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New Biocast Projects/ideas/just Humor Me

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I didn't think this fit in the Music and Movies section, at least not yet, because it's more of an inquiry topic than a project itself. Do move it if I've misplaced it.Anyway, we all know about Into the Darkness and Dark Mirror, audio story serials released on bioniclestory as 'Biocasts'. Well, we all know audio drama's are a poor man's television show, so I've been curious as to if you guys would be interested in using this same medium for our own projects. I mean, lord knows there's enough of these projects on BZpower. Successful one's like the Re-Birth chronicles thing, one's that seem to have died off like Bionicle: TNG (I'm not sure if this actually has died out like it seems, but don't bother posting just to correct me.) and upcoming one's like Kanohi Journal's Ancient Chronicle. I understand Ancient Chronicle also has a audiobook idea in progress called Their Mistake set in the Core War, but I haven't heard much about progress on that, so I don't know what it's status is.So how many of you would be interested in contributing your voices to a new project? I've only mentioned it once or twice in my own posts, but I've been attempting to make progress on an epic set in pre-Toa Mata Nui, focusing on the lives of the Matoran and the Turaga. It's occurred to me that this could be well conveyed in the form of an podcast, either as a chapter-based story serial, or a collection of short stories (Something I'm always partial to :P). That's just an idea however, I'm of course open to any sort of suggestion on the subject of the podcast. (Though I'd generally steer clear of early Spherus Magna history. That there's KJ territory.) Generally I'm more interested in whether or not you're willing to participate in something of this medium.So just humor me people, are any of you interested? If you aren't, be blunt. But if you are, let me know, and if there's enough interest mayhaps I can start messaging folk and get something put together here. There's a free program called Audacity, which would be really good for compatibility between computers. So...fire something back at me here. What's your 2 cents?


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