, pursuing the three Toa and delivering painful electric shocks. When all three fell stunned to the ground, the legs reconnected with the body and unleashed a cloud of gas. Luckily, the Adaptive Armor worn by the three Toa modified their masks to filter the paralyzing agent, though not before they began to feel some of it's effects. Unaware that they were still capable of moving the Kraahu advanced, only to be driven back by a surprise fireball from Tahu. Forcing himself to stand, Onua looked at his two brothers. "It seems we underestimated this construct, brothers. It's ability to function as separate parts or as a whole is truly impressive. But have we forgotten our potential to do the same?" In answer, a glow surrounded the three Toa, whose Adaptive Armor transformed to match their original Kanohi Nuva and equipment in anticipation of what was to happen next. The glow grew brighter until the three were lost to sight, finally fading to reveal a single massive figure. For the first time since the battle of Mangaia, Akamai-now Akamai Nuva-opened his eyes to regard a foe with thinly veiled disgust. "It is well for Makuta that he can manufacture monsters and machines, for no being with Valor in their heart would stand with such a being! Have at thee!" Having deduced the ineffectiveness of its gas, the Kraahu reverted to its previous tactic, separating its limbs and launching them at Akamai. However, the power of the Aki Nuva gave Akamai the speed to evade the attack and the strength to strike back, shattering the limbs with blows of his Kodan Claw hand. Before the Kraahu could process the loss of its components, it joined them, with the twin blades of Akamai's sword rending metal like hot magma burning through stone. His foe defeated, Akamai walked over its smoking remains and through the gate of the fortress. Inside, a startling sight awaited the Toa Nuva Kaita of Valor. A glowing pool of silver liquid-one that the massive hero and his three components recognized well-sat at the center of a large chamber. Around it rested three masses of charred black armor, with no evidence of their former inhabitants remaining in them. With a shock, Akamai realized that they must have belonged to fallen Makuta, forced by their former ruler to produce Kraata for his army, only to be eliminated as brutally as the Order of Mata Nui agents who had been on this island when Makuta attacked it. There was little time to process this, however, as the surface of the pool stirred and rose. A figure Akamai knew only from tales of the past emerged, though not in the form that the Turaga of Mata Nui had described. Instead of the features of a Toa Metru, its form resembled that taken by Makuta Teridax during his battle with Takanuva, but cast in silver with glowing red eyes. It regarded the Kaita with an expression that could almost be called curiosity, clearly having never encountered a being of such a nature before. " think that such a transformation is possible without my power to aid it. Though I have touched those three who compose you before...such a unique opportunity that was. Far more interesting than the unending production of Rahkshi." Eyes narrowing, Akamai caused his sword's blades to glow with heat. "If you dislike the task so much, then why do you contribute to the creation of Makuta's minions? Does the fate of the universe you inhabit mean nothing to you?" "Ah, Toa-I had forgotten how small your minds are, even when three are joined together in one. I produced Makuta's creatures because it was their destiny, but no longer-the last Kraata that was meant to undergo this process has done so. That is why Makuta destroyed his captive brethren-they had outlived their usefulness. Did you not wonder why there were not more Rahkshi here? They have been dispatched to the various lands Makuta seeks to conquer, with many of them marching on the southern islands under the leadership of the Skakdi Nektann for reasons I do not know-not that I care to." "You are a monster!" "And you are a construct born of three 'heroes' who have fulfilled their destiny. I wonder-could it be your destiny to feel my touch again?" The entity followed this up with a stream of energized protodermis that flew at Akamai, only to sizzle and evaporate as it struck the shielding power of the Hau Nuva. Keeping the mask power in place, Akamai moved backward slowly, knowing that there was little he could do against such a powerful being. For it's part, the protodermis entity seemed more bored than disappointed. "I suppose I shall never know-Makuta will undoubtedly destroy you once you have ceased to be amusing to him. Still, there are other experiments to conduct, and other islands waiting to feel my touch." "Indeed? Then allow me to eject you from this island...courtesy of the local volcano." A short time later, the attackers watched as Daxia was consumed by the fury of a volcanic eruption unleashed by Akamai's powers. By all accounts it would not destroy the Energized Protodermis-that substance would make its presence felt elsewhere in the universe. However, the resistance forces had little time to worry about that-there were other matters to be seen to. "You