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Back in 2014, I had a really cool idea for a comedic story, but it would have been in comic form. Not willing to go through that at the time, I put the idea in my back pocket and let it sit. Finally, just a few days ago, it dawned on me that I could just write the idea out as a comedy! So, here it is. I hope you all enjoy!




Chapter 1


After the taming of the Bohrok swarm, the island of Mata Nui was once again at peace and the lives of the Matoran were made easier with the reprogrammed Bohrok helping them in repairing damaged villages. However, Turaga Vakama was somewhat uneasy. Fearing that threats similar to the Bohrok swarm would be unleashed upon the island and nobody being able to communicate efficiently enough, Vakama called a meeting with the other Turaga. They all agreed that they would each employ messengers to carry mail to other villages just in case. The system began with six brave mailmen/women handpicked from their villages. Each were brave souls that would traverse any terrain, safely avoid the most dangerous Rahi, and go on for days with undying determination and bravery.


“Is he sleeping again?” Maglya, lava board under his arm, asked, staring at a Ta-Matoran sleeping out in the main area of Ta-Koro.


The Matoran in question had a red torso and arms, yellow legs and hands, and an orange Hau, a very rare mask to have. He was, indeed, passed out on his back in the middle of the busy village, snoring away.


“Afraid so,” Nuri replied, “How can he just fall asleep out here like this, especially when he has one of the most important jobs in the village?”


Maglya scratched the back of his head. “To be fair, it’s only his first day.”


“On my first day at the Ta-Koro Guard, I was mistaken for the tea lady.” Nuri commented. “I made the tea and a clarification afterwards. It was a rough first day, but at least I did what I was told.”


“Point taken. I’ll do him a solid and wake him up.”


The lava surfer walked up to the sleeping Matoran and looked down at him. Maglya raised his board above his head, and before Nuri could say anything, brought it down on the sleeper’s red chest. With a breathless grunt, the sleeper sat up.


“Wake up, buttercup.” Maglya jested. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”


“Ah, the reclamation yard!” The lazy Matoran exclaimed, scrambling to his feet. “Thanks, Maglya!”


“What reclamation yard? Aren’t you supposed to report to the Turaga today?”


“The old man can wait! There’s work to oversee; work that’s far more important than helping the elderly!”


Maglya’s eyes almost bulged out of the eye holes of his Kakama. Finding himself in a sticky situation, the seemingly insane stranger took off toward Vakama’s hut, not saying another word to the stunned surfer.


Panicked, the Matoran screeched to a halt in the doorway of Vakama’s hut. Turaga Vakama stood with his back toward said doorway, standing in front of a great fire. Without the visitor saying a word, the Turaga turned around to look at the Matoran.


“You’re just in time, Saru.” He said. “Thank you for your timely arrival and agreeing to filling this position.”


“I am? Wait- Yes, I am.” Saru replied, going from confusion to boldness in a matter of a second. “I believe I am a great fit for this job.”


“I agree that choosing you as my head mailman was a wise choice. You’re obedient and loyal, you have the energy necessary to complete your work, and you’re unemployed.”


“Finally, we have something to thank Aodhan for; that freeloading, gossiping, steaming pile of-”


“I have a letter for you to deliver.” Vakama interrupted, presenting a stone tablet with words carved into it. “I must ask that you take this to Ga-Koro and present it to Turaga Nokama.”


Saru took the tablet and read Nokama’s name. “What is it? A love letter?” He jokingly asked, looking up at Vakama.


“What? Why would you think-”


“Dear, Nokama.” Saru began, looking at the tablet.


“Saru, I must-”


“Even though your element is Water, you looked pretty smokin’ at that last meeting.”


“Saru, please.”


“If you want, maybe we can hang out on that beach where Pelagia almost had a death wish and accidentally slammed her boat into those tall rocks and we can talk about our feelings, watch the sunset, and smooch-”


“Give me that!” Vakama shouted, snatching the tablet away. “It is not a love letter; it is an invitation to have a Kolhii match to liven up the village’s spirits! Morale has been a little low and everyone has been working very hard, so I felt like rewarding them with a simple Kolhii match.”


“That’s a noble thing to do, Turaga. That would make you look pretty manly, and I think-”


“Maybe I should just have Takua deliver this.”


Saru widened his eyes and gasped. “You don’t think I can do it. You think I’m just the incompetent, lazy jokester who will just end up hitting on the Ga-Matoran, don’t you?”


Vakama sighed. “No, that is not what I think, Saru.”


“Then allow me to prove myself, Turaga. I have so much to learn and I’m willing to help in any way I can, so please let me have this. The experience will do me some good!”


“I want to, Saru, but I do not think you can take this seriously.”


Before Vakama could blink, Saru had already turned around to face the village outside.


“Hey, everybody,” he called, “Turaga Vakama-”


A loud thump had startled Saru, cutting him off. He turned around to find Vakama had tossed the tablet at his feet. “Really?” he asked hopefully.


