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Quite a few mocs. and a suprise, and a toa team, and two fails


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Ok, first to the suprise...
It was inspired because Corpus Rahkshi
"So what about those chairs? I like red ones,." said the red rahkshi
"No, not another one!" Said the brown rahkshi
someone hit his head! inside the metal suit, he has a level 6 molecular disruption kraata, also the only kraata I could find in my collection
I retained most of the original build, along with the gears, however I never had rahkshi, the spine and head sorta appeared in my collection one day along with the kraata
since it was inspired by Corpus rahkshi, It needed something other than a staff

Next up, the two Rahkshi of fails, one of them I revived however...

My best photography ever, this is the revived one
Wings I think are part of the revival
The back assembly
Custom upper limbs!
Heres the rahkshi that can't be redeemed
Yeah, really not redeemable.
This one is a thing Nescent asked me to post

The Toa part cannot fit into this post, I will need to do it later on in the comments

Edited by Dragon11603
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These MOCs are very... unique, but also quite basic. The feet on one of them look way too big and I thought that Rahkshi was wearing the bodies of his enemies on his feet. Those custom upper arms? Not really custom. They're one of the most basic upper arm designs. They look hodgepodged and not complete. I must admit, I am fond of the brown-headed one, however. While basic, it looks good. The weapons are cool, and I like the wings. With practice, you could be a very good MOCist.



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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Now on to the toa


Air fire and Lightning, a trio of toa


the leader Larisis, A.K.A. the Cartographer, had a major accident one day, he can't breath air, and so here is the solution, also notice the scythe on his utility belt


He can manage aerial attacks using his mask, and a zamor sphere launcher


as a matoran he was a cartographer, traveling in the skies atop a gukko


Inflairis, A.K.A. the living torch, he is very smart, and very powerful...


...of a warrior, with an axe he can set ablaze at will, and an unbreakable Crystal shield, he also has his own disability, Whatever he does to enemies, happens to him, he stabs someone, an hole randomly opens up in his body, if it kills the enemy, it kills him


Xeear, A.K.A speedy, one of the 2 in this trio to have a noble mask, he, has his own curse...


His shock glove uses two parts, a rahkshi head to conduct the electricity into his enemies, and a motor that is held on his lower arm and transfers electricity to two places, to the glove and to him...


That is because his transformation into a toa, something stopped it short, and he is half matoran, half toa, the toa half is size and strength, no elemental powers activated though, and his matoran half generates energy to his body, not enough though, so he needs the electricity to power himself

Ok, I'm alright if everyones not particularly fond of these toa, but I worked hard on them, and on their little back stories and hope everyone will appreciate these, I do not have much money, nor a particularly large collection, I agree the red rahkshi looks terrible.

Edited by Dragon11603
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