recall your instructions, Hydraxon?" In response to Pohatu's question, the jailer nodded. "I am to find the Toa Mahri, who are undoubtedly making their way south from Metru Nui after kicking Nektann out of it. I'm to let them know that he's leading the Rahkshi south, and we want them to see that none of the other Skakdi warlords are following suit." "And don't forget to mention the missing Piraka-of all beings in the universe they should be made aware," noted Johmak, who had personally made the unnerving discovery that the five Piraka previously imprisoned on Daxia were not to be found among the ruins of the Order base. Hydraxon nodded before departing, while the remnants of the assault team went their separate ways. The Dark Hunters and their Frostelus allies set course for Xia to link up with the remainder of their kind, though they would look for signs of Kraata-Kal along the way given his disappearance upon their return to the beach of Daxia. The Order agents, Krahka, and the four Toa, on the other hand, would be heading south after Makuta's army in hopes of finding out what the tyrant was up to, and hopefully picking up reinforcements along the way. One thing they all knew for certain: this war would get worse before it got better. Location: Xia. The Shadowed One was a being known for his confidence and pride, not for his fear. In all the long ages of his existence he had only been truly afraid of anything on a handful of occasions. The most recent had been over a thousand years ago, when Makuta Teridax had attacked him in a rage and left him a victim to the powers of his own minion Voporak. Nothing since then had truly brought fear into his heart, not the destruction of his Odina fortress by Pohatu Nuva or even the awe-inspiring power of Toa Helryx, leader of the Order of Mata Nui. However, as he stood in a Vortixx laboratory, watching several carefully cultivated and combined viruses reacting violently on a clear build to an explosion, the Shadowed One began to feel the old sensation come to him once again. This experiment had been about bringing down Makuta Teridax, just as the new ruler of the universe had brought down his predecessor. With Makuta weakened, the Shadowed One had intended to join his "allies" the Barraki in marching against Metru Nui and securing his rightful place at the head of creation before offing the upstart warlords. Unfortunately, it seemed that Makuta Kojol, or Teridax himself, or whatever mysterious party had hidden the viruses on Xia so long ago, had taken precautions against any tampering by unwanted parties. Grabbing his staff, the Shadowed One turned to flee, though in his heart he knew he would never run fast enough to escape what was coming. It thus came as a complete surprise to him when he was enveloped by elemental darkness that cut him off from his surroundings. As it drew him into oblivion, he was unaware that his "shadow"-the Dark Hunter known as Darkness-had vanished from sight the moment the energy appeared. Both were thus spared as the explosion occurred, which could not be said for the Vortixx unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity. When the Shadowed One could see again, the landscape before him was the last thing he ever expected-or wanted-to see again. Dark clouds obscured whatever light sources might be in the sky, while the land as far as could be seen was covered in ice and snow. The frozen water formed strange shapes in all directions-only a being who had been here long ago, as the Shadowed One had been, would know that it covered the ruins of a once thriving civilization. Without warning, a voice hissed from behind him, jolting the Shadowed One out of his reverie. "Enjoying the sight of your old home, Shadowed One? The place is certainly little better for you having left it-the war you started consumed the land and destroyed what little good ever resided here. Most of the inhabitants were wiped out-the few that are left have either fled for other lands or are hiding out in what still passes for shelter here." The Shadowed One turned around slowly to regard a figure he hadn't seen in quite some time: a skeletal being armed with numerous blades. Moreover, he now recognized what power had saved him from almost certain demise back on Xia. "Shadow Stealer...I've been wondering when you would be darkening my door once again. So you decided to wait until Makuta claimed the universe as his own before staking your claim to the Dark Hunters?" "Please-I have no interest in ruling over your band of filth. Has it escaped your notice that I've been slaying your underlings in every corner of the universe where I've found them vulnerable? You are simply the latest in a long line of monsters I have made it my goal to destroy." Perturbed, the Shadowed One took up a ready stance, wondering when his opponent would make a move. "A curious notion. I assumed you were destroying my Hunters as a challenge, in preparation for your eventual confrontation with me. You sound almost 'heroic'-I thought you hunted Toa as readily as Dark Hunters." "Oh no, Shadowed One-though they replaced my comrades and I in the Hand of Artakha millennia ago, I bear true Toa