“You have one shot at proving yourself.” Vakama said firmly, “Don’t screw it up, kid. Also, tell Pelagia that I hope she heals up soon.”


“You won’t regret it, Turaga! Thank you!”


Saru ran out of the hut and toward the village gates, excited to get to Ga-Koro. Vakama shook his head with a sigh, only to realize something right in the middle of it.


“Kapura, where are you? He forgot the letter!”


After Kapura had caught up with Saru, realized that he also forgot the letter, went back to get it, ran all the way back, and handed off the letter, the mail carrier was truly ready for his first day. He made the trek all the way to Ga-Koro, making good time in the process. Saru reached the Ga-Koro beach and looked over at the Gali waterfall carved into a cliff side with a chuckle, thinking about how it appears as if Gali is vomiting or drooling excessively. Brushing this off, he approached the gates of the buoyant village and looked at the two Ga-Matoran guards, both armed with wooden spears.


“Well, hello there, Shasa.” He greeted, making sure the forehead of his mask was properly dusted, “How are you doing on this fine, beautiful day?”


“Hello, Saru.” Shasa replied, trying not to glorify the Ta-Matoran with an enthusiastic answer. “I’m doing fine, thanks. What brings you to Ga-Koro today?”


“I’m here on super-secret official business. It’s a dangerous mission; so dangerous, that I might not return alive.”


Shasa rolled her eyes.


“You aren’t here to tell Macku that Hewkii’s into that Okoth lookalike, are you?” Amaya asked, tilting her head to the side.


“Not that dangerous.”


“Then why is your mission occurring in a mostly safe place?” Shasa inquired, already done with Saru’s little game.


“I have a letter for Turaga Nokama from Turaga Vakama.” The mailman explained, presenting the tablet to the guards and pointing at Nokama’s name, “I’m here to pass on a safe, peaceful message.”


“Alright, you can go through, but you know the drill.” Shasa replied, raising the bars of the gate.


Saru walked onto the bridge leading to the village. “Yeah, yeah; don’t touch anything.”


“Have fun!” Amaya called after him as the bars of the gate lowered themselves again.




Next part's coming soon. Thank you for reading!

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mindeth the cobwebs

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Beautiful.  Someone knows their MNOLG II characters!


I don't know if you're a Legend of Korra fan, but Saru really reminds me of Prince Wu, except if everyone around him had to put themselves in Mako's shoes.  I personally like that setup in general, and it can really work for anything, but you really made it work in Bionicle!

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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All part of making the island feel accurate! I thought the familiar names would make the comedy feel something like it's really taking place on Mata Nui, and it's great to know that you admire that.


I've never seen The Last Airbender or Legend of Korra, but I actually plan to watch both in a few days. Anyway, I'm glad I could make the setup work! Thank you again for reading!

mindeth the cobwebs

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All part of making the island feel accurate! I thought the familiar names would make the comedy feel something like it's really taking place on Mata Nui, and it's great to know that you admire that.


I've never seen The Last Airbender or Legend of Korra, but I actually plan to watch both in a few days. Anyway, I'm glad I could make the setup work! Thank you again for reading!

I highly recommend you watch both.  Prince Wu doesn't show up until Korra's final story arc, but you will see exactly what I mean once you see him in "action" (if you could call it that).


You're very welcome, and yes, it did give me an effect of it actually taking place on Mata Nui.  I immediately pictured this story in the MNOLG/Bohrok cartoons' art style.


Speaking of which, here, have this.



---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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All part of making the island feel accurate! I thought the familiar names would make the comedy feel something like it's really taking place on Mata Nui, and it's great to know that you admire that.


I've never seen The Last Airbender or Legend of Korra, but I actually plan to watch both in a few days. Anyway, I'm glad I could make the setup work! Thank you again for reading!

I highly recommend you watch both.  Prince Wu doesn't show up until Korra's final story arc, but you will see exactly what I mean once you see him in "action" (if you could call it that).


You're very welcome, and yes, it did give me an effect of it actually taking place on Mata Nui.  I immediately pictured this story in the MNOLG/Bohrok cartoons' art style.


Speaking of which, here, have this.




Other people have said that to me in the past, so I decided I'll give it a shot! I'll be on the lookout for Wu in "action" when I get to that point in the story.


I'm glad you thought that, as I kept picturing the events as a cutscene of MNOG or just an online animation. Speaking of which, I might end up making some accompanying images for each part using the MNOG image kit that was really big on BZPower at one point. Like, take an event from the story and make an illustration out of it.


Wow, thanks! It's good to see an actual illustration of Saru even before I was ready to make one on my own! I have one question, though: what's with the black lumps on the side of his mask?

mindeth the cobwebs

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The Root, that's his head-they stuck out like that sometimes in MNOLG style

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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