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Kokono (Bionicle, Friend's OC) by Artemiy Karpinskiy, on Flickr This is Kokono, an OC Av-Matoran of my friend GunmetalGold. Today's her birthday so I decided to make one of her character in my LDD style.
hey I am the mavrick and i am here to defend the av-matoran build which is over hated in my opinion Firstly Lets begin with with the articulation we have ball joints in the shoulders the hips ankles neck and wrist which is the most articulation out of any matoran build the only build with the same amount is the voyi-toran and metru-toran but of course the mahri-toran who lost wrist articullation but the build suffices and i understand that the av matoran build isnt unique or anything but there are worst sets out there that people throw out because there was only 14 pieces when sets like klakk get unnoticed because matoran and I get that the build and peices i mean when solek is #1 on a top ten worst bionicle sets i thinks it over kill they are mediocer sets that are overhated in my opinion
Pretty much what it says on the tin. There were Matoran of every Element from the MU's inception, except for Shadow. Bear in mind that Shadow was just seen as part of the balance in the early Matoran Universe, and not evil until the Fire Nation attacked the Brotherhood started messing things up later on. It just feels wrong, and incomplete that these wonderful Elements that co-existed peacefully were technically unbalanced. I suppose you could argue that this lack of Shadow was made up for by Makuta...but still, you know what I mean. And why is the idea of a Toa of Light so amazing? I mean, sure there haven't been any at all until Takanuva showed up, but my point is why haven't there been any? And if Shadow Matoran were actually normal, shouldn't Toa of Shadow be normal too (I know they're not but hypothetically would they be, or would they be special like Av-Toa. I guess they would be because Light and Shadow in Bionicle are a bit like Matter and Antimatter: identical opposites lol) Any suggestions?
In an alternate universe, Solek's unobtainable obsession with Toa slowly begins to drive him mad. In a desperate attempt to become a Toa, he begins to hide away during the night to perform experiments of questionable ethics on his friends, trying to discover a way to become a Toa without a Toa Stone, explaining their absence as Rahi attacks. Before these experiments come to fruition, however, one of his subjects named Photok manages to escape, and the fearful Av-Matoran have Solek banished from the stalactite villages to the mutagenic swamp below. During his travels, he comes upon a massive sphere sunk deep into the swamp with the legendary Mask of Life engraved on its smooth surface. As he explores, he falls into an old, abandoned laboratory full of high-tech gadgets that could only come from the Great Beings. One such gadget was a hovering drone that, once it's master is chosen, it will protect them at all costs and obey every command. Solek used the equipment in the laboratory to finish his experiments and managed to build himself into a Toa-like form, while losing his natural light powers in the process. He also found a sword similar to that of his hero's, Toa Kopaka, and quickly became a master at it defending himself in the swamp. As he continued to wander, Solek managed to find an escape from Karda Nui into the Matoran Universe, now as a cold and ruthless "Toa." He became a mercenary, but became so effective at his job that he became a Dark Hunter and took on many missions that included assassinating Turaga Dume, various espionage missions during the Toa-Dark Hunter War, and helping to spread the Dark Hunter's influence from Xia to Stelt. Solek is no longer the excitable Matoran he once was. Now, he is Dusk Front (Without Drone pack) Back (Without Drone pack) With Drone: 1 2 Drone Side View Drone Gun Mode: 1 2 This MOC and the creepy back story are the product of a building contest I had with my seven-year-old brother. Seeing as he can build much faster than I can (because he knows how to keep his MOC simple), I had to rush it a bit. It all started out with me seeing that marvelous Ice Sword (which I bought a while back and never used) and Solek's mask right next to each other and deciding I wanted to build a white-and-black Toa. Later on, my brother added building something random to the contest, which turned into building a piece of equipment for my creation. I decided to go with an asymmetrical build with a tank arm on one side. It also kind of adds to that "psychologically unbalanced, I-will-kill-you" look. The drone is an interesting piece of equipment. Solek usually hides it in a backpack form on his back, but when he finds something he can't deal with (which isn't often), it can detach and lend some cover fire. If he's really in trouble, he can reconfigure it into a hand-held plasma cannon to get out of those sticky situations. He generally keeps it secret, though, as if anyone knew about it, they may try to take it or counter it. There is not a single being that has seen it and lived so far. Really, the drone was a bit of an afterthought, but I liked it so much and it fit his color scheme so I had to include it. I really like the backpack mode as it gives him an easy way to store it. As always, comment, critique, and especially enjoy!