no malice. It is those who have abandoned the cause of light for darkness, those who have decided that peace is achieved through tyranny-those are the ones that I have destroyed. Has it also escaped your notice that not every Dark Hunter I could have destroyed along my path has fallen? Those whom you have blackmailed into your service by leaving them with the delusion that they have no other options but to serve you have been spared-the same cannot be said for you!" Anticipating the strike, the Shadowed One let his disintegration eye-beams fly at the same moment Shadow Stealer hurled a bolt of darkness towards him. The two collided, unleashing an explosion that would have thrown two lesser beings apart. Weathering the shock wave, Shadow Stealer countered with a wall of shadow, seeking to prevent the Shadowed One from training his eye-beams on him. However, the Shadowed One responded by launching a stream of crystalline protodermis through the field, sweeping it up, down, and across in an effort to cover his foe and prevent him from moving. In response, Shadow Stealer disappeared into the ground, using his own shadow to teleport. Before the Shadowed One could react his foe was behind him, emerging from his own shadow before unleashing a mass of shadow. Caught in the cloud of darkness as though the vines of the Morbuzakh had seized him, the Shadowed One was hurled through the air, smashing through the nearest ice-covered ruin. Half-stunned, he managed to unleash a Rhotuka from his staff, only for Shadow Stealer to launch a ball of darkness that cancelled it out. A gesture of his blade brought a tendril of shadow up to snatch the Shadowed One's staff from his grasp; Shadow Stealer's other arm moved and arms of shadowy energy closed over the Shadowed One's limbs like chains. "A fitting end for a criminal such as yourself-cut down in the land that you brought to ruin in your arrogance and greed." The Shadowed One said nothing, merely glaring hatred at his enemy and knowing that his eye-beams would be swiftly blocked by Shadow Stealer's powers. Wary of just such an attempt, Shadow Stealer kept his attention on the Dark Hunter leader...and was thus unprepared when another being struck him from behind. Whirling quickly, Shadow Stealer lashed out with his blades, only for them to clash with the weapons of Darkness, whose eyes gleamed with malice that shook even the veteran slayer of Dark Hunters. Unfortunately, his divided attention proved insufficient to maintain his grip on the Shadowed One, who swiftly recovered his staff. Madness gripped Shadow Stealer's ancient mind as the Shadowed One's Rhotuka Spinner struck him. Visions of fallen foes-Dark Hunters, corrupt Toa, and other monsters alike-filled his mind, the legions of his dead enemies swarming him in a vengeful horde. By the time the nightmare faded, Shadow Stealer found himself covered in crystalline protodermis; only his head had been left free. The Shadowed One loomed over him, with Darkness watching them both from a short distance away. For the briefest instant, something almost resembling respect was visible in the eyes of the Shadowed One-then it was replaced with crackling energy. Turning away from the empty space where Shadow Stealer had stood bound but seconds before, the Shadowed One turned to regard his unlikely rescuer. "Surprises abound today, Darkness. I know many a Dark Hunter who would have let Shadow Stealer finish me before striking him down themselves, but you-you acted to insure that I would survive. Why?" "The time for my purpose has not yet been fulfilled, Shadowed One. Until that day comes, you are the ruler of the Dark Hunters, and I serve to eliminate those who would dare disrupt your rule. Now, I believe we should return to Xia-your Hunters await you." Location: Spherus Magna, some time after the death of Makuta Teridax. Deep in a wooded area of Spherus Magna, long bereft of the presence of any forms of sentient life, there stood a fortress composed of crystal and iron. Aside from its facade it was a twin to the ancient fortress located at the center of the Valley of the Maze, and for good reason: both had been created by the Great Beings. And it was to this fortress that those legendary creators-or destroyers, in the eyes of some-returned after their 100,000 year exile. Striding boldly through the forest of golden banded trees, the Great Being known as Heremus surveyed the ancient fortress with a wistful expression. It had been a long time-time he had spent using the inherent abilities of his kind to travel from place to place to explore nearby moons and adjacent pocket dimensions. Now at long last he was back on his own world, ready to reunite with his kind and hopefully build the paradise they had all so often dreamed of. Throwing back his cloak to reveal his gleaming silver armor, he made his way towards the bridge leading up to the fortress. Once inside, he found many of his brothers and sisters in the midst of a reunion, many greeting each other for the first time since the Shattering. Many greeted him as they recognized him, and he returned their salutations as kindly as he could while making his way for the council chamber. At last he entered the vast chamber, which-unsurprisingly-was already occupied by several others. However, as he advanced, he couldn't help but note the absence of some who should have been there. Hearing his footsteps, one of the Great Beings turned in his direction, and Heremus couldn't help but groan inwardly as he recognized the orange-armored female. