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So I was browsing Matoran on BS01 yesterday, and something just caught my attention. Apparently, it has been revealed recently that in MNOG 2, Ta-Matoran Nuri and Po-Matoran Kivi, who both wore Kaukau masks in the game as it was released in 2003, were actually planned to wear Komau masks instead: they only turned out the way they did due to a misspelling in the code. BS01 has embraced this fact and changed both Matoran's bios to say they canonically wore Komaus during their time on Mata Nui, however I'm not sure if I would share their stance. While I can kinda understand the initial intention behind making Hahli the only Kaukau wearer in the game for uniqueness' sake as the protagonist - and while I will grant that I don't remember any MNOG 1 Matoran wearing Kaukaus either - the fact remains that canon has recorded these two Matoran as wearing Kaukaus for two decades before this was revealed. Regardless of the initial intention, since it was never corrected in-game, I think it could alternately be considered that the canon that we got may take precedence over an intention that ultimately wasn't reflected in the product. But at this point it's really just a matter of personal preference, so I'm curious: What do you all think? Do you prefer these two Matoran as wearing Kaukau masks, as we've seen them for a long time? Or do you take Templar's initial intention as canon and like them better as Komau-wearers? No judgement either way, of course! I'm just still processing this fact so I wondered how other people felt about it too ^^