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- Av-Matoran
- Alternate Universe
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So, I've been thinking about Av-Matoran with the Toa Bohrok topic that was on before the downtime, and I had a strange thought. You know the Time Slip, how to protect the Av-Matoran, the OoMN wiped their memories, disguised them, and spread them throughout the universe in a period of six months that simply was erased from everyone's memories? Well, what would happen if one of them happened to be a Matoran destined to transform into a Bohrok? Would they just be walking around one day, minding their own business, when suddenly they collapse and turn into a Bohrok? Or did it work out that none of them were destined to become Bohrok, and the Order had some way to check that? Also, strange little side note, but if it were possible to alter a being's destiny, say, by a Mask of Destiny, controlling Mata Nui, or some strange weapon, do you think it would be possible to alter an Av-Matoran's destiny to become both a Toa and a Bohrok? If so, what would happen? Would one destiny just be cancelled out, or would they turn into a Toa-Bohrok hybrid as theorized in the previously-mentioned topic (by the way, thank you for the nightmares, Silverglass)?
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- Av-Matoran
- Light
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Hey, I was just wondering: When the Shadow matoran turned back into Av-matoran, did they eventually turn back into normal av-matoran or stay in their shadow matoran forms?
Hey, I was just thinking to myself earlier, how are different types of Bohrok created? From my understanding, a select few Av-Matoran were destined to transform into Bohrok, but there are six different types of Bohrok (not including the Kal, given that they were created through protodermis transformations), and only one type of Matoran. So how were different types of Bohrok made? Was it completely dictated by the Krana that were put in the Bohrok? Was it just chosen at random? Or something else?We know that Av-Matoran would take on the forms of different Matoran types (Or at least the ones we saw in 2008), so I came up with the theory that the Bohrok type an Av-Matoran made was dictated by what type of Matoran they appeared as. For example, if Tanma became a Bohrok, he would become a Lehvak, and if Photok became one he would be a Pahrak.If there already is an explanation for this, I am unaware of this.So go ahead and discuss.
- 32 replies
- Av-Matoran
- Bohrok
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“Vospula, what are you doing?”The query was a sharp, angry hiss that drilled into her ears immediately, and the Av-Matoran knew instinctively that though the tone was hostile, this was no enemy, nor was it someone who sought to do her harm in any way. No, this was just another Av-Matoran. Just another stupid, scared Av-Matoran who thought he knew better than everyone else did. Well, she would show him, just wait…“What does it look like I’m doing, jumping rope?” she replied scathingly, ducking underneath an improvised warning sign: the lettering was written suspiciously in what looked like blood layered over wood.“It looks like you’re trying to climb over the Lightvine!” hissed Merkan, the Av-Matoran who had discovered her; as he drew closer, Vospula could see him clearly reflected inside the soft, enveloping glow of the plant. He was a tall, gaunt looking, alabaster Av-Matoran with red stripes running up and down his body, generally assigned to guard duty by the elders due to his…specific…set of skills. Merkan’s prowess as a warrior was almost as renowned as his cruelty towards the servants of darkness; these servants could range from Makuta to their minions to even disloyal Av-Matoran. He was not someone, Vospula knew, someone that should be trifled with. She had heard the rumors, after all: most of the ones who didn’t know Merkan’s reputation ended up dead or in a medical hut, barely recognizable as anything that was once sentient. “You do know that the Makuta could be out patrolling as we speak, don’t you? This village is a sanctuary, and you taking nighttime strolls is not doing that reputation any favors!”Had she not been so close to the Lightvine, had her outline not been so clearly visible to the guard, Vospula would have scoffed and rolled her eyes. As it was, her body tensed, her fists clenched; she seemed to be readying herself for a fight that both Matoran knew could very well happen. Merkan was standing a fair distance away from the plant, however, shielding his eyes with his hands so as to see her better.