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of him, and before he could say a word she spoke to the other three Great Beings on the dais with her. "Well, if it isn't the great Heremus come to grace us with his presence! Disappointed that there's no longer a habitable landmass named after you in creation?" "The majority was in my favor in the matter of naming the Southern Continent inside Mata Nui, dear sister. The fact that your name was assigned to a smaller island is hardly cause to hold a grudge. Or is there something else you'd like to lay at my feet, Odina?" One of the others spoke up, a burly figure who had long ago been one of the Great Beings assigned to hide the Kanohi Ignika beneath Voya Nui. "There certainly is, Heremus. It is true that at long last Spherus Magna has been restored to its former glory-in fact it is in better condition than we have ever known it in terms of its environment. But that does not change the fact that it still bears scars of our previous labors, or that we now face the unexpected consequences of the destruction of the Matoran Universe." "Cheerful as ever, aren't you Zakaz," remarked a second female Great Being, the golden-armored Daxia. "True, the fact that our nanotech creations remain inexplicably active is disturbing, but I would hardly take it as cause for alarm. We created Marendar for just such a development, and by the readings on our equipment it is already active." Before Zakaz could respond, Odina addressed her sister with little less venom than she had used with Heremus. "And what if Marendar goes beyond our control, sister? What if it becomes a terror worse than the Element Lords or the Baterra? For that matter, what proof have we that our old blunders do not still menace this world?" A sharp retort from Daxia was cut off by the last Great Being in the room, Xia, who had been Zakaz's companion on the mission to hide the Ignika. "Precisely why we created only one, dear sister. Besides, the Baterra performed their ideal function-the fact that we could not shut them down was unfortunate, but perhaps will be a benefit; a war is unlikely to break out in a world patrolled by such machines. As for the Element Lords, they were willful and power-hungry, and it is not our fault that our intended regents chose to make themselves tyrants." "Perhaps...but do we not carry some blame for appointing regents in the first place out of our own disinterest in the affairs of our world?" Zakaz's words were met with silence, for even haughty Daxia couldn't deny that the thought had crossed her mind more than once over the ages. Seeing no reply was forthcoming, he continued. "Now that we have returned home, brothers and sisters, I fear we must make a decision: whether to abandon this world again, this time forever, or to finally face the burden of our past actions." Another silence fell, but was quickly broken as the doors to the council chamber opened again. As one the five turned to regard the open portal-and were stunned by what they saw. Standing there, clad in pink armor, was another Great Being whom none of them had seen since even before the Shattering. However, something about him-his posture, the lack of recognition in his eyes as he regarded them, and the way he seemed uncertain of his own movements-told them a change had come over their old friend. "I'm sorry, but...could one of you help me? I've been stuck in this fortress for so long, all by myself, in this strange body. Oh, I'm sorry-I should introduce myself. My name is Velika." To be continued... *This is a little nod to Descendant, an awesome BIONICLE fic by ALVIS.
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Welcome to the nineth installment of my new series of Bionicle flash fics, The Biological Chronicle. If you want to read the other stories in this series, you can find links to them in my signature at the end of this post. If you don't know what this is, allow me to quote from the first fic's introduction: With that out of the way, enjoy: 2009 Surel limped across the snowy, uneven ground of the White Quartz Mountains, his pack of Iron Wolves not far behind him. He thought about the three Agori he had met yesterday, about them and their journey to the Valley of the Maze. They had seemed like tough villagers, much tougher than he remembered Agori being during the Core War. He supposed that was the result of living in the Bara Magnan desert for thousands of years. A cold wind blew in just then; not an unusual occurrence in the White Quartz Mountains by any means, but this one was different. It not only made him shiver, but caused his Iron Wolves to shiver as well, and he sensed that the cold wind was not merely an act of nature. Someone was causing it. Drawing his cape more tightly around his body, Surel looked up in time to see the Element