Pretty much what it says on the tin. There were Matoran of every Element from the MU's inception, except for Shadow. Bear in mind that Shadow was just seen as part of the balance in the early Matoran Universe, and not evil until the Fire Nation attacked the Brotherhood started messing things up later on. It just feels wrong, and incomplete that these wonderful Elements that co-existed peacefully were technically unbalanced. I suppose you could argue that this lack of Shadow was made up for by Makuta...but still, you know what I mean. And why is the idea of a Toa of Light so amazing? I mean, sure there haven't been any at all until Takanuva showed up, but my point is why haven't there been any? And if Shadow Matoran were actually normal, shouldn't Toa of Shadow be normal too (I know they're not but hypothetically would they be, or would they be special like Av-Toa. I guess they would be because Light and Shadow in Bionicle are a bit like Matter and Antimatter: identical opposites lol) Any suggestions?