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Some of you may remember this MOC I posted on the old forums.I had created him for a contest going on in my city, after taking input from you guys I improved him and this is what I brought to the contest.HereStanding Straight WeaponSide BackHeight ComparisonNow after making him, I used some scrap parts to make these two Matoran.First OneSecond OneAnd about an hour before the contest I made this guy.HereBack(Scythe removed) Here's the pose they were in at the contest.HereMore Pics in the gallery (once public)Anyway please C&C to your hearts content.Edit: Images linked due to large file sizes. Please keep all posted pics under 500 kB.-Wind-

Edited by Toa Onarax


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This is actually really, really, really good. The use of multiple weapons on the sword was well pulled off, and the body design was genius. Only thing I didn't like was the head. Something more "blunt" Like a Hau would have been better.8.7/10

Thank you, and yeah I also don't like the head. However I wanted to avoid a Kanohi, and instead create a custom head that used a Vahki and Throwbot head.


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I think the main problem here is the legs -- they seem rather short and unremarkable compared to the rest of the body, especially because the lower legs' black color is different from the rest of the silver body (I'm ambivalent toward all the silver, myself). The build altogether is somewhat "mishmash": There isn't much flow to the MOC, not much consistency.I do like your creativity with parts usage, though. Out of ten, this is about a seven in my book.

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I think the main problem here is the legs -- they seem rather short and unremarkable compared to the rest of the body, especially because the lower legs' black color is different from the rest of the silver body (I'm ambivalent toward all the silver, myself). The build altogether is somewhat "mishmash": There isn't much flow to the MOC, not much consistency.I do like your creativity with parts usage, though. Out of ten, this is about a seven in my book.

Thank you, the legs were the last thing I worked on, I spent the majority of the time devising a good Torso. The reason I used silver was because it is my most abundant color, and I wanted to remain as consistent as possible. Yeah I see what you mean about flow. Thank you though, this will be useful in whatever MOC I make next. Also any thoughts on the others?


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