Lord of Ice standing before him. Behind him, his Iron Wolves growled, a gesture Surel appreciated, even though he knew they could not harm the Element Lord of Ice. The Element Lord of Ice smiled. “Surel. That is your name, isn't it?” Surel put one hand on the hilt of his dagger, hidden underneath his cape. “Yes, it is. I don't need to ask your name, seeing as I already know it and hate it.” The Element Lord of Ice chuckled. “No doubt you do.” “What do you want?” said Surel. “Are you going to kill me for abandoning the Ice Army during the Core War? Perhaps I'll be the first of your new collection of organic ice sculptures.” “No,” said the Element Lord of Ice, shaking his head. “Instead, I am offering you a job. Submit to my leadership once again and I will grant you your own kingdom to rule, once I defeat my fellow Lords and gain the power hidden within the Maze. You can even keep your Iron Wolves, if you wish.” “Why do you need my help?” said Surel. “There is little I can do against an Element Lord in combat. Throw in my limp and I am certain that I would be more of a liability than help.” The Element Lord of Ice shook his head. “You misunderstand. I do not want you to fight my fellow Lords. I want you to go into the Bara Magnan desert and gather up an army in my name. You will be the general of this army, second only to me in terms of authority, and I will grant you half of this army to defend your personal kingdom. How does that sound?” Surel glanced over his shoulder at his Iron Wolves, then looked back at his former ruler and said, in his sharpest voice, “No.” The temperature dropped even lower as the Element Lord of Ice frowned. “No?” “No,” said Surel. “I know what you Element Lords are really like. I would rather spend the rest of my days at the bottom of a cramped, cold pit than in a palace built on the bodies of your enemies.” For a moment, Surel was certain that the Element Lord of Ice would freeze him where he stood. During the Core War, the Element Lord of Ice had frozen many disobedient or traitorous soldiers, adding their bodies to his collection of frozen statues in his castle. It was a gruesome fate, one Surel didn't intend to be his, even though there was nothing he could do to stop his former ruler if the Element Lord of Ice decided to do that. Then the Element Lord of Ice turned around. “Very well. I have better things to do anyway than bargain with a useless cripple. Just be warned, though, that when I rise again, you will be the first to perish.” With that, the Element Lord of Ice dissolved into snow that was carried by a sudden gust of cold wind. Surel watched the snow go and then continued walking, now absolutely certain that those three Agori from before were going to die on this quest of theirs. He should have stopped them when he had the chance. - Comments, criticism, questions, etc. are all welcome . -TNTOS-
~Brotherhood Forever~ The BIONICLE Universe is on the verge of collapse! With the Balance of Elements unstable and death spreading all over, the remaining survivors of Spherus Magna invade the human world to destroy the planet as part of the sacrifice. On the human world, six friends must make their farewells but they decided to make a wish to stay together, unknowingly causing havoc to their only home. Now, they must awake their hidden powers with the Element Lords/Gods in order to repel the invasion of the Maze Valley! Time is short and these friends have little to no experience in such battles. Can they survive the coming of another world? This story is based from my on-going Bionicle Fan-Fic called Brotherhood of the Elements.The story can be read elsewhere since I've wrote the stories during the forum downtime but if you want to read it, PM or comment in the review section and I will send you the link! ;D *** Review/Commentary: http://www.bzpower.c...?showtopic=2137 ~CharactersPlanet Earth (New York City, NY: May 15, 2421)*Dante Greene- The leader of the six friends; partnered with Tesarax, the Element of Jungle Deity. After facing off against Sarhax, he confronted the Maze Fortress with the Tesarax Deity but faced defeat by a mysterious entity who fired a massive blast of light at him and Blaze. He finally woke up after resting in the rubble of town and he was teleported to a disclosed dimension created by Igor in order to redeem himself. He finally escapes after realizing his mistake and they finally defeat Kabrua. In the series's conclusion, he and the others make their farewells.*Allan Kaimar- A swimmer for the high school; bonded with Tajunara, the Water Deity. He later grew "jealous" that the other boys received their gems and worried that they would end up killed by the mysterious deity. However, Tajunara spoke to him and he finally received the gem of water. He confronted Kiina and managed to defeat her seemingly with help from Blaze. In the midst of battle, Dante returns and they together defeat Kabrua. By the series's end, he and the others leave for college.*Taro Rocko- A radio-spokesperson; partnered with Roxtarax, the Element Lord of Rock Deity. After breaking away from the group, he tried to break into the Maze Fortress but was captured by Kabrua and thrown into a cell. However, Roxtarax arrived and helped him escape where he then obtained the Rock Deity. After the final battle against Kabrua, he makes his goodbye to his friends.