“I just need some me time,” she said back, rather more calmly than she intended to sound. “My legs are beginning to fold in upon themselves after being constricted in between these vines so long. It’s impossible to properly let them stretch while confined to the village.”The smoke was almost boiling out of Merkan’s ears as he took in every word she spoke: Vospula could almost see the possible responses flitting through his irises, the bitingly sarcastic or cruel comebacks that she knew he was so used to spitting in the same manner that a Doom Viper spits venom at its foe, waiting for the moment that it can swoop in and wrap itself around its disabled enemy and begin to squeeze the life out of it…“I can’t legally let you go,” he snarled finally, which was not what Vospula expected; at most, the guard would have normally spat threats of dismemberment or imprisonment at her, as was typical of the village guards since the Makuta invaded Karda Nui, but hey. She wasn’t complaining. “But since you annoy me, and you risking yourself out there with the Makuta is an appealing prospect…have a pleasant night.”Merkan gave a bitter smirk – now that was more like him – and began to walk away from Vospula and the Lightvine, and she turned as well, rubbing her hands in glee: she could finally go outside, finally take a walk for herself, allow herself to escape the claustrophobic tendrils of village life for just one night. It had been her dream for months now, and she had to pinch herself once or twice to make sure it wasn’t some kind of sleep-induced hallucination. But no. It wasn’t. She was going outside at last.Slowly, almost timidly, Vospula put one foot over the Lightvine, and immediately, her left leg felt relieved, as though if it had been filled with lead before the vine had drained it out of her system. Reveling in her own internal ecstasy, she stepped over the plant with her other leg; immediately, though she felt truly alive and excited, the warmth of the Lightvine seemed to fade and die, though its glow was still as bright and beautiful as ever. Already, she could feel the darkness creeping through her very being, robbing her of her innate light and beauty. Eager to escape this feeling, she began to take steps away from the village and began to explore the surrounding area.It was easy to lose track of time during the bleak Karda Nui nights, and after what could have only been several hours, Vospula finally decided that it was time to find her way back towards Karda Nui…somehow. Without a Lightvine to help navigate her, or any other source of light beyond her rudimentary Lightstone, the Av-Matoran was totally and completely lost, and for the first time, a flitter of regret passed through her.Maybe this wasn’t the best of ideas…Her musings were cut short as she tripped and stumbled over something cold and hard, and only her quick reflexes managed to help her grab on to it and stop herself from busting her face on the cold, hard ground. Almost immediately, she knew something was wrong. The object, though hardened and chilled by days of exposure to the elements, still felt vaguely…familiar. Sickeningly familiar.Screaming, Vospula realized that it was the blood-stained, mutilated body of Merkan, his face contorted in a final look of righteous fury. Taking her lighstone and lifting it, she immediately realized what had happened: Merkan had been dead for days. The Merkan in the village, the Merkan everyone thought they knew, was some kind of servant of Makuta – no, perhaps even a Makuta itself – was in the village right now, watching and scheming and waiting for the time to strike…A cold, harsh laugh, like the sounds of Rahi fighting each other for dominance over their pack, began to reach Vospula’s ears, and as she spun, she thought she saw a shadow that didn’t seem to blend quite right with the black curtain the night sky cast over the Karda Nui landscape. Vospula suddenly realized she had been tricked, and as she saw the shadow move again, she turned on her heel and began to sprint. ***** Well, basically, this was a spur of the moment story idea that I got this afternoon and wanted to experiment with: the concept was about going beyond the boundaries of something and learning the consequences of pushing against those boundaries. I'll leave it to you, the reader, to decide how well I did. As always, I do this for you. Much love! -Teezy
I have some related questions, all relating to Av-Matoran and what makes sense to my fellow speculators.1. Would anyone's suspension of disbelief be broken if an Av-Matoran who doesn't realize they're an Av-Matoran (henceforth referred to as "Takua", with all the appropriate pronouns thereof) lost his ability to automatically hide his natural colors after an incident of good ol' head trauma? This being that time when Takua got flung halfway across the island and landed on Ta-Wahi beach.2. Would it be reasonable that Takua could be able to create a very bright flash of light to 'burn away' artificially dark shadows like ones created by a Makuta? I'm thinking it would be created out of desperation and fear and take all of what elemental energy Takua has.3. Would the Onu-Metru Archives have information on Av-Matoran? That is, if Takua went to Turaga Whenua all white and gold, would it be reasonable for Turaga Whenua to recognize his coloring as the default of a Matoran of Light, and possibly have some history lessons on what Av-Matoran are said to be able to do?
I know they were the same species,but why did they have similarities? They had the same body structure(excluding the head and hands),but why is this?-CDP