*Maseru Vankan- A sculptor; bonded with Ataraun, the Element God of Sand. He met up with Ataraun in dreams and he returned to the Elementary School from 10 years ago, obtaining the Sand Deity. He was confronted by a group of Vorox but with help from the others, he managed to defeat the monstrosity. He and the others worked together to defeat Kabrua and Aghora's Deity and they move on to college.*Salvo Damek- A Norwegian-American student; partnered with Iconara, the Ice Deity. He was the next person to receive the gem and left. However, he was attacked by Gelu and he managed to defeat the Ice Warrior with help from the others. By the end of the story, they defeat Kabrua and make their farewells, moving onto the future.*Blaze Fuoco- A boxer for the high school; bonded with Vulcanax, the Element of Fire Deity. After facing off against Branar, he confonted the Maze Fortress with the Vulcanax Deity but faced defeat by a mysterious entity who blasted them into the light. Once he regained conscious, he was confronted by Ackar who realized that the reason he became friends with the others was due to the fact of him being bullied 10 years ago. This revelation allowed Blaze to regain Vulcanax and to help the others in the final battle. At the series' conclusion, he is seen with the others saying their final goodbyes, heading off to their future.Spherus Magna*Mata Nui- A magician/priest of Spherus Magna who guided the Element Lords about the Six Deities. However, he was seemingly killed by Kiina who cast a bubble trap around him, prompting Allan to escape. However, he survives with his magic and he tells the Tale of Spherus Magna to the boys. In the series's conclusion, he thanks them and he teleports the fortress back to Spherus Magna.*Kiina- One of the corrupt Glatorian who was in charged to kill Allan. She failed to defeat the human and was asked by Belirax to return to the castle. She and the others were imprisoned by the Vorox but Igor helps her escape and it is she who discovers the truth about the whole mess.*Sarhax- One of the Glatorian warriors who went corrupt and were instructed to fulfill the princess's wish. She failed to kill Dante in two chances and her deity is destroyed. She later is enlightened with the truth and returns back home.*Branar- A Skrall who went corrupt and were tasked to destroy everything. His deity got destroyed and failed to kill Blaze in order to stop the legend of Magni Animi. He is later enlightened by the truth and returns back to Spherus Magna.*Princess Belirax- One of the few survivors on Spherus Magna with a "status". She is the sole princess left from the former world and her wish to revive Aghora was promised by Kabrua with his hypnosis but the boys of Magni Animi break the illusion and she sends Kabura away. *Kabrua (deceased)- An Alpha Vorox who claims to help Belirax bring back Aghora by destroying Planet Earth and crushing the Legend of Magni Animi. He hypnotized the princess in hopes of reviving Aghora. On Earth, he unleashed monsters and terror all across the city and later used Aghora's Deity to combat against Magni Animi. However, Belirax wakes up and she sends him away, presumed dead.*High Priest Aghora (deceased)- The older brother and the High Priest of Spherus Magna. He fell in love with Princess Belirax and wanted to help the world from falling apart but it was prohibited to do so. He committed suicide and Belirax wishes to get him back from the dead. However, the boys of Magni Animi enlighten the truth to her and she abandons the plan.*Igor (deceased)- The Brother of the High Priest who came to rescue Dante from the blast of light. He then took off his cloak and placed it on Dante as a blanket. He tests Dante once the boy woke up by seeing if he can reevaluate himself on his mistakes. Afterwards, he rescued Kiina and tells her the truth about the legends. He later rescues the six boys with help from Ackar and he dies when one of the Ancient Spirits stabbed him.*Gelu (deceased)- A corrupt Glatorian who was tasked to kill Salvo from obtaining the Ice Deity of Iconara. However he ended up killed during an explosion.*Ackar- A Glatorian who helped rescue Blaze from the mysterious blast of light and stopped Branar from killing the human. He tests Blaze to see if he understand his mistakes and he later helps Igor to fight against Kabrua. At the story's conclusion, he returns to Spherus Magna with the other survivors.*A Group of Vorox- A rouge group of Vorox who tried to attack Maseru. However, the human managed to defeat them with help from the others. *Annona- The Ancient Entity that created the Element Gods: little is known if she caused the plague but leaves Spherus Magna after Aghora's death.*Magni Animi- The Combined Robot of the Six Element Gods: it's form is similar to the Great Spirit Robot with the seven elements together as one. The Deity was used by the six boys to defeat Kabrua and Aghora's Deity with the help of Igor's Sword.
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